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Screenshot 1 of Everlife
Screenshot 2 of Everlife
Screenshot 3 of Everlife
Screenshot 4 of Everlife
Screenshot 5 of Everlife
Screenshot 6 of Everlife


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Initial release Apr 04, 2023
In this deep life simulator, create your own character and take them on a journey from birth to death. Swipe through life year-by-year and make difficult decisions, then watch the consequences unfold. Along the way, develop your personality, experience major milestones, navigate life’s ups and downs, and deal with unexpected drama.

How will you live your Everlife?

Birth to death — and everything in between! Experience every major milestone in life, from your first words to retirement.

Navigate life while maintaining your mental and physical health, social life, love life, family bond, career performance, and wealth.

Whether car crashes or cancer, broken bones or mental breakdowns, divorces or death, life is sure to throw a wrench in your plans.

Climb the career ladder and face difficult decisions along the way. Reap the rewards of a workaholic lifestyle or enjoy a life of leisure.

See what fate has in store! Embrace your destiny or forge your own path. Complete Life Goals to earn Experience, which can be used to unlock powerful Perks.

Everlife is always evolving! Check back often for new scenarios, expanded gameplay features, bug fixes, and more.

No advertisements, paid currencies, energy/time mechanics, or pay-to-win features whatsoever.
What’s new

EVERLIFE 3.4.1 - 3.4.4 CHANGES
- Critical bug fixes and improvements.


Activities and Decisions
- Actions have been split into two categories: Activities and Decisions. Starting at age 16, you’ll get to choose one of each per year.
- Most actions, like “Go hiking” or “Dine out” have been changed to Activities.
- Important actions like “Find a job” or “Propose” have become Decisions, so you can make important life changes without sacrificing an entire year.
- The Activity menu has been reorganized. The new categories are: Interactions, Recreation, Skills, Productivity, School, and College. Categories dynamically appear and disappear as your life changes.

Skill Development Changes
- Use the new “Skills” category in the action menu to view all skill-related Activities.
- Each skill has one “practice” Activity that allows you to safely develop that skill without fear of a negative outcome.
- Each skill also has one (or two) Activities where skill level determines your chance of a successful outcome. Your success rate is now visible on these Activities. Each skill point increases your chance by 10%, so if your skill level is 7, you’ll have a 70% chance of success.

Parent + Partner Interactions
- You can interact with your parents and partner in the new “Interactions” category in the Activity menu. Child, sibling and pet interactions will arrive in a future update!
- Social actions like “See family therapist” and “Buy a gift” have been moved to each character’s respective sub-menu.

- You can now have an older sibling, a younger sibling, both, or neither.

Profile Changes
- Trait, Condition, Vehicle and Degree panels on the Profile now dynamically resize.
- The trait and condition limit has been removed.

Social Media and Followers Changes
- The social media career has been revamped and integrated with followers.
- You must have 10,000 followers to begin the social media career, and each promotion requires meeting a specific threshold of followers.
- The social media skill determines your chance of success when attempting to gain followers.
- Follower count is more dynamic and will realistically grow with time.
- If you’re famous, your follower account will grow accordingly.

Hometowns and Consequences
- You now have a hometown! Each hometown has a different childhood effect.
- New town-specific bonuses and consequences.

Backstory Editor
- The backstory editor has been upgraded! It’s now more interactive, and has some new options.
- All players may now choose a hometown, and Deluxe Deck owners can choose their family economic class, the number and gender of their siblings, and their starting stat levels.

Pay Day Changes
- While employed, you will now be paid every 5 years instead of every 10 years.
- Salary is influenced by job level, not career track. Each career has the same earning potential at the higher levels.
- Your salary is now calculated by tripling your job level. For example, if you’re at level 3 of a career, you’ll be paid 9 Wealth every 5 years. If you’re at level 1, you’ll only make 3 Wealth every 5 years.

Expanded Podcasting and Filmmaking
- Choose the title and genre of your works, and experience more specific outcomes.

Perk Changes
- The Asset Architect perk is now called Style Swap, and it unlocks a new “Get a Haircut” Decision.
- The “Invest” Activity no longer requires unlocking a perk.
- If you previously unlocked the Asset Architect perk, the new Style Swap perk will automatically be unlocked.

Additional information
Philip Kessler
Last Updated on
out of 10

What’s happening

遊戲名:Everlife 平臺:Android    iOS 類型:模擬 ✨超真實的人生模擬器,從出生到入土 ✨智商是爸媽給的,但命運是自己掙的 ✨不要相信任何一個打著愛情的旗號跟你要錢的騙子😤 最近幾天沉迷這個人生模擬器 玩法有點類似reigns,就是給一段劇情,然後會有兩個選項,玩家左滑或者右滑進行選擇 玩家的選擇會影響各項屬性和後續劇情 它的劇情從出生開始,到上學,到工作,到戀愛,到婚姻和家庭,最後是養老 一開始我啥也不懂 有人提出約會就戀愛了 然後剛約沒幾次,對方就提出借錢 我傻傻地就借出去了 結果對方就跑路了😲把我的錢都帶走了 本來剛畢業還沒什麼收入的我 年紀輕輕就死於貧窮☠ 重來一局,我吸取教訓😠 不談戀愛!專注搞錢! 職業巔峰後退休!還住進了豪華大house! 過上了幸福又快樂的晚年生活😋 到了第三局,我自問已經玩懂這個遊戲了 再次嘗試戀愛和婚姻 然後在事業上升期,另一半提出要孩子 好不容易順利生下來 又說要第二個😨 好不容易扛過來 結果差點被兩個娃吃到破產😖 不得不變賣家財 終於熬到了倆小孩拿了全額獎學金滾去大學 就在我以為終於苦盡甘來的時候 另一半失業了🙃 還不找工作,天天在家賴著 一提找工作就急 我%$《#*&……🤬 這個遊戲告訴我 珍愛生命,遠離婚姻 只要不生,就是人生巔峰! 來試試看,你會度過怎樣的一生?
Wonder will it come to Google play
it looks cool


When was this game updated?icon

Everlife is updated at 2024-04-17.

what's new in the latest version of Everlife?icon

Everlife 3.6 Patch Notes
*Start a new life after updating to 3.6 to avoid compatibility issues*

- In response to player feedback, the Action Menu has been expanded yet again! You may now choose FOUR actions per year:
- 1 Interaction
- 1 Skill-based Action
- 1 Activity
- 1 Decision
- This new setup allows for more freedom and flexibility, while still maintaining the challenge of choosing only one action per category each year.

- Interactions have been added for siblings, children and pets!
- Since interactions have become an integral part of the core gameplay loop, more characters will be added in the future.
- The outcomes of many interactions with your children are determined by your parenting skill. However, even “unsuccessful” interactions with your children have a 50% of improving your skill as a parent, so don’t give up!

- Need cash? Use the new “Take out loan” Decision to borrow from the bank.
- Choose from 5 loan packages, ranging from +5 to +50 Wealth.
- Loan repayment (plus 30% interest!) is due in 15 years. You can repay your loan early via the “Repay loan” Decision.

- Tuition is 10 Wealth, 15 Wealth, or 25 Wealth, depending on the college. Tuition is now listed when you select a college.
- You won’t have to pay college tuition if you are eligible for a scholarship (A or A+ final grade) or your family covers your costs (green Family stat), but you also won’t gain any Wealth in these cases anymore.

- Milestones are now Memories! Milestones were too rigid and didn’t always function correctly. Now, Memories are automatically logged during important life events.
- Head to the new Memories app for a chronological view of your life experiences so far.
- All Milestones have been converted to Memories, and there are dozens of completely new Memories as well.

- Exotic pets (Fame & Fortune) now have a realistic lifespan and will eventually pass away.
- New, more detailed icons for all towns.

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Everlife is Philip Kessler.

Can I play Everlife on Android/iOS?icon

Now Everlife is available on iOS.

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