Quantum Cortex
MoreIT IS THE DAWN OF THE 26TH CENTURY THE PLANET EARTH HAS SUCCUMBED TO UNHOLY INFECTION. OUR SOCIETY HAS COLLAPSED. HUMANITY IS NEAR EXTINCTION. BUT THE MEN RESPONSIBLE WERE HANDSOMELY REWARDED. -- ARSENAL Abilities are used with the right mouse button. They are versatile and can be used effectively in many situations– be they exploration, travel, or combat. They cost Energy to use. The Energy pool is small, but will recharge automatically over time, or when collecting Blue Orbs. The Energy Meter is located to the right of the crosshair. Weapons are used with the left mouse button. They are your primary source of damage. They cost Ammo to fire. Ammo will refill as you move. The faster you run, the faster your Weapon recharges, so don’t stand still during combat! This prevents the player from camping, and makes fights more dynamic. The Ammo Meter is located to the left of the crosshair. Like Energy, Ammo will refill when collecting Blue Orbs. Finally, Passives grant a variety of miscellaneous benefits. They can be permanent buffs, or skills with a unique input. Most Passives can be used indefinitely, but others may require their own Special Resource. Items can be found in glowing chests scattered around the game. -- MOVEMENT FLOW Controls are reversed while running upside down, but return to normal while airborne. This creates a more interesting control system with simple rules, and a higher skill ceiling for speedrunners. What looks like a boring section where you hold forward is actually a miniature rhythm challenge.
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