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Banner of Dawn Restart: Survival RPG 1.1.43
Screenshot 1 of Dawn Restart: Survival RPG 1.1.43
Screenshot 2 of Dawn Restart: Survival RPG 1.1.43
Screenshot 3 of Dawn Restart: Survival RPG 1.1.43
Screenshot 4 of Dawn Restart: Survival RPG 1.1.43
Screenshot 5 of Dawn Restart: Survival RPG 1.1.43
Screenshot 6 of Dawn Restart: Survival RPG 1.1.43
Screenshot 7 of Dawn Restart: Survival RPG 1.1.43
Dawn Restart: Survival RPG
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Dawn Restart: Survival RPG

icon 9.1
Available on iconicon
Initial release Apr 30, 2023
Contexto do jogo:

1、A protagonista feminina, Mea, é uma garota misteriosa que sobreviveu sozinha na desolada terra desolada por 14 anos. Ela tem uma forte curiosidade e energia abundante, sendo uma rara flor da esperança nessa terra.
2、O protagonista masculino, Ryan, é um homem de meia-idade amnésico com uma força extremamente poderosa. Ele é impiedoso e taciturno, mas está determinado a encontrar sua filha, mesmo que tenha perdido tudo.
3、Conforme os jogadores continuam a experimentar o jogo, Ryan e Mea gradualmente se encontram e trabalham juntos para encontrar a filha desaparecida de Ryan. No processo, eles aprendem muito sobre tecnologia e segredos e começam a estabelecer o assentamento "Dawn", abrigando todos os sobreviventes e reconstruindo todo o continente. Esse é também o motivo pelo qual este jogo é chamado de "Dawn Restart: Survival".
4、O jogo também apresenta mais de 30 personagens com personalidades distintas e habilidades únicas. Cada capítulo apresenta um novo personagem com sua própria história e tarefas. Esses personagens não apenas podem ser recrutados de volta para a base, mas também fornecem aos jogadores habilidades e habilidades especiais. Esses personagens são inteligência artificial altamente desenvolvida, vivendo neste mundo do jogo como humanos reais.

Recursos do jogo:

1、Por meio da reconstrução e exploração, experimente a emocionante jornada após a grande guerra. Você irá conhecer mais de 50 personagens com diferentes personalidades, estabelecer mais de 60 instalações de base e usar mais de 1000 decorações.
2、Os protagonistas masculino e feminino trabalham juntos para explorar várias regiões pós-guerra, abrindo novas aventuras. O jogo contém mais de 100 cenas e scripts independentes e será atualizado regularmente.
3、A visão de mundo única acima e abaixo do solo permite que você crie sua própria construção de base! Desde plantio, colheita, ordens, fabricação, pecuária até decoração, o jogo está cheio de vários jogos que combinam com a visão de mundo, como exploração subterrânea, exploração da natureza, sistema de crescimento de sobreviventes e resgate de refugiados.
4、Use uma variedade de belas decorações para vestir seu grande acampamento e mostrar um sentimento de tecnologia futurista único.
Lembrete importante: Seu acampamento tem uma liberdade extremamente espaçosa para jogar.
What’s new

Para proporcionar uma melhor experiência de jogo e um processo de produção e consumo mais razoável, fizemos algumas alterações desta vez:
Otimização de pedidos de itens, pedidos de estações de trem, recompensas de caixas de estação e quantidades de pedidos de itens.
Otimização de preços de itens no mercado e preços de venda de itens na mochila.
Otimização de recompensas de missões de mineração.
Otimização da experiência de colocação de itens em mesas e cabines.
Ajuste de itens em sorteios de estações de trem, sorteios de aeroportos e sorteios de ilhas militares.
Ajuste de recompensas de radares comuns e avançados.
Ajuste de recompensas de recarga acumulada, recompensas VIP diárias e conteúdo de pacotes diários/semanais/mensais.
Adicionada a função de leitura rápida de pedidos VIP3.
Adicionada uma prévia de atributos de heróis adversários no aeroporto.
Corrigido o erro de exibição de ouro adicional em pedidos.
Corrigido o erro de envio na estação de prospecção

Optimizar la cantidad de artículos en los pedidos de la estación de tren.
Optimizar el rango de emparejamiento en el aeropuerto.
Aumentar el paquete VIP y la capacidad inicial de la mochila.
Corregir problemas de producción de diamantes, rendimiento de invernaderos y tiempos de cultivo.

16 de outubro de 2023
Correção das recompensas dos pedidos de trem e dos itens dos pedidos.
Otimização da distribuição de recursos no mapa da Ilha Militar.

14 de outubro de 2023
Otimizar as probabilidades e a quantidade de prêmios das loterias na Ilha Militar, na Estação de Trem e no Aeroporto.
Otimizar as recompensas dos pedidos na Estação de Trem.
Aumentar o número de slots na mochila ao subir de nível.
Otimizar a distribuição de recursos no mapa da Ilha Militar.

Otimize os relatórios de exploração para que você possa ver os atributos e equipamentos dos heróis adversários durante a exploração.
Otimize o custo em diamantes para recrutar milicianos rapidamente.
Otimize a exibição dos atributos dos heróis na interface.
Otimize a quantidade e tipos de itens na bolsa de valores.
Otimize a quantidade e tipos de itens na loja VIP.

Optimizar el equipo y las calificaciones de estrellas de los héroes, aumentando los bonos de atributos para las tropas.
Optimizar el mercado aumentando el número de ranuras y ajustando los precios de los objetos.
Optimizar el costo en diamantes para la finalización rápida del reclutamiento residencial.
Optimizar el tiempo de curación de los soldados heridos.
Optimizar la visualización de los atributos de los héroes.
Optimizar la lógica de interacción durante la exploración.
Optimizar las ventajas VIP para la capacidad de la mochila.
Optimizar la cantidad de radares y telegrafistas avanzados en las tiendas VIP.
Eliminar las últimas nubes en el mapa en el centro de reciclaje y en el campamento.
Corregir problemas relacionados con la exploración y mejorar la experiencia de exploración.

Optymalizacja doświadczenia i wzorców wykonania zadań.
Poprawa błędów w opisach umiejętności niektórych bohaterów i wyborze celów.
Optymalizacja produkcji i budowy robotów; zmiana produkcji pocisków na amunicję przeciwbpancerną.
Dostosowanie poziomu trudności, doświadczenia i nagród radaru; poprawa błędów w wyświetlaniu nagród za skanowanie radarowe i zwiększenie poziomów radaru.
Poprawa rozkładu zasobów na Wyspie Arsenalu; rozwiązanie problemu nieskutecznych napraw mostów na Wyspie Arsenalu.
Optymalizacja ilości produkcji paszy.
Poprawa czasu uprawy w trybie automatycznym, dodawanie bonusów za ilość szklarni na farmie oraz bonusów za gwiazdy na Xer i Vitaa. Poprawa błędów w uprawie przy maksymalnych gwiazdach.
Dostosowanie cen sprzedaży przedmiotów na giełdzie i w plecaku.
Optymalizacja trudności zamówień, trudności stacji kolejowej oraz ilości diamentów za szybki powrót pociągiem.
Optymalizacja produkcji i zużycia złota.
Dostosowanie czasu produkcji fabryk.
Optymalizacja materiałów do ulepszania budynków.
Rozwiązywanie problemów z wydajnością.
Naprawa błędów w aktywnościach siedmiu dni, logowaniu i wyzwaniach.
Naprawa błędów w automatycznym zbieraniu bohaterów.
Naprawa błędów w interfejsie poczty.
Rozwiązanie problemów z językiem w niektórych krajach.
Dodanie funduszu wzrostu złota.

Additional information
Restart dawn
In-app Purchases
Inglês, Chinês tradicional, Russian, Vietnamese, Thai, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Coreano, Japonês, Other Language, French, Malay, Ukrainian, Turkish, Hindi, Indonesian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Italian, Polish, Swedish, Romanian, Filipino, Bulgarian, Afrikaans, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Norwegian
Current Version
377 MB
Last Updated on
Network Connection
System Requirements
No System Requirements
Content Rating
Classificação para maiores de 12 anos
out of 10


"Dawn Restart: Survival" – Embark on an Uncharted Post-Apocalyptic Expedition
Game Platforms: Android, iOS Game Genre: Simulation, Card, Role-Playing Embark on Your Post-Apocalyptic Quest A Riveting Expedition Awaits For those on a quest for an immersive fusion of simulation and construction, the pursuit of the perfect game becomes an adventure in itself. Worry not, as your journey might discover satisfaction in "Sunset Reclamation: Chronicles of Survival." This post-apocalyptic gem seamlessly merges simulation, card dynamics, and role-playing, crafting a narrative that draws you in.
"Dawn Restart: Survival" – Embark on an Uncharted Post-Apocalyptic Expedition
Survival Farm: Adventure RPG Reviews
"Dawn Restart: Survival" – Embark on an Uncharted Post-Apocalyptic Expedition
Restart:Dawn  is a nice post-apocalyptic survival simulation title game
"Dawn Restart: Survival" - Embark on a Post-Apocalyptic Adventure
jay zhang
jay zhang
Restart:Dawn is a nice post-apocalyptic survival simulation title game
Restart:Dawn is an apocalypse-themed simulation game where stories take sudden twists and are full of unexpected events. The story is much interesting as it is filled with curiosity and vitality. The protagonist of the story whose name is Vincent is shown as an abnormally middle-aged man who is a classic rough and tough guy who suffers from amnesia. The female protagonist named May is a miraculous girl who stands as the only flower of hope in the no man’s land.
Restart:Dawn  is a nice post-apocalyptic survival simulation title game
"Dawn Restart: Survival" - Embark on a Post-Apocalyptic Adventure
Platform: Android, iOS Genre: Simulation, Card, Role-Playing A Captivating Journey of Exploration If you've been searching for an enthralling simulation and construction game, you're not alone. In this genre, finding the perfect title can be quite challenging, as many games fail to meet player expectations. However, your quest may come to a satisfying end with "Dawn Revelation: Journey of Survival." This is a post-apocalyptic simulation and management game that masterfully combines elements of simulation, card mechanics, and role-playing.
"Dawn Restart: Survival" - Embark on a Post-Apocalyptic Adventure


What is the latest version of Survival Farm: Adventure RPG? When was this game updated?icon

The latest version of Survival Farm: Adventure RPG is 1.1.43, updated at 2024-04-16.

what's new in the latest version of Survival Farm: Adventure RPG?icon

Optimized order items and prices.
Optimized military island missions and fixed some excavation errors on the military island.
Added a diamond healing feature to the militia camp.
Fixed issues with airport battle reports.
Corrected radio station descriptions.
Resolved some crash issues. If you encounter any crashes, please contact customer support.

To provide a better gaming experience and a more reasonable production and consumption, we have made some adjustments this time:
Optimized item orders, train station orders, train station box rewards, and item order amounts.
Optimized item prices in the exchange and item backpack selling prices.
Optimized mining mission rewards.
Optimized the experience of placing items on tables and in cabins.
Adjusted the items in train station lottery, airport lottery, and military island lottery.
Adjusted regular radar and advanced radar rewards.
Adjusted cumulative recharge rewards, VIP daily rewards, and daily/weekly/monthly package contents.
Added a quick-read feature for VIP3 orders.
Added a preview of opponent hero attributes in the airport.
Fixed the display error of additional bonus gold in orders.
Fixed the dispatch error at the prospecting station.

Optimize the number of items in train station orders.
Optimize the matchmaking range at the airport.
Increase VIP package and initial backpack capacity.
Fix issues with diamond farms and greenhouse yield and planting time.

Corrected train order rewards and order items.
Optimized the distribution of resources on the Military Island map.

Optimize the probabilities and quantity of rewards for Military Island, Train Station, and Airport lotteries.
Optimize the rewards for Train Station orders.
Increase the number of slots in the backpack as you level up.
Optimize the distribution of resources on the Military Island map.

Optimize exploration mail reports, allowing you to view the attributes and equipment of opponents' heroes during exploration.
Optimize the diamond cost for quick recruitment of militia.
Optimize the display of hero attributes in the interface.
Optimize the quantity and types of items in the exchange.
Optimize the quantity and types of items in the VIP shop.

Optimize equipment and hero star ratings, increase attribute bonuses to troops.
Optimize the exchange by increasing the number of slots and adjusting item prices.
Optimize the cost in diamonds for rapidly completing residential recruitment.
Optimize the healing time for wounded soldiers.
Optimize the display of hero attributes.
Optimize interaction logic in exploration.
Optimize VIP bonuses for backpack capacity.
Optimize the quantity of radars and advanced telegraph machines in the VIP shop.
Remove the last cloud at the recycling center and camp on the map.
Fix exploration-related issues and enhance the exploration experience.
Optimize task experience and completion patterns.
Correct errors in some hero skill descriptions and target selection.
Optimize robot production and construction; change bullet production to armor-piercing rounds.
Adjust radar difficulty, experience, and rewards; fix radar sweep reward display errors, and increase radar levels.
Improve resource distribution on Armory Island; address the issue of ineffective bridge repairs on Armory Island.
Optimize feed production quantity.
Improve idle farming time, provide bonuses for farm greenhouse quantity, and add bonuses for stars on Xer and Vitaa. Fix max-star farming errors.
Adjust item selling prices in the exchange and backpack.
Optimize order difficulty, train station difficulty, and the number of diamonds for fast train returns.
Optimize gold production and consumption.
Adjust manufacturing time for factories.
Optimize building upgrade materials.
Address performance issues.
Fix bugs in the seven-day activities, sign-in, and challenge activities.
Fix hero idle gathering errors.
Fix mail UI errors.
Resolve some language issues for different countries.
Introduce a gold growth fund.

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Survival Farm: Adventure RPG is Restart dawn.

Can I play Survival Farm: Adventure RPG on Android/iOS?icon

Now Survival Farm: Adventure RPG is available on Android.

What languages are supported by the game?icon

Survival Farm: Adventure RPG supports 32 languages including English,Traditional Chinese,Russian,Vietnamese,Thai,Spanish,German,Portuguese,Korean,Japanese,Other Language,French,Malay,Ukrainian,Turkish,Hindi,Indonesian,Czech,Danish,Dutch,Finnish,Italian,Polish,Swedish,Romanian,Filipino,Bulgarian,Afrikaans,Greek,Hebrew,Hungarian,Norwegian etc.

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