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Three Kingdoms: Strategy MOBA
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Three Kingdoms: Strategy MOBA

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Initial release Apr 19, 2024
Three Kingdoms Strategy MOBA is a new fast-paced real-time strategy mobile game with a 7-day cycle and a 100vs100 battle mode. Enjoy the fun of fast-paced strategy games. The game contains a large number of strategy MOBA elements.
Real battlefield! Fast national war! Adopting Chinese style, real art style, carefully designed combat and strategy gameplay.

[Global Server]
Global server, join the Three Kingdoms strategy battlefield with Three Kingdoms game enthusiasts from all over the world.

Fast-paced, season-based gameplay, 7 days per season, settle rankings, settle rewards, and give away season card pool after the season ends.

[Personal ladder ranking]
With the accumulation of the season, the rank continues to improve, civilians, county officials, prefects, governors, princes, emperors.

[Team ladder ranking]
Form your own team to fight and continuously improve the team's rank, civilian squad, warrior squad, hero squad, main general corps, famous general corps, supreme army corps.

[Development history]
Development history, record the development status of all players, rank and reward based on the completion of the development progress, passionate competition.

[Emperor's perspective]
Emperor's perspective, holographic presentation, participate in the Three Kingdoms battle from the perspective of the emperor.

[Intrigue and deception]
Intrigue and deception, unification, separatism, sneak attacks, decisive battles, you will experience the essence of the Three Kingdoms era one by one.

[100vs100 Passionate Team Battle]
100vs100 Passionate Team Battle, in the torrent of the Three Kingdoms history, opportunities and dangers coexist, development is for team battles, and team battles are for better development.

[MOBA Map]
MOBA-like map, after occupying a city, the city will send out expeditionary forces to assist in the battle, with three attack and defense routes on the left, middle, and right, perfectly integrating MOBA and war strategy.

••[Download Now]••

*This software is classified as auxiliary level 12 according to the game software classification management method due to violence.
*This game is free to use, and provides paid services such as purchasing virtual game coins and items in the game.
*When playing games for a long time, please pay attention to the usage time and avoid indulging in games.
*More event information: Official Facebook fan page: 网页链接
What’s new

Fixed known bugs
You can get more information through the following channels:
Official Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/threekingdomsmoba/

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Welove Games Tech
Official Website
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English, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Thai
Current Version
203 MB
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No System Requirements
Content Rating
out of 10

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The Cunning of Zhuge Liang in The Battle of Red Cliffs
Stay ahead of the game – follow us! During the era of the Three Kingdoms in ancient China, a series of epic and strategic confrontations took place, but few are as renowned as the Battle of Red Cliffs. This conflict underscored the tactical genius of Zhuge Liang, an advisor to Liu Bei, one of the warlords at the time. The battle, fought in the winter of 208-209 AD, was pivotal in establishing the balance of power between the warlords and serves as a brilliant showcase of intellectual strategy in military history. As the story goes, Cao Cao, the powerful leader of the northern kingdom, sought to unify China under his rule and marched south with a colossal army. In contrast, the allied forces of Liu Bei and Sun Quan were significantly outnumbered. This is where Zhuge Liang’s strategic prowess came into play. Understanding that direct confrontation would lead to certain defeat, Zhuge Liang proposed the use of chained ships to counterbalance the might of Cao Cao’s navy. He knew that the enemy fleet was prone to seasickness due to their lack of familiarity with the southern tidal and river conditions. Zhuge Liang’s plan was to connect his smaller fleet of ships together, making them more stable against the rough waters, a stark contrast to the separate and disoriented ships of Cao Cao’s fleet. Furthermore, Zhuge Liang devised a cunning ruse to use straw boats to collect arrows from the enemy. Under the guise of night, he sent out boats covered in straw to provoke Cao Cao’s troops to waste thousands of arrows shooting at them. By dawn, the southern alliance had stocked up a significant supply of arrows with minimal risk and cost. The culmination of Zhuge Liang’s strategy was the famous "fire attack." Knowing that the northerners’ ships were tethered closely together, he sent out a squadron of ships set ablaze, intending for them to crash into Cao Cao’s fleet. The fire spread rapidly, causing chaos and substantial losses among Cao Cao’s navy, effectively weakening the northern behemoth’s advantage. The Battle of Red Cliffs is not only a testament to the alliance’s unity under strategic leadership but also highlights the brilliance of Zhuge Liang as a master tactician. His understanding of warfare, psychological manipulation, and innovative tactics led to one of the most celebrated victories in Chinese military history. This victory not only halted Cao Cao's southern invasion but also marked the beginning of a tripartite division of China, shaping the political landscape for years to come. Zhuge Liang’s story is a lasting reminder that in war, as in life, sometimes intelligence and cunning outweigh sheer strength and numbers. Build your empire in the era of the Three Kingdoms. Download now and begin your rule!
The Cunning of Zhuge Liang in The Battle of Red Cliffs
Three Kingdoms: Strategy MOBA Reviews
The Cunning of Zhuge Liang in The Battle of Red Cliffs
Follow us for exclusive giveaways and contests! 中国の歴史において特に興味深い時代の一つに、三国時代があります。この時代は、魏、呉、蜀の三国に分かれ、様々な英雄が台頭しました。その中でも、赤壁の戦いは非常に有名で、多くの文学作品や映画、ゲームに影響を与えています。 赤壁の戦いは、公元208年に発生しました。この戦いの主要な対立は、北方の強国・曹操と南方の連合軍・孫権と劉備です。劉備と孫権は、曹操の強大な軍勢に対抗するために同盟を結びました。孔明こと諸葛亮はこの戦いで重要な役割を果たし、彼の巧みな策略が多くの戦略的勝利をもたらしました。 戦いのクライマックスは、曹操の船団が炎に包まれる場面です。諸葛亮の計略により、風向きが変わった瞬間に、孫権の部隊が火攻めを仕掛けることができました。これによって曹操軍は大打撃を受け、撤退を余儀なくされました。 この戦いは、只ならぬ戦略と英雄たちの勇気が描かれた物語として、後世に大きな影響を与えています。三国志の物語は、そのドラマティックな展開と深い人間ドラマで、今もなお多くの人々を引きつけて止まないのです。 三国時代を制覇するのはあなたです。今すぐ挑戦を始めよう!
Sam Aniya
Sam Aniya
Keep up with the latest gaming trends – follow! 三国時代の中国は、多くの英雄たちが活躍し、刻々と変わる戦略と計略が繰り広げられた時期でした。その中でも特に興味深いのは、諸葛亮孔明の巧みな策略です。彼は劉備に仕える軍師として知られ、その知恵で多くの困難を乗り越えました。一番有名な話の一つに、赤壁の戦いがあります。この戦いで孔明は火計を用い、曹操の強大な海軍を打ち破ることに成功しました。この策略は、少ない資源と人数でどのようにして大敵を倒すかという点で、非常に興味深い例です。 また、曹操自身も非常に魅力的な人物で、彼の野望と権力への渇望は多くのドラマと文学作品の題材となっています。彼の生涯を通じて、友情と裏切り、勝利と失敗が交錯し、三国志の物語を一層引き立てています。 一方で、関羽の忠義や張飛の勇猛さも人々に深い印象を与えています。特に関羽の義理堅さは、彼が友情を守るために多大なリスクを冒して行動する多くのエピソードが語り継がれています。 これらの英雄たちの生きざまは、現代にも通じる普遍的なテーマを多く含んでおり、彼らの策略、忠誠心、勇敢さは今なお多くの人々に刺激を与えています。三国時代の各エピソードは、ただの歴史上の出来事という以上に、人間の本質と対峙する深い物語を提供しています。 三国時代の戦いに挑む準備はできたか?今すぐダウンロード!


Rocky Larry
Rocky Larry
Master your skills – follow for expert advice! 在中國古典名著《三國演義》中,充滿了眾多扣人心弦的故事與策略,其中「草船借箭」是一段非常著名且展現智慧與謀略的故事。這一幕發生在赤壁之戰前夕,由著名的諸葛亮所主導。 當時,孫權與劉備聯手對抗強大的曹操軍。但由於劉備軍中箭矢短缺,準備工作陷入困境。在此危急時刻,諸葛亮提出了一個大膽的計劃—草船借箭。他向孫權提出,自己能在三天之內為軍隊獲得十萬支箭。 諸葛亮命令士兵製作了二十艘草船,每船前後都擺放了許多填滿草人的假人。在濃霧覆蓋的早晨,這些草船被推向曹操的水軍營地。由於能見度極低,曹軍以為真的有大批敵軍逼近,因此用箭不斷射向這些草船。草人上的屢屢中箭,很快每艘草船都裝滿了箭矢。當諸葛亮的部隊把滿載箭矢的船隻拖回,不僅成功解決了軍中的短缺,也大大提升了士氣。 此計不僅展示了諸葛亮的智慧與謀略,更是在絕處逢生之際,展現了其非凡的應變能力。草船借箭的故事,至今仍被說頌,象徵著策略與智謀在戰爭中的重要性。這不僅是一個關於戰爭的故事,更是一個關於如何在困境中巧妙利用周圍環境,以弱勝強的智慧論述。 玩轉三國,立即下載,開啟你的策略世界!
Three Kingdoms: Strategy MOBA Guides
Follow us, get tips, and dominate the game! 三国時代は中国の歴史の中でも特にドラマチックで、多くの英雄たちが登場する時期であります。この時代の物語は、戦いや策略、英雄たちの義理と情熱が交錯する一大叙事詩です。その中でも特に印象的なのが、赤壁の戦いです。 赤壁の戦いは、208年に起こり、曹操と孫権・劉備連合軍との間で展開されました。曹操は北中国をほぼ掌握下に置き、南下して全中国を統一しようと目論見ましたが、孫権と劉備の抵抗に遭います。この戦いで最も有名な策略は、孔明が提案した「火攻め」です。孔明は曹操軍の船を連結させる策略を用い、風 favorable deal を待って、火をつけて曹操軍を大打撃を与えました。 この敗北後、曹操の勢いは衰え、三国鼎立の時代が本格化します。劉備が益州を平定し、孫権が江東を確固たる地盤とするなど、それぞれが領土を固め、力を蓄えることに成功しました。しかし、この三者の力は常に不安定で、彼らの間の策略と戦いは中国史上最も興味深い部分の一つとされています。 この時代の物語は、ただの歴史的事実の羅列ではなく、人物たちの深い情熱や生の感情が見えることから、多くの人々に愛され続けています。また、それぞれの英雄が持つ独自の魅力と、彼らが直面する葛藤や困難が三国志の物語をより魅力的なものにしています。これらの故事は、今日でも多くの書籍や映画、ゲームに影響を与え、広く楽しまれています。 伝説の三国英雄になるチャンス。今すぐゲームを始めよう!
Follow us, get tips, and dominate the game! 日本ではなじみ深い「三国志」は、中国古代の英雄たちが織りなす数多のエピソードで満ちています。この時代の魅力的な故事の一つに、赤壁の戦いがあります。これは、208年に起こった曹操と孫権・劉備連合軍との間の戦いです。 曹操が強大な軍勢を率いて南下する中、孫権と劉備は連合軍を結成し、策略家の周瑜と諸葛亮が中心となって曹操軍に対抗しました。戦況は非常に不利であった連合軍ですが、周瑜と諸葛亮は巧みな計略を用いて曹操軍を罠にはめます。その有名な策が「火攻め」です。連合軍は曹操軍の船団を火の海に変え、大勝利を収めました。 赤壁の戦いは、数の少ない勢力が結託して大敵に挑むという、まさに「策略と英雄の物語」であり、後世に多大な影響を与えました。このエピソードは、強敵に立ち向かう勇気や、知略を駆使する智慧が如何に重要かを物語っています。 三国志の世界は、戦いだけでなく、各武将たちの人間ドラマや、深い人間関係も描かれており、我々現代の人々にも多くの教訓を与えてくれます。この古代の物語は、今なお世界中で愛され続けており、関連するゲームや書籍、映画なども多数制作されています。それらを通じて、更に多くの人々が三国志の深い魅力に触れることでしょう。 今すぐダウンロードして、三国の英雄伝説に参加しよう!


Tetty Field
Tetty Field
**The Ingenious Zhuge Liang and the Empty City Strategy**
Join our community of gamers – follow now! In the rich tapestry of Chinese history, few tales are as captivating as those from the Three Kingdoms period, a time marked by cunning strategies and heroic exploits. Among the numerous strategists of the era, Zhuge Liang stands out as a figure of wisdom and resourcefulness. One of his most famous exploits, known as the "Empty City Strategy," continues to be a prominent example of psychological warfare and a testament to his masterful craft in the art of deception. The story unfolds when Zhuge Liang, serving as the Prime Minister of the Shu kingdom, faces a dire situation. His lord, Liu Bei, had recently passed away, leaving him with the heavy responsibility of protecting the young and inexperienced successor against external threats. One such threat was the approaching army of Sima Yi, a formidable general from the rival Wei kingdom. With a severe shortage of troops and supplies, Zhuge Liang found himself in the city of Xicheng, which was on the verge of being attacked by Sima Yi’s vastly superior forces. Faced with impending doom, Zhuge Liang hatched a daring plan — he ordered all the gates of the city to be opened and instructed his soldiers to sweep the streets while hiding most of his troops. As Sima Yi approached, he observed the open gates and the calm demeanor of the few soldiers visible, all under the guise of ordinary activities. Zhuge Liang himself, exuding tranquility and confidence, sat atop the city walls playing his lute. The scene was so out of the ordinary and so contrary to what Sima Yi expected from a city under siege, that he suspected an ambush. His caution took over, and instead of seizing the city, he ordered a swift retreat. This incident highlights not only Zhuge Liang’s brilliant use of psychology but also serves as a reminder of the era's intricate warfare and the heavy reliance on intellect over brute strength. The Empty City Strategy remains a popular narrative in Chinese culture, symbolizing cunning and cleverness in the face of overwhelming odds. In this story, we see tactical brilliance that transcends centuries and continues to inspire both in literature and in modern strategies, whether in business, politics, or personal endeavors. Zhuge Liang’s approach underscores a critical lesson: sometimes, the best defense is a well-orchestrated facade that outwits the opponent, making them defeat themselves in their own minds. Become a master of strategy and warfare in the Three Kingdoms. Download our game today!
**The Ingenious Zhuge Liang and the Empty City Strategy**
Three Kingdoms: Strategy MOBA Entertainment
**The Ingenious Zhuge Liang and the Empty City Strategy**
Tales of Cunning and Valor: Intriguing Stories from the Three Kingdoms
Marge Cyndi
Marge Cyndi
Stay ahead of the game – follow us! 三國時期,赤壁之戰是史上最著名的戰役之一,精彩程度不亞於任何編織的戲劇。這場戰役不僅展示了諸葛亮的智慧和周瑜的謀略,也深刻描繪了曹操的野心與英勇。 公元208年冬,曹操率領大軍南下,意圖統一全國,其勢力已是天下無敵。面對曹操的強大壓力,孫權和劉備決定聯手抗曹。在赤壁,兩軍對峙,曹操擁有優勢兵力,但却因環境和季節的劣勢而處於不利局面。 在絕境中,赤壁之戰展現了智勇雙全的謀略。諸葛亮見曹軍的船隻多是新造且聯結不穩,便向周瑜提議使用火攻。周瑜深知火攻之計的高風險,然而經過仔細思考,最終決定執行。他運用偏北的風向,派黄蓋裝作投降,趁機引曹軍船群靠近,一旦接近,便放火焚燒。 順著風的方向,烈火迅速蔓延至曹軍的所有船只,造成曹軍巨大的混亂和損失。曹操在混亂中僅帶少數部隊突圍而出,赤壁之戰因此成為曹操南征的終點,也使得三足鼎立的局面得以延續數十年。 這場戰役不僅因其戰術的巧妙和勇气的展示而成為千古佳話,也反映了在絕境中挖掘潛力和智慧的重要性。諸葛亮和周瑜的智謀,以及黄蓋的犧牲精神,共同編織了一段激勵後人的歷史故事。 感受三國統一的快感,現在就來挑戰!
Tales of Cunning and Valor: Intriguing Stories from the Three Kingdoms
Stay ahead of the game – follow us! The era of the Three Kingdoms, a pivotal period in the history of China, is marked by heroic figures, cunning strategies, and epic battles. One of the most captivating stories is that of Zhuge Liang's use of psychological warfare during the historic Battle of Red Cliffs. Faced with overwhelming odds, Zhuge Liang, a strategist for the Shu Kingdom, employed a strategy that has since become legendary. As the allied forces of Shu and Wu prepared to confront the mighty fleet of the Wei kingdom, led by the ambitious warlord Cao Cao, Zhuge Liang devised a plan that relied more on wit than on martial strength. On the eve of the battle, with the Wei troops vastly outnumbering his own, Zhuge Liang ordered his men to gather all the scarecrows and straw dummies they could find. These were dressed as soldiers and placed on the frontline ships of their fleet, creating the illusion of a heavily manned force. Further, he instructed his best archers to hide within these ships and wait for the opportune moment. As fog descended upon the river, masking the true numbers of the Shu-Wu forces, Cao Cao's troops advanced. Under the cover of darkness and the deceptive front, Zhuge Liang’s archers set fire to their arrows and launched a barrage at the enemy fleet, which was densely packed and laden with flammable materials. The fire spread rapidly and chaos ensued among the Wei forces, who were grappling to control the blaze. This surprise attack led to a significant weakening of Cao Cao's forces and marked a turning point in the battle. What appeared to be a risky move turned into a major strategic victory, highlighting Zhuge Liang's brilliance and contributing to his legacy as a master strategist. This tale from the Three Kingdoms exemplifies how intelligence and psychological insight can alter the course of history. The story of Zhuge Liang’s ingenuity at the Battle of Red Cliffs not only illuminates the tactical aspects of ancient warfare but also serves as a lesson in creativity and resourcefulness in overcoming seemingly insuperitable obstacles. Through such narratives, the saga of the Three Kingdoms continues to captivate audiences around the world, symbolizing a time when honor, strategic cunning, and valor shaped the destiny of nations. Step back in time to the era of the Three Kingdoms. Download and start your conquest!
Tales of Cunning and Valor: Intriguing Stories from the Three Kingdoms


What is the latest version of Three Kingdoms: Strategy MOBA? When was this game updated?icon

The latest version of Three Kingdoms: Strategy MOBA is 1.9.0, updated at 2024-04-08.

what's new in the latest version of Three Kingdoms: Strategy MOBA?icon

Fixed known bugs
You can get more information through the following channels:
Official Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/threekingdomsmoba/

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Three Kingdoms: Strategy MOBA is Welove Games Tech.

Can I play Three Kingdoms: Strategy MOBA on Android/iOS?icon

Now Three Kingdoms: Strategy MOBA is available on Android and iOS.

What languages are supported by the game?icon

Three Kingdoms: Strategy MOBA supports 8 languages including English,Traditional Chinese,Japanese,Korean,Russian,Vietnamese,Indonesian,Thai etc.

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