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Legend of Sword and Fairy 98 Tenderness Chapter

Legend of Sword and Fairy 98 Tenderness Chapter

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Initial release Feb 01, 2024
Thousands of tender feelings, flying together with the moon. There are so many sorrows about separation, only the shadow goes to whom. Myths, fairy tales, love words, tender and unforgettable "Legend of Sword and Fairy" is a game masterpiece that has influenced an entire generation of players. With its touching plot, beautiful music, and elegant poetry, it was well received as soon as it was released and remains unforgettable for players to this day. The seemingly ordinary inn boy Li Xiaoyao wanted to become a famous hero, but he was inadvertently involved in a conspiracy, and thus got acquainted with Zhao Ling'er, a descendant of the Nuwa tribe of Hui Zhilanxin. The Fairy Island where Zhao Ling'er lived was accidentally attacked, and Li Xiaoyao took on the important task of escorting Ling'er to find his mother in Miao territory. During the journey, Li Xiaoyao met the unruly daughter Lin Yueru, who was strong on the outside but soft on the inside, and Anu, a ghostly Miao girl. Along the way, after the protagonists experienced various bizarre, thrilling, poignant and romantic events, they finally got closer and closer to their destination, and the mystery of Zhao Ling'er's life experience gradually came to light. At this time, the conspiracy of the leader of the Moon Worshipers is also in front of everyone... Ranger, swordsman, fairy, swordsman in the rivers and lakes, Mengyuanqingchang Character introduction Li Xiaoyao is a handsome and handsome young man, who seeks medicine on the spiritual island to form an immortal relationship. Thousands of miles of ups and downs without hesitation, sword in the rivers and lakes as a beauty. The waiter in a small fishing village was raised by his aunt with great hardships. He saw many heroes in the inn and wanted to be a righteous knight who eliminates violence and brings peace to the people. Destined to have a peach blossom, he wanders into the world by mistake and develops an inextricable four-cornered love affair with the three heroines. Zhao Ling'er is in a cave on Xianling Island, where a lonely lotus sleeps with the moon in the pond. Once the wind and rain hit the water, I hope you will find it and take pity on it. A refined girl who has been isolated from the world since childhood, like a white lotus in a pond, follows her grandma to live in seclusion on Fairy Island to practice and avoid being pursued by her enemies. Her mysterious life experience makes her unable to escape fate, and she is doomed to experience countless disasters in the world of mortals. Lin Yueru is a naughty girl who is worth a thousand gold, and she competes in martial arts to win the hearts of her relatives. I hope to be able to depend on you forever and travel with heroes in the world. The daughter of Lin Tiannan, the leader of the Southern Wulin Alliance, is a willful and unruly female swordsman. With her family's unique skills, she has no rivals in the south of the Yangtze River. Because she was a daughter and could not compete for the position of alliance leader, she had no choice but to set up a competition to recruit brides and select heroic young men to marry into the Lin family. Anu is like a flower, a young girl, a ghost, a spirit, and she is happy to meet a gentleman for the first time in love. The falling flowers are willing to be united, and the moon is willing to be a star. The daughter of the chief of the Bai Miao tribe, she has a tricky and lively personality. She fools Li Xiaoyao around as soon as she appears on the stage, and she is unable to resist her. He looks innocent on the outside, but his methods of using witchcraft and poison are terrifying. Martial arts, magic, tactics, dynamic turns, endless fun. The battle adopts third-person turn-based combat, and up to three characters can be controlled at the same time. In battle, you can choose to attack the enemy by attacking, combining attacks, magic, throwing props, etc. You can also use support props or magic to restore your own vitality, or you can choose to escape from the battle.
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大宇資訊發表重大訊息,表示其有意出售《仙劍奇俠傳》、以及《軒轅劍》的版權。 大宇董事會決議,應集團長期策略發展,擬處置本公司持有的《仙劍奇俠傳》版權(除中國外的海外地區)及《軒轅劍》版權(全球),授權董事長進行規劃及洽談,後續如有洽詢適合之交易對象及條件後,將依本公司「取得或處分資產處理程序」辦理。 大宇先前於 2021 年,出售了《仙劍奇俠傳》在中國地區的版權給中手遊,現在進一步要出售其他地區以及《軒轅劍》的版權,若成功售出,這兩個 IP 就再也不歸大宇所有。
由台灣大宇資訊開發出品的角色扮演冒險電子遊戲《仙劍奇俠傳》現已登陸Google Play平台,本作分為兩個版本:簡體中文的《仙劍奇俠傳98 問情篇》以及繁體中文的《仙劍奇俠傳DOS版》。 柔情千縷, 雙飛伴月行。 離愁萬種, 只影向誰去。 神話、仙話、情話,柔腸百轉,刻骨銘心 《仙劍奇俠傳》是影響了整整一代玩家的遊戲大作。憑藉感人的劇情、動聽的音樂、優雅的詩詞,一經推出便大受好評,至今讓玩家難以忘懷。 看似平凡的客棧小夥計李逍遙,一心想成為名震江湖的大俠,卻在無意中捲入一場陰謀,並由此結識了蕙質蘭心的女媧族後裔趙靈兒。趙靈兒所居之仙靈島意外遭人襲擊,李逍遙遂擔任起護送靈兒往苗疆尋母的重任。在旅程中,李逍遙先後結識了外剛內柔的刁蠻千金林月如、鬼靈精怪的苗族少女阿奴。一路上,主角們經歷了各種或詭譎多變、或驚心動魄、或淒美浪漫的事件後,終於離目的地越來越近,而趙靈兒的身世之謎也逐漸水落石出。而此時,拜月教主的陰謀也擺在了眾人的眼前……


When was this game updated?icon

Legend of Sword and Fairy 98 Tenderness Chapter is updated at 2024-01-26.

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The provider of Legend of Sword and Fairy 98 Tenderness Chapter is SOFTSTAR ENTERTAINMENT.

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