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Banner of Fortnite 29.30.0-32982357-Android
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Screenshot 3 of Fortnite 29.30.0-32982357-Android
Screenshot 4 of Fortnite 29.30.0-32982357-Android
Screenshot 5 of Fortnite 29.30.0-32982357-Android
Screenshot 6 of Fortnite 29.30.0-32982357-Android
Screenshot 7 of Fortnite 29.30.0-32982357-Android
Screenshot 8 of Fortnite 29.30.0-32982357-Android
Screenshot 9 of Fortnite 29.30.0-32982357-Android
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Fortnite Global

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Kolaborasi Star Wars akan segera hadir.
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Initial release Aug 09, 2018
Jatuh ke Dunia Baru! Fortnite Bab 5 sekarang dimulai! Pertarungan. Membangun. Membuat. Fortnite adalah game multipemain yang gratis dan selalu berkembang di mana Anda dan teman Anda bertarung untuk menjadi yang terakhir bertahan atau berkolaborasi untuk menciptakan dunia Fortnite impian Anda. Mainkan Battle Royale dan Fortnite Creative GRATIS. Unduh sekarang dan langsung beraksi. Di perangkat seluler, Fortnite adalah game PvP dengan 100 pemain yang sama seperti yang Anda kenal dari PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, dan Mac. Peta yang sama, gameplay yang sama, pembaruan mingguan yang sama. Bangun benteng Anda saat Anda berjuang untuk menjadi yang terakhir bertahan. Bergabunglah dan bergabunglah dengan teman-teman di seluruh dunia atau di ruangan yang sama! Didukung oleh Mesin Unreal 5.
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LEGO FORTNITE V28.30: GONE FISHIN' 22.2.2024 Tim Fortnite Kami sudah bilang bahwa Anda akan bersenang-senang! v28.30 (alias pembaruan Gone Fishin') cukup menarik, dengan banyak ikan, resep, dan peralatan untuk membantu Anda dalam petualangan Anda. Cukup terombang-ambing, mari selami! GONE FISHIN' Siap mulai menangkap Floppers? Ikuti saja tips ini dan Anda akan siap dalam waktu singkat: MEMBUAT Pancing FishingUpdate BlogAset FishingRod 1920x1080 Anda harus memiliki peralatan yang tepat untuk memulai, jadi mari kita mulai dengan Fishing Rod! Ada empat barang langka yang bisa Anda buat. Kemungkinan besar Anda akan menangkap ikan dengan Pancing dengan tingkat kelangkaan lebih tinggi, tetapi Pancing dengan tingkat kelangkaan lebih rendah lebih mudah dibuat. Inilah cara membuat setiap barang langka! Common Fishing Rod (dapat dibuat di Crafting Bench Level 1) Buka kunci resep Common Fishing Rod dengan menambahkan Cord ke inventaris Anda. Uncommon Fishing Rod (dapat dibuat di Crafting Bench Level 2) Buka kunci resep Uncommon Fishing Rod dengan menambahkan Knotroot Rod ke inventaris Anda. Rare Fishing Rod (dapat dibuat di Crafting Bench Level 3) Buka resep Rare Fishing Rod dengan menambahkan Flexwood Rod ke inventaris Anda. Epic Fishing Rod (dapat dibuat di Crafting Bench Level 4) Buka kunci resep Epic Fishing Rod dengan menambahkan Frostpine Rod ke inventaris Anda. MAKHLUK YANG DAPAT MENANGKAP PancingPerbarui BlogAset Ikan 1920x1080 Dengan Pancing praktis, Anda dapat mulai memancing! Bisakah kamu menangkap semua ikan yang diperkenalkan di v28.30? Oranye Flopper Blue Flopper Green Flopper Vendetta Flopper Ikan Perisai Hitam dan Biru Ungu Ikan Termal Raven Ikan Termal Perak Ikan Termal Ikan Slurp Biru Ikan Slurp Ungu Ikan Slurp Kuning Ikan Slurp Biru Goreng Kecil Ikan Jeli Pelukan Slurp Jelly Fish Ikan Pedas Cair Ikan yang berbeda dapat ditemukan berdasarkan bioma dan air tempat Anda memancing, serta cuaca dan waktu! Atasi hobi memancing dengan menangkap setiap ikan versi Legendaris. Pastikan untuk memegang ikan Legendaris itu! Akan ada cara untuk menampilkannya di pembaruan mendatang. MEMBUAT HIDANGAN LEZAT: MEMPERKENALKAN PENGOLAH MAKANAN! FishingUpdate BlogAssets FoodProcessor 1920x1080 Ingin ikan bata untuk sarapan? Dengan Stasiun Pengolah Makanan baru, Anda dapat mengubah ikan yang Anda tangkap menjadi Filet Ikan! (Buka resep Pengolah Makanan dengan membuat atau menggunakan Lumber Mill.) Filet Ikan bukan satu-satunya makanan laut yang bisa Anda makan. Dengan Panggangan, Anda juga bisa membuat hidangan seperti Ikan Goreng Asap dan Sushi Ikan Perisai Hitam dan Biru! MEMBUAT TEMPAT MEMANCING DENGAN EMBAT UMPAN FishingUpdate BlogAssets BaitBucket 1920x1080 Yang Anda perlukan untuk memancing hanyalah joran dan air. Namun ikan adalah kelompok yang licin, jadi jangan hanya melemparkan kail dan berharap ikan akan berbondong-bondong. Lemparkan umpan ke dalam air untuk membuat Tempat Memancing! Dapatkan umpan dari Bait Bucket, yang memiliki empat barang langka yang bisa Anda buat. Semakin langka embernya, semakin besar kemungkinan Anda menarik ikan: Common Bait Bucket (dapat dibuat di Food Processor) Buka kunci resep Common Bait Bucket dengan menambahkan Fish Filet ke inventaris Anda dan memiliki Food Processor di dunia. Uncommon Bait Bucket (dapat dibuat di Juicer) Buka kunci resep Uncommon Bait Bucket dengan menambahkan Common Bait Bucket ke inventaris Anda dan miliki Juicer di dunia. Rare Bait Bucket (dapat dibuat di Juicer) Buka kunci resep Rare Bait Bucket dengan menambahkan Common Bait Bucket ke inventaris Anda dan miliki Juicer di dunia. Epic Bait Bucket (dapat dibuat di Juicer) Buka kunci resep Epic Bait Bucket dengan menambahkan Common Bait Bucket ke inventaris Anda dan miliki Juicer di dunia. Menjadi legenda memancing seperti halnya ahli Turki! (Pemancing ini mungkin muncul sebagai Penduduk Desa yang potensial untuk bergabung dalam petualangan Anda.) PEMBARUAN LEBIH LANJUT! ENTER SAND AND GLASS v28.30 menambahkan dua sumber daya baru ke LEGO® Fortnite! Dengan Sekop, gali Pasir dari tanah di area berpasir. Beberapa orang tidak menyukai Pasir, karena Pasir tentu saja ada dimana-mana. Bahkan dalam kaca… Kerajinan Kaca dengan Pasir dan Bangku Kerajinan! ZOOM IN DENGAN SPYGLASS FishingUpdate BlogAssets Spyglass 1920x1080 Mempermudah melihat apa yang jauh! Spyglass adalah alat teleskopik yang memperbesar pandangan jauh. Buka kunci resep Spyglass dengan menambahkan Glass ke inventaris Anda dan memiliki Crafting Bench di dunia Anda. Lalu, coba tebak, buatlah satu di Crafting Bench! BIARKAN KOMPAS MEMBANTU ANDA! FishingUpdate BlogAssets Compass 1920x1080 Sangat mudah untuk melupakan ke arah mana Anda pergi kecuali Anda membuka peta. Namun jika Anda membuat Kompas, Anda tidak memerlukan peta untuk itu! Kompas menambahkan navigasi dasar ke HUD, memberi tahu Anda arah mana yang Anda hadapi. Buka kunci resep Kompas dengan menambahkan Kaca ke inventaris Anda dan memiliki Bangku Kerajinan di dunia Anda. Lalu — Anda tahu ke mana arahnya — buatlah satu di Crafting Bench. Ingin menambahkan navigasi DAN penanda peta ke HUD Anda? Kemudian buatlah Kompas Tingkat Lanjut, yang resepnya dibuka dengan cara yang sama seperti Kompas biasa. PILIHAN DESA BARU Orang Turki tidak

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Epic Games
Apakah ada pembelian dalam aplikasi
Ada pembelian dalam aplikasi
Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Jepang, Bahasa Korea
Versi Saat Ini
Ukuran game
229 MB
Waktu Pembaruan
Sarana Jaringan
Spesifikasi Sistem
Tidak ada syarat sistem
out of 10

From the Dev

FORTNITE x BILLIE EILISH: The Icon of Fortnite Festival Season 3!
FORTNITE x BILLIE EILISH: The Icon of Fortnite Festival Season 3!
Billie Eilish --- The Icon of Fortnite Festival Season 3! You’ve seen her in a crown, now see her in Fortnite. Award-winning artist Billie Eilish is the Icon of Fortnite Festival Season 3! Season 3 sounds off today and ends June 13, 2024, at 12 AM ET. During this time, keep up the tempo to unlock new Instruments, Jam Tracks, and other items in the Season 3 Festival Pass, which has a free reward track and a Premium Reward Track upgrade.
Fortnite | Star Wars Collab Coming May 3. What will we get this time?
Fortnite | Star Wars Collab Coming May 3. What will we get this time?
Star Wars is coming back to Fortnite. Lucasfilm Games and Epic Games released a teaser today. This is not the first time the galaxy far, far away has visited Fortnite. Previous collaborations have brought Star Wars gameplay, Cosmetics, and character Outfits — including Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, and more — to Fortnite Battle Royale. What will we get this time? Guess and reply in the comments section!
Fortnite x Avatar: Elements Trailer- the Ultimate Fortnite Event in Chapter 5 Season 2
Fortnite x Avatar: Elements Trailer- the Ultimate Fortnite Event in Chapter 5 Season 2
Avatar: Elements Unleashed in Fortnite - Join the Epic Battle Now! Avatar: Elements is a Fortnite event in Chapter 5 Season 2. It brings characters from both The Legend of Korra and The Last Airbender to the game. Master all four elements and unleash the power of the Avatar State to dominate the battlefield. Join the game as we compare the journeys of Aang and Korra on their path to becoming fully realized Avatars. Don't miss out on this historic collaboration! Jump into Fortnite and experience the Avatar: Elements event now!

What’s happening

Why Fortnite mobile is not popular
NAME: Fortnite PLATFORM: Mobile, PC, PS4 DEVELOPER'S & PUBLISHER: Epic Games Fortnite, one of the games after getting release got it massive success on PC and other platforms. However, its popularity on mobile devices has been a different story. I played this game for hours and see many reasons why this game not that popular in Mobile. One of the primary reason Fortnite his on mobile is the complexity of controls. The game's intricate building mechanics, quick weapon swaps, and precise aiming demand a level of precision that touch controls struggle to provide. PC players benefit from the precision of a keyboard and mouse, giving them a distinct advantage over their mobile counterparts.
Fortnite x Avatar: Elements Trailer- the Ultimate Fortnite Event in Chapter 5 Season 2
Avatar: Elements Unleashed in Fortnite - Join the Epic Battle Now! Avatar: Elements is a Fortnite event in Chapter 5 Season 2. It brings characters from both The Legend of Korra and The Last Airbender to the game. Master all four elements and unleash the power of the Avatar State to dominate the battlefield. Join the game as we compare the journeys of Aang and Korra on their path to becoming fully realized Avatars. Don't miss out on this historic collaboration! Jump into Fortnite and experience the Avatar: Elements event now!
TapTap Editor32K2024-04-12
Free Fire🆚PubG Mobile🆚CoDM🆚Farlight 84🆚NEW STATE🆚CoD WZM🆚Fortnite🆚Blood Strike🆚Combat Master FPS
🎮 THE COMPARISON OF THE DECADE HAS ARRIVED! 🎉- Get ready for an epic showdown.🚀 In this video, we'll dive deep into the top Battle Royale Games on mobile, one by one, to settle the debate once and for all and declare the ultimate champion.💥 We'll explore various crucial categories, from Graphics Quality to Guns & Skins, and even uncover some of the most unique features each game has to offer. Grab your popcorn🍿 and join me, fellow gamers, for this super-detailed comparison of the year! Don't forget to comment below your favorite battle royale game of all time.💬


How to Play Fortnite Mobile on Android and iOS Devices: Step-by-Step Guide
Hey there, Fortnite fans! Welcome back to our channel. I know I was not uploaded any video from last 3 week's, I was in hospital so there's no way I can upload anything. But from now on I try my best to upload videos everyday. And this the video I promised a month ago. Full guide for how to play and download fortnite mobile in Android and ios devices. I'm going to show you the step-by-step process of downloading and playing Fortnite on your Android and iOS devices.
How to Play Fortnite Mobile on Android and iOS Devices: Step-by-Step Guide
Fortnite Guides
How to Play Fortnite Mobile on Android and iOS Devices: Step-by-Step Guide
Fortnite Mobile New Update Gameplay
Instantly defeat the new Halloween boss Inkquisitor in Fortnite
Fortnite Mobile New Update Gameplay
 This some tips I give you before you start playing Alright, let's talk controls. Mastering touch controls is key to dominating on mobile. Experiment with different layouts until you find what works best for you. And don't forget about gyro aiming! It might take some getting used to, but it can greatly improve your accuracy. Next up, building like a pro. Building is just as important in mobile as it is on PC or console. Practice your building skills in creative mode and learn to build quickly and efficiently in the heat of battle. And don't underestimate the power of editing! It can give you the upper hand in close-quarters combat.
Fortnite Mobile New Update Gameplay
Instantly defeat the new Halloween boss Inkquisitor in Fortnite
The first thing you need to know is where to find the new boss. there is a location on the map called Grim Gables. Be careful, this is not just a normal boss. once you enter this house, it will think you are invading its territory. Zombies will be summoned from all around and their attacks will hurt you! When you find Boss Inkquisitor, be careful with his Pumpkin Launcher and Fireflies. If you don't dodge them in time, these weapons will cause fatal damage to you.
Instantly defeat the new Halloween boss Inkquisitor in Fortnite


What is the latest version of Fortnite? When was this game updated?icon

The latest version of Fortnite is 29.30.0-32982357-Android, updated at 2024-04-24.

what's new in the latest version of Fortnite?icon

The Fortnite Team
You’ve seen her in a crown, now see her in Fortnite. Award-winning artist Billie Eilish is the Icon of Fortnite Festival Season 3!

Fortnite Festival Season 3

Season 3 sounds off today and ends June 13, 2024, at 12 AM ET. During this time, keep up the tempo to unlock new Instruments, Jam Tracks, and other items in the Season 3 Festival Pass, which has a free reward track and a Premium Reward Track upgrade.

Feel a surge of boldness with the Premium Reward Track — upon purchasing this extra layer of unlockable rewards, you’ll automatically receive the Green Roots Billie Outfit!

Season 3’s a lost cause if you’re not at the right venue. When you enter the Lobby of a Fortnite Festival experience (“Main Stage” or “Jam Stage”), head to Festival Pass in the top navigation. Here you’ll find the Season 3 Festival Pass and a button to view Festival Quests!

Season 3 Festival Pass

Level up your performance, level up your collection of in-game rewards! Completing Festival Quests will earn you Festival Points that forward your progress in the Festival Pass. 🎵 The more you progress, the more rewards you get 🎵

Free Reward Track

Here’s an Instrument that any audience will fall in lava with. The Lavatronik Bass is the final reward in the free reward track — turn the music up and then burn it all down!

Fortnite Lavatronik Bass

Ready to riff? Rock the world by unlocking these four Jam Tracks in the free reward track:

Epic Games - “Change”

Epic Games - “Silly Bros”

Epic Games - “Sweet Victory”

WitchGang - “Runaway”

“Sweet Victory” existed previously in Fortnite as a Lobby Track. Players who had this Lobby Track in their Locker before Fortnite Festival Season 3 will receive a one-time V-Bucks refund equivalent to the amount they paid for it, plus the Jam Track version!

Fortnite Festival Free Reward Track Jam Tracks

Channel the rhythm with two new Auras. First up is one that’ll spread the love: the Heart Groove Aura. Did things just get a little frosty? That’s the Snow Beat Aura for you.

Fortnite Snow Beat Aura

The Snow Beat Aura.

Want to put your own spin on the stage? Then with your Mic in-hand, give the audience a twirl with the Spinback Emote.

Fortnite Spinback Emote

Premium Reward Track

If you’re feelin’ this Festival Pass is not one to sleep on, you can purchase the Premium Reward Track upgrade for 1,800 V-Bucks to add a whole new layer of rewards to the mix! No additional Quests are required to unlock these rewards. When you upgrade, you’ll instantly unlock the Green Roots Billie Outfit!

Fortnite Green Roots Billie Outfit

The final reward of the Premium Reward Track is the music-reactive Ultraviolet Style for Green Roots Billie, an alt Style exclusive to the Season 3 Festival Pass. Nothing quite glows like neon green!

Fortnite Green Roots Billie OutfitFortnite Green Roots Billie Outfit Ultraviolet Style

If the party’s over, start it back up again with these four unlockable Jam Tracks:

Maroon 5 - “Maps”

The Cure - “Friday I'm in Love”

5 Seconds Of Summer - “Youngblood”

Billie Eilish - “Oxytocin”

Don’t be afraid, it’s just a microphone — the Burial Mic is one of two Billie Eilish-themed Instruments you can unlock in the Premium Reward Track. The beat keeping you up at night? Enjoy sweet dreams (and tunes) with the Sleeper Keys Keytar!

Fortnite Billie Eilish Instruments

Please note! 🎵 The Ultraviolet Style of the Green Roots Billie Outfit is exclusive to the Season 3 Festival Pass. The other content of the Season 3 Festival Pass is NOT exclusive to Fortnite Festival Season 3, and may become purchasable in the Shop at a later date.

All the good girls go to jam. In the Shop ‘til the end of Season 3 are three of Billie’s biggest hits as Jam Tracks:

Billie Eilish - “all the good girls go to hell”

Billie Eilish - “Happier Than Ever - Edit”

Billie Eilish - “Therefore I Am”

More Billie Eilish items will be in the Shop until the Season’s last set, including the “bad guy” Emote and the “you should see me in a crown” Emote.

Fortnite Happier Than Ever Jam Track

A new Billie Eilish Outfit and Jam Tracks from her new album will be coming to the Shop later during Season 3!

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Fortnite is Epic Games.

Can I play Fortnite on Android/iOS?icon

Now Fortnite is available on Android.

What languages are supported by the game?icon

Fortnite supports 3 languages including English,Japanese,Korean etc.

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