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새로운 영웅 ICEY가 9월 27일 출시됩니다!
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Initial release Jun 30, 2023
플래시파티(Flash Party)는 고유 특성을 가지고 있는 히어로와 함께 친구들과 즐길 수 있는 모바일 플랫폼 격투 게임입니다. 공격, 점프, 가드, 회피 등 수많은 기능과 함께 히어로의 고유 특성을 활용하여 상대에게 다양한 콤보를 사용할 수 있습니다. 나만의 최강 콤보를 사용하여 상대를 무대 밖으로 멀리 날려버리세요!

수십 가지의 개성 있는 히어로를 선택할 수 있으며, 히어로는 업데이트를 통해 지속적으로 추가할 예정입니다. 독특한 개성과 고유 특성을 가지고 있는 히어로들의 스킬을 마스터하고, 자신과 어울리는 플레이 스타일을 찾아보세요!
▶ 게임 플레이 방법 플래시파티의 핵심적인 게임 플레이 방법은 유저가 히어로를 사용하여 상대를 무대 밖으로 밀어내는 것입니다. 머리 위의 넉아웃 게이지가 높을수록 더 멀리 날아가며, 모드마다 승패 규칙이 다릅니다.
▶ 오리지널 캐릭터 현재 출시된 히어로는 세이비, 소피아, 미코, 매지션, 큐피드, 앨리스, 티나, 칠리, S-17, 마카룡, 샌디, Mr.5 등이 존재합니다. 모든 히어로에게 고유 특성과 스타일이 있어 근접 전투와 원거리 전투를 즐겨하는 유저들의 취향에 알맞도록 개발하였습니다. 그 외에 게임 내에서 다양한 기믹 시스템이 준비되어 있습니다.
▶ 게임 모드 게임 모드는 경기장, 1대1 매치, 2대2 매치, 난투 매치, 파티 신기록 등이 있습니다. 현재 각 히어로의 배경과 알맞는 맵을 꾸준히 개발하고 있으며, 세이비의 스튜디오, 올림포스, 센터 스쿨, 케익 가득 섬 등의 맵이 존재합니다. 새로운 맵과 스테이지, 레벨, 규칙 등이 지속적으로 바뀌어 매일 새로운 게임 경험을 즐길 수 있습니다.
▶ 스타 패스 경기에서 승리하면 스타를 획득할 수 있으며, 일정량의 스타를 얻을 때마다 새로운 보상과 히어로를 획득할 수 있습니다.
▶ 파티 패스 (시즌 패스) 경기에 참여하거나 미션을 완료할 때마다 파티 보상을 획득할 수 있습니다. 파티 패스에서는 히어로, 이모티콘, 스킨, 넉아웃 이펙트 등 다양한 아이템을 획득할 수 있습니다. 유료 아이템은 런칭 시 오픈될 예정입니다.
▶ 세계관 신은 세상을 창조하였고, 그 과정에서 게임 하나를 같이 만들었습니다.
누군가 신이 남겨둔 전화기를 통해 무슨 게임인지 묻자, 신은 이렇게 말하였습니다. '게임에 참여하여 주인공이 될 경우 소원을 이룰 수 있도다.'
이 얘기가 세상에 퍼져나가기 시작하자, 세상이 변화하기 시작하였습니다.
자신이 가지고 있는 삶의 의미를 추구하고, 내면의 꿈을 이루기 위해 모두가 신이 남겨둔 게임 '플래사파티'에 참여하게 되었습니다.
그리고 모두가 모인 이 무대에서 거대한 빛을 내뿜기 시작하였습니다!
▶ 공식 커뮤니티 공식 커뮤니티에서 "플래시 파티"의 최신 정보를 확인하세요!

Official Website:http://fp.xd.com/
Official Twitter: @PlayFlashParty
Official Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/playflashparty.kr
Official Discord: discord.gg/flashparty
What’s new

Thanatos' New Skin: Relic Hunter
New palette colors for Tarara's skin: Summer Combat

Additional information
XD Entertainment Pte Ltd
In-app Purchases
영어, 일어, 중국어(번체), 한국어, French, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian, Thai
Current Version
1.97 GB
Update Time
System Requirements
Android 5.1.1 +
Parental Guidance
out of 10

What’s happening

Anime Game
best anime games for mobile
snap dead gaming 35K2024-02-15
Flash Party Update Roadmap 2024 Spring/Summer
Dear Party Stars, It's been half a year since we launched the "Starwaves" version, and today we're back with another round of future update plans! At the end of May, we will start Season SS5 - Dark Side of the Moon. Many new features will arrive in this version, and this season's update will be a major one! The Experimental Stickers we've been rolling out for the past two months will be officially implemented during the SS5 season. At the same time, we will also introduce a limited-time free hero feature, so that more players can experience the charm of our various party heroes. The sticker wishlist will be upgraded to what we call the "Wish Come True Card." During the subscription period, players can rent up to three colorful stickers and will have more ways to obtain the stickers. The Trophy Wall function will allow players who continue to support and participate in community events to accumulate more in-game achievements.
Few character designs are OK, some are bland, most makes me wanna throw up. Gameplay is just not smooth or refined, like some half ass version of smash bro, seriously the running speed seems quite  unnecessarily fucking fast. If this is on google play, I doubt It made very far and it'll be also rated very fucking low and not be listed in populars, brawlhalla >> This. Since this is only available in taptap it'll probably not get that much of a attention and hopefully die off and every single game who followed the fucking pathetic upgrading system of brawl stars!


Flash Party - Hype Impressions/Official Launch/It Will Suck You In
You can watch more reviews on My YouTube Lay the smackdown on your opponents in a variety of multi-platform arenas by knocking them off the stage and into the stratosphere. Dominate in various game modes that include 1v1, 2v2, Brawl, Arena and Soccer Showdown, each with their own victory conditions. Unlock rewards like rare costumes, KO effects, as well as coins you can use to redeem items. Level up your heroes and increase your player proficiency the more you play!
Flash Party - Hype Impressions/Official Launch/It Will Suck You In
Flash Party Reviews
Flash Party - Hype Impressions/Official Launch/It Will Suck You In
TIME TO BE A PARTY STAR!!! - Game Review: Flash Party
Lag Switcher exposed! Pay attention to ping
There are alot of PC players that use Lag Switches in order to exploit the network to gain an advantage in battle when used it makes it so your inputs are delayed or not function at all (hence me falling off at the end) and makes your character move slower than normal while they are spead up. How many times have you run into a Lag Switcher in this game? The devs might want to work on this immediately otherwise cheaters could ruin the game that they worked so hard to create .
TIME TO BE A PARTY STAR!!! - Game Review: Flash Party
Summary: Flash Party is Platform Fighting Game. You can control the most interesting Heroes in this exciting fighting party. Attack, jump, dodge, and block... throw your opponents off-stage with all sorts of moves! Choose from over 20 distinctive Heroes, and many more on the way! With the arrival of "Stardust Warriors," the battle style receives an overall upgrade: 4 different classes, each with distinctive mechanisms. Discover your unique style, and you are the next Party Star!
TIME TO BE A PARTY STAR!!! - Game Review: Flash Party


Flash Party Update Roadmap 2024 Spring/Summer
Dear Party Stars, It's been half a year since we launched the "Starwaves" version, and today we're back with another round of future update plans! At the end of May, we will start Season SS5 - Dark Side of the Moon. Many new features will arrive in this version, and this season's update will be a major one! The Experimental Stickers we've been rolling out for the past two months will be officially implemented during the SS5 season. At the same time, we will also introduce a limited-time free hero feature, so that more players can experience the charm of our various party heroes. The sticker wishlist will be upgraded to what we call the "Wish Come True Card." During the subscription period, players can rent up to three colorful stickers and will have more ways to obtain the stickers. The Trophy Wall function will allow players who continue to support and participate in community events to accumulate more in-game achievements.
Flash Party Update Roadmap 2024 Spring/Summer
Flash Party News
Flash Party Update Roadmap 2024 Spring/Summer
[Flash Party] Update Maintenance Patch Notes March 29th
[Flash Party] Update Maintenance Patch Notes March 29th
Greetings, Party Stars! We are carrying out a Scheduled Maintenance for Flash Party on March 29 (Friday) from 08:00-11:00 (UTC+8). The specific update content is as follows: [New Content] [New Party Pass: Sword of Hope] New Season: Sword of Hope and the all-new Party Pass will be coming soon!Purchase the Party Pass, and you can accumulate up to 9 dyes. Complete party missions to continually unlock massive resources and various outfits. Reach level 30 to obtain Alice's Starwave skin: Starwave Dream. Don't miss out on these great rewards!
[Flash Party] Update Maintenance Patch Notes March 29th
Flash Party
Flash Party
競技場モードの体験を向上させるため、競技場モード(頂上ソロ、頂上ダブルを含む)のマッチングルールを調整します: 「マスター級V」以上のランクを持つすべてのプレイヤーは同じマッチングプールに分けられ、システムによって戦いの相手としてマッチングされることにしました。 今回の調整ではマッチング範囲の調整のみ行い、戦いの結果によるランクポイントのルールは変更されません。 調整の目的としては、高スコアランクのプレイヤーのマッチング時間を短縮させ、高スコアランクの挑戦性を高めることです。 また、私たちはコミュニティのフィードバックを継続して受け取り、競技場モードのプレイ体験を向上させるための努力を続けます。 フラッシュパーティーへの皆さんのサポートに感謝いたします!


What is the latest version of Flash Party? When was this game updated?icon

The latest version of Flash Party is, updated at 2024-03-15.

what's new in the latest version of Flash Party?icon

New Party Pass: Sword of Hope
SS4 Arena Exclusive Skin: Mr. 5 Dressed to Impress
Tina: Dreadlocks Girl, New Palette Colors

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Flash Party is XD Entertainment Pte.

Can I play Flash Party on Android/iOS?icon

Now Flash Party is available on Android and iOS.

What languages are supported by the game?icon

Flash Party supports 10 languages including Japanese,English,Traditional Chinese,Korean,French,Russian,Spanish,Portuguese,Indonesian,Thai etc.

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on the app love-tato

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