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모바일 레전드: Bang Bang
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모바일 레전드: Bang Bang Global

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MLBB M5 애프터 파티에 참여하고 $20 한정판 스킨을 받으세요.
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Initial release Aug 09, 2016
캐리의 민족, 한국 영웅 이순신으로 캐리하라!

친구들과 함께 5vs5 전투를 모바일 레전드: Bang Bang 에서 즐겨보세요! 자신이 좋아하는 영웅을 선택해, 팀원들과 함께 팀워크를 다져보세요. 10초 매칭 후, 10분의 전투! 금화 획득, 몬스터 사냥, 타워 철거, 팀 단위 전투 등 PC에서 즐겼던 AOS의 정수들을 이제 당신의 핸드폰에서 실현됩니다!

모바일 레전드 : Bang Bang, 초히트 모바일 MOBA 게임. 팀원들과 힘을 합쳐 적을 처치하고, 승리의 기쁨을 누려보세요!

1. 클래식한 전장과 5vs5 전투
5vs5 전투와 3개의 길, 4곳의 몬스터 캠프, 18개의 타워, 강력한 2기의 보스 몬스터, 클래식한 AOS의 전장에서 완벽한 5vs5 대전을 즐겨보세요.

2. 승리를 위한 팀원 간의 팀워크.
피해를 막아주고, 적을 제어하고, 아군을 치유하는 등, 자신의 팀원들과 상의해 탱커와 마법사, 암살자와 궁수, 서포터 영웅까지 팀을 완성해 전투하세요! 새로운 영웅들 또한 계속 추가 중입니다!

3. 공정한 경쟁, 실력으로 승부.
전형적인 AOS 게임으로, 돈으로 승리를 사는 게임이 아닌 자신의 플레이로 승리를 획득하는 공정한 게임입니다.

4. 간단한 조작 방법
왼손으로 영웅 움직이고, 오른손으로 스킬을 시전하는 간단한 조작 방법! 자동 고정과 목표 선택 기능, 시스템에서 추천하는 장비를 원터치로 구입할 수 있는 원거리 장비 구매 시스템이 당신을 더욱더 전투에 집중할 수 있도록 만들어 드립니다.

5. 10초 매칭, 10분 전투
10초 만에 매칭이 완료되어 10분 동안 전투를 펼치게 됩니다. 지겨운 성장 시간을 대폭 앞당겨, 전투의 즐거움을 더 빠르게 느낄 수 있도록 하였으며, 언제 어디서든 빠르게 숨 막히는 긴장감이 넘치는 전장의 전투에 참가할 수 있습니다.

게임 내 [고객센터]를 통해 게임 내 발생하는 문제들을 문의할 수 있으며, 이 밖에 아래의 링크들을 통해서도 문의할 수 있습니다. 모바일 레전드: Bang Bang 에 대한 많은 의견과 건의 사항 기다리고 있겠습니다!

고객 센터 메일: [email protected]
Instagram: @mobilelegendsgame
공식 카페: http://cafe.naver.com/mobilelegends
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MobileLegends5v5MOBA
What’s new

1. 개편된 영웅: 빙하의 여왕 오로라. 진정한 컨트롤 마스터.
2. 전장 조정: 미니언과 포탑의 힘을 강화했습니다. 일부 중립 정글 몬스터를 조정했습니다.
3. MLBB × 진격의 거인 콜라보 이벤트 개최!
4. 매직 체스 시즌15는 서버 시간 02/02 0시에 정산됩니다. 그 후, 시즌16 "마법 수정: 룬"과 함께 새로운 기념일을 맞이해보세요.

Additional information
In-app Purchases
영어, 중국어(간체), 중국어(번체), 일어, 한국어
Current Version
196 MB
Update Time
System Requirements
Android 4.1 +
12세 이상
out of 10

What’s happening

Comment to win | Participate in the MLBB M5 after-party and win $20 limited-edition skin
The MLBB M5 season's event has concluded, but the party is just getting started! Share your idea on the standout moments from the MLBB M5 season – from nail-bitin victories to surprising upsets, all these experiences make great fodder for your submissions. Still buzzing from the M5 season and can't get enough? Then let's dive into what the M6 season holds for us. What are your predictions and who are you rooting for in the upcoming battles?
TapTap Editor38K2023-12-22
【MLBB】ALLSTAR Free Bonuses Breakdown
Get 5 Free Skins & Tons of Free ALLSTAR Promo Diamonds How to Get: 🔥 03/16 - 03/31  "Team Up, Enjoy the Beats!" Join the event to get Esmeralda's ALLSTAR Exclusive Skin, its Painted Skin, and ALLSTAR Avatar Border for FREE! 🔥 03/23 - 03/25  "ALLSTAR Login Gifts". Log in to claim SPARKLE Glow Sticks ×100! 🔥 03/25 - 04/09  "ALLSTAR Festival". Join to get tons of ALLSTAR Promo Diamonds. Log in on 04/09 to receive the ALLSTAR Festival Login Gift for free, and open it to get up to 1111 ALLSTAR Promo Diamonds!
👍 Pros: there are always players online globally, so matching is pretty quick. There are plenty of characters to choose from and the game gives you plenty of trial characters. 👎 Cons: the graphics aren't as smooth as League of Legends 🕹️ Controls: pretty straight forward and easy to understand. 📖 Storyline: it has been seriously improved thanks to the single player rpg that came out to compete against AFK arena.


【MLBB】ALLSTAR Free Bonuses Breakdown
Get 5 Free Skins & Tons of Free ALLSTAR Promo Diamonds How to Get: 🔥 03/16 - 03/31  "Team Up, Enjoy the Beats!" Join the event to get Esmeralda's ALLSTAR Exclusive Skin, its Painted Skin, and ALLSTAR Avatar Border for FREE! 🔥 03/23 - 03/25  "ALLSTAR Login Gifts". Log in to claim SPARKLE Glow Sticks ×100! 🔥 03/25 - 04/09  "ALLSTAR Festival". Join to get tons of ALLSTAR Promo Diamonds. Log in on 04/09 to receive the ALLSTAR Festival Login Gift for free, and open it to get up to 1111 ALLSTAR Promo Diamonds!
【MLBB】ALLSTAR Free Bonuses Breakdown
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Guides
【MLBB】ALLSTAR Free Bonuses Breakdown
Comment to win | Participate in the MLBB M5 after-party and win $20 limited-edition skin
This Masha hits like a TRUCK 🚒
MLBB M5|Battle night party! Click to receive the redeem code.
TapTap Editor
TapTap Editor
Comment to win | Participate in the MLBB M5 after-party and win $20 limited-edition skin
The MLBB M5 season's event has concluded, but the party is just getting started! Share your idea on the standout moments from the MLBB M5 season – from nail-bitin victories to surprising upsets, all these experiences make great fodder for your submissions. Still buzzing from the M5 season and can't get enough? Then let's dive into what the M6 season holds for us. What are your predictions and who are you rooting for in the upcoming battles?
Comment to win | Participate in the MLBB M5 after-party and win $20 limited-edition skin
This Masha hits like a TRUCK 🚒
Masha just received her 69th revamp, replacing all her tank stats and skills with physical damage. In short, Moneytoon unintentionally made her into a one-shot assassin. But is that really enough to make you win? UNNNLLLLLEESSSSSSSS!!!!! Watch the entire video and learn all the Secrets. Like, share, and subscribe for more insightful guides like this on Mobile Legends Bang Bang. YouTube:
This Masha hits like a TRUCK 🚒


What is the latest version of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang? When was this game updated?icon

The latest version of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is, updated at 2024-03-31.

what's new in the latest version of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang?icon

1. New Hero: Chip, Phase Technician. A Support/Tank hero who can use portals to roam the battlefield and support his allies.
2. S32 will start on 3/16 at 02:00:00 (Server Time), and the new Draft Pick will be applied!
3. ALLSTAR events will be available on 3/16 (Server Time)! The 2024 ALLSTAR Theme Map, "Euphora" will be available for a limited time!
4. New mode, Brawling Beats, will be available on 4/6 (Server Time)!

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is Moonton.

Can I play Mobile Legends: Bang Bang on Android/iOS?icon

Now Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is available on Android and iOS.

What languages are supported by the game?icon

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang supports 5 languages including Simplified Chinese,English,Traditional Chinese,Japanese,Korean etc.

Is it possible to play Mobile Legends: Bang Bang on PC?icon

Yes, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang can be played on PC using an emulator like BlueStacks.

Can I compete against my friends in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang?icon

Certainly! You can invite your friends to join a custom match where you both choose heroes and battle each other on a private map.

What are emblems used for in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang?icon

Emblems provide additional stat bonuses to your hero during battles. You can upgrade them using emblem fragments earned from matches and daily quests.

How should I handle toxic behavior during gameplay in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang?icon

Mute chat messages from toxic players to prevent verbal harassment during gameplay. Additionally, report any players who violate game rules, such as cheating, hacking, or being AFK, through the customer service option within the game.

Where can I get Mobile Legends for Android?icon

You can acquire Mobile Legends for Android from TapTap. Here, you'll have access to the latest updates and previous versions of this globally popular game.

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