Sergii Ievtushenko
MoreRoguelike Deckbuilder inspired by Action RPGs. Build a powerful deck to support abilities of your hero. Use abilities to fight hordes of enemies. Features: Abilities supported by cards: Hero has 3 abilities that require mana. Cards generate mana, buff abilities, and heal hero. Area effect based combat: Each wave of enemies is a puzzle to solve. Use abilities and cards in right order to allocate your damage optimally. Experimentation without punishment: Can Undo anything you played that turn. Try different approaches with no penalty. Composite cards: Cards combine interchangeable statuses and cycles, resulting in huge variety of cards, while being easier to remember. Early Access comes with: 7 heroes54 enemies (20 enemy types)26 card cycles (plus 1 default mini-cycle, Potions)26 status effects678 cards combining cycles and statuses
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