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Banner of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 1 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 2 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 3 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 4 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 5 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 6 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 7 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 8 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 9 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 10 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 11 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 12 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 13 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 14 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 15 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 16 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 17 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 18 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 19 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 20 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 21 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 22 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 23 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Screenshot 24 of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game 1.83.7
Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game

Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game

icon 5.4
Available on iconicon
Initial release Nov 15, 2022
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The age to start your empire has begun! Get ready for an epic adventure in this kingdom game packed with jaw-dropping features and thrilling gameplay that will keep you hooked for hours on end. Start your own personal pocket city now!
From the creators of Forge of Empires and Elvenar!

🏰🏰🏰 RAISE MULTIPLE EMPIRES: Unleash your inner architect as you construct magnificent cities. Yes - multiple cities in one game! Complete with stunning monuments and awe-inspiring structures. Witness your empire grow and flourish as you expand your borders and conquer new territories. Experience the rise of kingdoms in your hands!

⚔️ FIGHT EPIC BATTLES: Prepare for heart-pounding action as you lead your armies into epic battles against rival civilizations to achieve world domination. Command your troops with strategic precision and watch as they clash with the enemy in visually stunning combat sequences.

🤝 WIN TOGETHER: Forge alliances with other players and form powerful alliances that will shape the fate of your empire. Establish trade routes, negotiate treaties, and engage in diplomacy to strengthen your position in your metropolis.

🌍 TRAVEL THROUGH TIME: Embark on a captivating journey through time and explore diverse landscapes, from ancient forests to arid deserts. Encounter legendary characters and uncover hidden treasures as you unravel the secrets of past civilizations in this history game.

💡 INVENT A WHEEL: Harness the power of knowledge and advance your civilization through groundbreaking technologies. Unlock new inventions, enhance your productivity, and gain a competitive edge over your rivals like in no other strategy game.

🏛️ BE REMEMBERED FOR AGES: In this town building game you can leave your mark on history by making significant cultural achievements. Build majestic wonders, meet historical figures, and produce masterful works of art in this base building game.

⭐ Player Reviews:
“This game is probably the best civilization game I've played! The combat feels refreshing compared to games like clash of clans. And the concept is so simple yet so fun!” - PixelJuggler
“Addictive, Amazing, Fun.” - AppNinja
“Highly recommended! Hours of fun. NOT pay to win, more pay to speed up if you're impatient. Lovely graphics. Reminds me of the original settlers series.” - TechWhisperer

Join millions of players around the globe and embark on an unforgettable journey through time.
Download Rise of Cultures for free now and experience the ultimate mobile gaming sensation.

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Legal Notice: https://legal.innogames.com/portal/en/imprint
What’s new

In this version, we focused on laying the foundations for content to be released next year as well as polishing various other aspects of the game.
The first season of our new Season Pass feature, as well as the Winter Event are also active and will end in the first days of the new year! Play now and get unique rewards for your city!
Thank you for playing Rise of Cultures!

Additional information
InnoGames GmbH
Current Version
33 MB
Last Updated on
Content Rating
Everyone 10+
out of 10

What’s happening

Rise of Cultures: Kingdom Game - Gameplay Walkthrough | Part 1 (Android, iOS)
Embark on an epic adventure in "Rise of Cultures" Game Link Apple App Store Google Play
長假在即,又有大把時間可以揮霍了!終於可以掏出那些收藏已久卻沒有時間玩的重度遊戲了😭 對於喜歡手遊的玩家來講,最佳選擇是那些前期可以爆肝玩到大量內容、進入養老期後又可以每天花少量時間持續玩下去的遊戲。這樣長假的時候可以玩個爽,假期結束了又不用棄坑,還能繼續收穫快樂😉 這個列表就給大家推薦五款這樣的遊戲,希望長假能玩得開心~
遊戲名:Rise of Cultures 平臺:Android iOS 類型:SLG ✨文明發展題材的SLG,從原始人發展至現代社會 ✨主城佈局決定產能,產能決定發育速度,科技發展水準決定戰鬥力! ✨沒有個人PVP,只有團隊競爭,公會內齊心協力才能戰勝對手 這款SLG我可太喜歡了! 感覺終於回歸了策略遊戲的本質! 那些抽個版本T0的武將就能大殺四方的SLG和抽卡養成遊戲有什麼區別啊! 這款遊戲乾脆去掉了PVP,也不用抽武將 就是本本分分的建基地、發展科技、排兵佈陣 由於是文明發展題材,影響戰力的就是科技水準 拿長矛大盾去打拿木棍的原始人就是能贏! 拿火槍大炮去打中世紀的騎兵弓手就是能贏! 科技提前跨越至下一個時代才能取得決定性的勝利 基地建造的核心玩法就是佈局 充分滿足環境需求的建築會獲得更高的產能 更快地生產士兵、糧食或者稅收 不同文明對環境的需求不一樣 比如羅馬需要的是景觀綠化,要在生產建築旁邊圍一圈植物或者雕像 埃及需要的是水,直接將生產建築放在尼羅河邊,或者多造水井都能提升產能 玩家擁有的地皮比較有限 放了太多buff建築,就放不下生產建築 需要讓少量的buff建築盡可能多地輻射到生產建築,才能實現最佳的資源增長速度 還要根據當前需求不停地調整佈局,重點buff需要的資源 玩起來還是有點硬核的! 雖然沒有PVP,但玩家會以公會為單位競爭排行榜 每週會重置獎勵並且匹配新的對手 需要公會所有人都參與,有參與就能給公會加分 如果賽季內可以完成一次時代飛越,再加上戰鬥策略得當 基本上可以拿滿單人貢獻 但由於單人能拿到的積分有極限,整體還是公會活躍度越高越容易取勝 不會出現一個氪佬帶著一堆躺,還能幹翻一群團結的白嫖這種事 就感覺每個人,氪或不氪,都能參與到公會戰裡 每個人的奮鬥都有價值 我加了個伊朗的公會,然後第一次參加公會戰就匹配到了美國的對手 雙方積分還追的很緊,每次時差輪換都是一波排行變動 伊朗兄弟們那個熱血沸騰啊!全公會都給調動起來了 最後關頭靠大佬氪金沖時代飛越以幾分之差贏了 那個感覺太爽了! SLG玩的一個是策略,一個就是兄弟們一起奮鬥的激情 在這款遊戲裡都實現了! 特別推薦喜歡SLG的玩家體驗~ 尤其是小氪或者不能長期爆肝的玩家,這個遊戲的節奏正好適合~


What is the latest version of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game? When was this game updated?icon

The latest version of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game is 1.71.10, updated at 2024-04-16.

what's new in the latest version of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game?icon

In this version, we focused on laying the foundations for content to be released next year as well as polishing various other aspects of the game.
The first season of our new Season Pass feature, as well as the Winter Event are also active and will end in the first days of the new year! Play now and get unique rewards for your city!
Thank you for playing Rise of Cultures!

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game is InnoGames GmbH.

Can I play Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game on Android/iOS?icon

Now Rise of Cultures: Kingdom game is available on Android.

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