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Screenshot 2 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 3 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 4 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 5 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 6 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 7 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 8 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 9 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 10 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 11 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 12 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 13 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 14 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 15 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 16 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 17 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 18 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 19 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 20 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 21 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 22 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 23 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
Screenshot 24 of All Star Streetball Party 1.0.191844
All Star Streetball Party

All Star Streetball Party

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3v3 Street basketball hand tour "All-Star Street Ball Party" 4/10 grand open beta!
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Initial release Mar 03, 2024
"Bringing talent back to the streets" "All-Star Streetball Party" is a 3V3 street basketball mobile game officially authorized by the National Players Association and a street basketball competitive mobile game developed by NetEase. Players can control Curry, James and many other stars in the game to compete. . On this day, basketball stars all over the world received a mysterious invitation. Driven by curiosity, they came to the city of basketball and enjoyed a rare vacation here. In addition to playing freely on the street courts, you can also lead the street style with trendy fashions and create unique customized sneakers; play with funny toys with friends and announce the start of the game with a cool entrance; participate in fitness training to continuously improve yourself on the court. abilities; and join different leagues to strive for glory for your own court. Old rivals, new friends, a different street competition system, everything has just begun... [All-star lineup, famous stars return to the streets] Officially authorized by NBPA (National Basketball Association Players Association), basketball superstars appear on the stage, super long three-pointers , slam dunk from behind, step-back mid-range shot, and other rich actions, as well as extreme micro-management, restore famous scenes of star players in minutes! ! [The first 11-point game, score points at a super fast pace to win] The first 11-point game mode, the rhythm is super cool and fast, say goodbye to garbage time, every round is an extreme attack and full defense, relying on operation and cooperation to score points Score points to win in seconds, play it anytime, anywhere. [Victory is more than just micro-management, become a coach and arrange your troops] In the dynasty mode, break down the barriers of operation and management, become a coach to form your dream lineup of superstars, formulate tactics or manual micro-management, switch at any time within the game, and create your street dynasty. [Interesting hot zone gameplay, the new mode doubles the game] The original 21-point hot zone game breaks the traditional competitive tactical framework. The bonus point area is randomly refreshed every round, and offensive and defensive games are launched around the hot zone. You can use exquisite coordination and unique tactics to play easily. The moment you make a comeback, the excitement is doubled! [Innovative league system, form teams to compete in the arena] There is no brother without basketball, follow the basketball spirit you admire in the league system, create an arena with your friends, form a team to compete, and challenge for the highest honor side by side in the arena competition. . [Original trendy brands from the sneaker workshop, a wide range of fashions can be freely matched] There are many original fashion brands of different styles in the game, with 8 parts available for free combinations. Street style is defined by the players themselves; there is also an original sneaker workshop system. Create unique and exclusive boots. [Follow us] "All-Star Streetball Party" official Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/DunkCityDynastyHMT "All-Star Streetball Party" official Discord: https://discord.com/invite/eXsZn6VDkJ " "All-Star Streetball Party" official customer service report: https://support.longeplay.com.tw/service_quick?param_game_id=L33 ※"All-Star Streetball Party" is classified as general level 0+ according to the game software classification management method. ※This application game is free to use. It also provides paid services such as purchasing virtual game coins and items. ※Please experience according to your personal interests and abilities. Please pay attention to the game time to avoid addiction. ※Taiwan game agent: Longyi Co., Ltd.
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LongE Play
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No System Requirements
Content Rating
3 歲以上
out of 10

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  網易遊戲開發、NBPA 美國國家籃球協會球員工會授權的 3v3 街頭籃球手遊《全明星街球派對》,將於 4 月 10 日正式上線,今日(9)日上午 10 時開放雙平台預先下載,熱愛籃球競技的玩家們可以通過商店提前下載遊戲,做好準備與「豪神」林書豪一同在街頭球場上大放異彩! 打造絕讚派對饗宴!揭密《全明星街球派對》遊戲配樂製作祕辛   除了球場上奮力作戰、扣人心弦的動作與腳步聲,場邊熱情觀眾的吶喊與主播賽評們專業的助威,運動場上隨著賽事進程而改變節奏的樂曲,更是主宰球場氣氛不可或缺的要素之一!主打 3v3 街頭籃球競技的《全明星街球派對》,不僅致力營造玩家身處街頭的感受,遊戲中配樂運用大量流行搖滾、Trap Beats,藉由多變的曲風與節奏變化,打造球場與對戰的臨場感,更對比賽進程起到推動的作用。   製作團隊指出,玩家們能隨著音樂與場景的變化,感受彷彿親臨不同球場的特色與獨有氛圍。從新手最先體驗到的標準球場,開場的籃球撞擊聲與鼓點結合,中段融入街頭歡呼的聲音,透過不同階段的節奏變化穿插,以烘托街頭鬥牛競技的熱血氣氛;遊戲中位於愛琴海的聖托里尼地圖是個充滿陽光與沙灘要素的地區,聽感上清澈的水聲交錯慵懶愜意的律動,編織出聖托里尼獨有的夏日 Chill 感;巔峰賽事的場館則應用大量鼓聲與 Bass ,傳達出有如頂上對決般的儀式感和賽點劍拔弩張的緊張局面。
3v3 街籃手遊《全明星街球派對》4/10 盛大公測!代言人林書豪暢談自身故事
網易遊戲開發、NBPA 美國國家籃球協會球員工會正版授權的 3v3 街頭籃球手遊《全明星街球派對》,宣布將於 4 月 10 日正式上市。      隨上市日公開,林書豪專屬角色首波視覺圖、知名球星能力解析等特色情報一併公開,供玩家們提前了解各個球員能力,贏球就要贏在起跑線!   官方加碼釋出代言人林書豪訪談影片,暢談自身故事與《全明星街球派對》帶給他的感動,並邀請全體玩家在公測當天一同踏上街頭大出瘋頭!事前預約活動持續進行中,提前加入將解鎖多種實用遊戲內道具,還有機會獲得林書豪限量周邊「豪」禮! 林書豪全面參戰《全明星街球派對》!專屬角色形象提前曝光!   十多年前林書豪在籃球界最高殿堂 NBA 掀起一陣林來瘋現象,以超越眾人期待的驚奇表現,帶領無數球隊走出低潮,成為無數人心中的超級英雄,更佔據全球媒體無數頭條。   重磅返台的他不僅再度掀起林來瘋,私底下更不留餘力推廣公益與籃球文化。如今這位寫下歷史的明星級 NBA 華裔球員,將於 4 月 10 日公測參戰《全明星街球派對》,官方提前公開林書豪宣傳視覺,供玩家們窺探林書豪的專屬角色形象。
👉🏻一款街球競技手遊,關鍵是,真的可以和明星球員一起競技! ~ 📖美國國家籃球協會球員工會正版授權3V3街籃手遊、網易開發的街籃競技手遊,遊戲中有大量明星球員,包括詹姆斯、哈登、庫裡等眾多球星,他們將和你並肩作戰。在遊戲中可以提升角色屬性、技能強度、搭配服裝等多角度培養角色,另外獨創11分賽制,拒絕垃圾時間。 👇 🎮遊戲名:全明星街球派對 ✅體育|街球|競技 📑 🏀收錄蓋帽、灌籃、三分球等多種籃球動作,操作自由。 💡獨創11分賽制,拒絕垃圾時間,時時刻刻都是巔峰狀態。 👑王朝模式,收納各路明星球員,組建最強隊伍,建立新的王朝。 🎫健身強化,提升天賦,裝配潛能,多交度養成角色! 📦還有豐厚福利,助你快速成長。


When was this game updated?icon

All Star Streetball Party is updated at 2024-06-26.

what's new in the latest version of All Star Streetball Party?icon

Brand new version now available! [New Season] The "2024.07-Championship Celebration" season will start immediately to participate in the peak competition. After winning 50 games, you can directly receive the new celebration action "Weightlifting". [New Stars] Harden, Leonard, Siakon, and Li Meng make their debut. The new superstar "Big Bearded" Harden joins the party, experiences the European step layup, and enjoys the pleasure of chaining the entire court with three-pointers. "Absolute Restriction" Leonard made a surprise appearance, transforming into "Mr. Big Heart" to hit key shots and experience all-around offensive and defensive performance. "Mobile Special Attack" Xi Yakang is now online, showing off his excellent offense, defense and super mobility supported by his outstanding wingspan and abundant physical strength. The top women's basketball scorer Li Meng made a gorgeous appearance, stunning the audience with his comprehensive offensive skills and excellent court vision, and the fearless Jinlan Party blossomed. [New Mode] Classic 3 vs. 3 A more pure street basketball duel. Get a higher score within 3 minutes to defeat your opponent and win the game! If the scores are tied at the end of the game, a 1-minute overtime will be entered. [New activity] 5v5 full-court hegemony (early version) Form a championship lineup, participate in real-time matching, operate 5 players to start offensive and defensive confrontations, and experience the full-court mode showdown with tactical upgrades! [New Event] The summer party team gathers for a wild carnival! New summer carnival series activities such as the Summer Golf Club, Summer Golf Handbook, daily team formation without losing stars, and return team formation without losing cups have been added. Call your golf friends to play together! [New Event] Rebirth: I Am the God of Basketball has added a new text adventure gameplay, and you will experience a colorful and diverse basketball dream-chasing career. Become a superstar or the patron saint of the water cooler, anything is possible! [New System] Master-Apprentice System The mentor-apprentice system is open. Players can establish a mentor-apprentice relationship and obtain exclusive mission rewards. They can also get additional mentor coins by leading their students to team up and have the opportunity to exchange for generous rewards in the mentor store. [New Fashion] The trend-chasing boy’s fashion box is now on the shelves. Let’s run, let troubles never catch up with us! A new "Fashion Chasing Boy" limited-time fashion box has been added, which contains special high-end fashion [Street Flash], high-end fashion [Breaking Waves], mid-level fashion [Cool Straw Hat], [Crouching Tiger], etc. [New Sneakers] Embrace the wave and swim against the current! A new "Summer Vacation Shoe Box" is added. When you open the box, you can get Inspur sneakers (new), leather shoes, relaxed sneakers, Surging sneakers, ocean-themed prints and other prints. The shoe boxes dropped by party members participating in the competition have been adjusted from "Rock and Roll Shoe Box" to "Summer Vacation Shoe Box". The original "Rock and Roll Shoe Box" can still be purchased or sold through the trading house (the guaranteed number of times for each shoe box is independent). There are also newly added exclusive print combinations for Inspur sneakers waiting for you to explore! Shock, disintegration, segregation, fission! The trading house has newly launched the "Dragon Boat Shoe Box". When you open the box, you can get fission sneakers (new), leather shoes, relaxed sneakers, surging sneakers, Dragon Boat Festival theme prints and other prints. [New Toys] Racing cars and dragon boat racing courses are not exciting enough? When you get your new car, it’s ready to go! You can get a new toy "sports car" by exchanging it in the fashion fragment store. The waves compete for many athletes, and three cheers of encouragement lift the spirit! You can get a new toy "Dragon Boat" by exchanging it in the fashion fragment store. Row the dragon boat with your reliable teammates and compete for victory! [New Collection] Player collections of Corey, Leonard, Li Meng, and Siakang are now online. Unlock the collections to get mysterious appearance props! [New Components] Fire-fighting theme and playoff-themed stadium components are now available. New fire-fighting theme components are available: large components [fire truck], basketball stand [explosion point], music stand [100,000 emergency], and basketball style [victory pivot]. New playoff-themed components: ground plan [within reach], large components [power of championship], standard components [victory commemoration], basketball stand [full perspective], music stand [focus of the field]. New basketball style: [Green Zong]. [New Feature] Super Giant Points in the Peak Tournament. After street players reach the Peak Super Giant in the Peak Tournament, they will have Super Giant Solo Points and Super Giant Team Points. At the same time, we have added rankings of super giant single row points and super giant team points for everyone to check. [New function] Graffiti on the court ground "Personalized court-customized ground" opens the graffiti function. You can create your own exclusive court by moving, rotating, scaling, copying, etc. You can also upload and publish your work to share it with others. Players can download and use it. [New feature] Personal honor wall covers hot pot king, scoring king, rebounding king... all kinds of badges are on the wall. A new "Personal Honor Wall" tab has been added to your personal information. All your court honors will be displayed here. The sense of ceremony must be grasped closely. [New Feature] Real-time Player Status Stars will receive popularity gain buffs based on their performance and popularity in real-life league games, and will gain some basic attribute enhancements in all games.

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of All Star Streetball Party is LongE Play.

Can I play All Star Streetball Party on Android/iOS?icon

Now All Star Streetball Party is available on iOS.

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