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Screenshot 7 of Kingdom Eighties
Screenshot 8 of Kingdom Eighties
Kingdom Eighties

Kingdom Eighties

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More strategic base building!https://store.steampowered.com/app/1637320/Dome_Keeper/
About the Game

Grab your bike, pedal off and beat back the Greed to save your town. Kingdom Eighties is a story-based tower defense spin-off to the award-winning Kingdom series set in the 80s. This is a singleplayer adventure with base building and strategy elements, rad aesthetics and a soundtrack inspired by the sweet synth tunes of the ‘80s.

Something disturbing has broken free from the shadows and it's up to you as The Leader to drive the evil back by recruiting your friends and other kids from the neighborhood. Together you will build your defenses and protect the town from the relentless attacks by the mysterious Greed monsters that are trying to steal your family heirloom, the Crown of Creation. ​​For what nefarious purposes, who knows?Muster and Deploy the Neighborhood Watch

Gather your three unique companions, each with special skills, and recruit other kids to build defenses, collect coins and… run a lemonade stand and a pizza shop (among many other things)! Manage the people you recruit, unlock tools and more importantly gear your crew up for the horrors that come at night.Captivating story about something dangerous lurking in the shadows

A force, dormant for centuries, has somehow broken free in the ‘80s; Kingdom Eighties is a comic-sized story about the small town Monarch that has come under threat by an unknown evil. It has fallen upon you, as The Leader, to defend it and save the day. Rally the Summer Camp when an evil force of goopy Greed monsters attack and try to break your defenses. Where did they come from and where the heck are all the adults? Uncover clues and discover what happened to everybody else as you repel and fight the Greed back.Pixels, Neon Lights and Synths

Kingdom's iconic, handcrafted art style is back, now with a neon touch coming directly from the ‘80s aesthetics. Chill and vibe with the synthy OST from Andreas Hald, and travel back to the wonder days of bike riding and summer camps, when everything seemed possible.Survival Mixtapes Mode

In the true arcade style, Kingdom Eighties features a new game mode: Survival Mixtapes! Bring your best tactics and strategies to fend off progressively harder waves of Greed in four different episodes including “Back to the Suburbs” and “Greed, First Goo”. Make on-the-fly decisions as certain buildings’ special abilities are disabled and levels feature random mounts. This game mode is sure to put your skills to the test!
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Fury Studios
Last Updated on
out of 10

What’s happening

Orson Card在其1985年發佈的科幻小說Ender's Game中預言,觸屏設備將取代手柄、鍵鼠等外設,成為未來戰爭的指揮載體。因為觸屏面板上的多手勢操作,能夠用更少的動作傳遞更多的指令,來應對戰爭所需的快速反應。 在眾多遊戲裝置中,主機+手柄自然是動作遊戲的最佳選擇,而PC+鍵鼠也成為射擊遊戲玩家的首選,但對於策略遊戲,觸屏將是它命中註定的未來。 受到手機性能限制,過去玩家往往傾向於在PC上玩策略遊戲,從steam年銷量榜上可見一斑。這些PC上飽受讚譽的遊戲移植到手機之後,即使缺少操作上的適應性調整,觸屏設備在視角調度和指令輸入上的優勢也已經初步體現。 這個列表將推薦5款移植後操作體驗不輸PC的策略遊戲。每一款都是我在移動設備上實機測試過的,操作、畫質、硬體需求等多個方面都幫大家排雷了,歡迎收下這份詳細的測評清單!
遊戲名:Kingdom Eighties 平臺:Android iOS 類型:探索 塔防 橫版 Kingdom系列又出新作了!雖說前幾作還沒有全部通關但這一點也不妨礙我先買為敬。 開始接觸這個系列還是在它綠光測試的時候(是的!那時steam還沒關掉綠光)。像素畫出來的幾可亂真的水面效果讓Kingdom初代立刻在社區中爆火,自成一派的謎語人式塔防玩法與神秘的世界觀相得益彰,更讓遊戲引人入勝。 本作裡也有很多讓人看不懂的設施 之後幾代遊戲中,Kingdom的世界設定逐漸完善。就在我以為這個系列已經可以完結的時候,Kingdom 80s橫空出世,將故事背景從古代君主統治的凍土苔原改到了陽光燦爛的80年代西海岸,繼續書寫著王國血脈的傳奇。 ✨霓虹閃爍的80年代風情 本作給我的感覺好像是直接打開了怪奇物語的最終季。建築工人無意間發現了埋藏在地底的雙王雕像,平靜的小鎮立刻被深淵裂隙撕開,無數黑黢黢的怪物湧了出來,觸手和粘液侵蝕了所有的建築,空氣中漂浮著不知從何而來的火山灰……而這一切,身在夏令營的主角尚不知曉,但他已經察覺到,來自黑暗中的貪婪目光。
遊戲名:Kingdom Eighties 平臺:Android iOS 類型:塔防 橫版 ✨獨特的橫版塔防玩法,收集硬幣建造基地抵禦怪物入侵 ✨80年代復古風,在大人消失的世界裡嘗試童年所有未能實現的壞點子 ✨敘事主導的遊戲流程,拓展Kingdom系列世界觀 週末火速通關了Kingdom系列的新作,真的太好玩了🤩 故事講的是大人挖地挖出怪物 把所有人都困在商場裡 只能等在夏令營過暑假的中學生們營救 這個題材就很爽🤣🤣🤣 堪比喪屍末世到處掃蕩超市的爽 夏令營、學校、遊樂場幾個場景都隨便探索 撿到什麼車都可以開來玩一玩 自行車、滑板、卡丁車、跑車…… 路邊的自動販賣機和停車收費器都可以打爆 會爆大量硬幣出來 用硬幣收買其他小孩替自己幹活 賣爆米花、賣街機遊戲來掙更多的錢 當然爽完了大人還是要救的🤣 要找到天才神童小夥伴做鐳射炮臺 組合各種垃圾箱、報廢車輛形成移動掩體 一路平推到結局就好了 我玩了普通難度感覺完全不難 主要就是四處探索 嘗試使用認識的不認識的各種設施 非常有趣的遊戲~畫面也很好看~強烈推薦~


When was this game updated?icon

Kingdom Eighties is updated at 2024-04-13.

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Kingdom Eighties is Fury Studios.

Can I play Kingdom Eighties on Android/iOS?icon


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