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Banner of Epic Age 1.8.1
Screenshot 1 of Epic Age 1.8.1
Screenshot 2 of Epic Age 1.8.1
Screenshot 3 of Epic Age 1.8.1
Screenshot 4 of Epic Age 1.8.1
Screenshot 5 of Epic Age 1.8.1
Epic Age
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Epic Age

icon 8.2
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Initial release Jun 19, 2023
Discord: https://discord.gg/nAhnXv4Ty3

Epic Age adalah game strategi sandbox 3D dengan tema sejarah yang kental. Pemain harus taklukkan negeri, rekrut Hero, bentuk aliansi, dan bangun kerajaan yang kuat.

Kisah seperti apa yang akan terukir ketika ribuan pemain berperang, membentuk aliansi, dan perluas wilayah mereka dalam medan perang yang realistis? Konflik seperti apa yang akan muncul saat legenda sejarah bergabung ke pasukanmu? Bagaimana kamu akan manfaatkan berbagai strategi yang tersedia untukmu dalam perang realistis antar kerajaan?

[Poin-Poin Unik]

- Medan Perang Realistis
Menyelam dalam simulasi dunia nyata yang realistis! Nikmati pemandangan keajaiban geografis ternama di seluruh dunia, termasuk Lembah Celah Besar, Kanal Suez, dan Pegunungan Alps! Jelajahi peta yang luas dan kuasai berbagai kota dan bangunan bersejarah sembari manfaatkan situasi geografis untuk buat strategi perang. Perkuat pertahanan dan taklukkan musuh!

- Perang antar Peradaban
Peradaban yang terlalu kuat dapat menghadapi perlawanan bersatu yang kuat dari mereka yang merasa terancam. Ingat itu saat perang melawan peradaban seperti Persia, Mesir, dan Jepang dalam membuat peradabanmu yang abadi.

- Kompetisi Adil
Semua pemain mulai di titik yang sama, tanpa opsi VIP, metode beli sumber daya, atau percepat sumber daya! Klaim titik sumber daya di peta sambil kembangkan kota dari nol. Buka lebih banyak fitur seiring waktu dengan perencanaan yang pas dan penyimpanan aset. Buat strategi untuk unggul dari yang lainnya!

- Diplomasi Taktis
Interaksimu dengan berbagai peradaban akan berubah seiring perkembangan di game. Gabung ke Guild dan pakai fitur diplomasi unik untuk hancurkan musuh dan bangun kerajaanmu! Mulai ekspedisi akbar dan nikmati perubahan keunggulan yang realistis saat pertahankan diri dari kemungkinan adanya mata-mata di dalam aliansimu!

- Strategi Real-Time
Semua pertempuran di peta bersifat real-time, dan pertempuran tak hanya sekadar mengerahkan pasukan. Serang pasukan terlemah musuh! Adang bala bantuan mereka! Bentuk tim dengan sekutumu untuk mengepung! Tunjukkan keahlian berstrategimu sambil menerapkan berbagai taktik untuk menang!

- Berbagai Macam Hero
Rekrut lebih dari 100 Hero legendaris berbeda untuk membantumu memerintah pasukan dan mengatur kotamu! Berbagai nama terkenal dalam sejarah seperti Julius Caesar, Aleksander Agung, dan Joan of Arc siap membantumu membangun kerajaan tak terkalahkan!

- Cocokkan Skill
Buat pasukanmu semakin kuat dengan cocokkan berbagai macam skill ke Hero-mu! Latih pasukan tak terkalahkan dan hancurkan semua yang menghalangi jalanmu.
What’s new

(All servers)
1. Added new languages - German, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, Thai, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese.
2. Added Gems, a new currency. Gold topped up before the update will be converted to an equivalent number of Gems.
3. Added Monthly Pass gift feature.
4. Added Trial feature.
5. Added Guild Quest feature.
6. Added Random Events.
7. Added more Battle Report types.

(New server only)
1. Added "Rebuilding Civilization" event.
2. Added Novice Captive Protection feature.

1. Adjusted the effects of France Civilization Command: Attack Mod
2. Exercise cooldown reduced to 10 seconds during the Newbie protection period.
3. Optimized Drafting. Players no longer need to cancel to select a different number of Troops to draft.
4. Players can now search for unoccupied Territories around them instead of around their Main City only.
5. Optimized the skill description for "Noble Knights".
6. Adjusted Marius' Troop Compatibility.
7. Changed Churapcha to a Lv 6 City.
8. Increased the amount of Gold that Pillagers can receive from season settlement rewards.
9. Improved art and animation for some Heroes.

[Bug Fixes]
1. Fixed error that sometimes allowed non-Pillagers to create a Pillager Guild.
2. Fixed Policy Bonus description error for "Ambush" and "Assault" on the Squadron details page.
3. Fixed error that showed Silver Coins being consumed when Pillagers draft Troops in Tents and neutral Cities.
4. Fixed error indicating that Silver Coins were insufficient when unlocking Traits.
5. Fixed error in Edward's skill description.
6. Fixed error allowing a Territory battle to repeatedly end in a tie.
7. Fixed the issue where attacking neighboring buildings on a tile during a state of war could result in connecting the territory.
8. Fixed the issue of frequent occurrence of cloud cover effect obstruction.

Additional information
Endless National
Situs resmi game
Situs resmi
Official Discord
Apakah ada pembelian dalam aplikasi
Ada pembelian dalam aplikasi
Bahasa Inggris, Traditional Chinese, Bahasa Jepang, Bahasa Korea, Bahasa Prancis, Bahasa Rusia, Bahasa Spanyol, Bahasa Jerman, Bahasa Portugis, Bahasa Vietnam, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Thailand, Bahasa Italia, Bahasa Turki
Versi Saat Ini
Ukuran game
32 MB
Waktu Pembaruan
Spesifikasi Sistem
Android 5.0 +
Rating Konten
Parental Guidance
out of 10


What is the latest version of Epic Age? When was this game updated?icon

The latest version of Epic Age is 1.7.0, updated at 2023-07-28.

what's new in the latest version of Epic Age?icon

(All servers)
1. Added new languages - German, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, Thai, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese.
2. Added Gems, a new currency. Gold topped up before the update will be converted to an equivalent number of Gems.
3. Added Monthly Pass gift feature.
4. Added Trial feature.
5. Added Guild Quest feature.
6. Added Random Events.
7. Added more Battle Report types.

(New server only)
1. Added "Rebuilding Civilization" event.
2. Added Novice Captive Protection feature.

1. Adjusted the effects of France Civilization Command: Attack Mod
2. Exercise cooldown reduced to 10 seconds during the Newbie protection period.
3. Optimized Drafting. Players no longer need to cancel to select a different number of Troops to draft.
4. Players can now search for unoccupied Territories around them instead of around their Main City only.
5. Optimized the skill description for "Noble Knights".
6. Adjusted Marius' Troop Compatibility.
7. Changed Churapcha to a Lv 6 City.
8. Increased the amount of Gold that Pillagers can receive from season settlement rewards.
9. Improved art and animation for some Heroes.

[Bug Fixes]
1. Fixed error that sometimes allowed non-Pillagers to create a Pillager Guild.
2. Fixed Policy Bonus description error for "Ambush" and "Assault" on the Squadron details page.
3. Fixed error that showed Silver Coins being consumed when Pillagers draft Troops in Tents and neutral Cities.
4. Fixed error indicating that Silver Coins were insufficient when unlocking Traits.
5. Fixed error in Edward's skill description.
6. Fixed error allowing a Territory battle to repeatedly end in a tie.
7. Fixed the issue where attacking neighboring buildings on a tile during a state of war could result in connecting the territory.
8. Fixed the issue of frequent occurrence of cloud cover effect obstruction.

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Epic Age is Endless National.

Can I play Epic Age on Android/iOS?icon

Now Epic Age is available on Android.

What languages are supported by the game?icon

Epic Age supports 14 languages including English,Traditional Chinese,Japanese,Korean,French,Russian,Spanish,German,Portuguese,Vietnamese,Indonesian,Thai,Italian,Turkish etc.

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