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Screenshot 1 of My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG
Screenshot 2 of My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG
Screenshot 3 of My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG
Screenshot 4 of My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG
Screenshot 5 of My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG
Screenshot 6 of My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG
Screenshot 7 of My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG
Screenshot 8 of My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG
Screenshot 9 of My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG
My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG

My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG

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Initial release Jul 12, 2023
Who Dares to Disturb the Peace of Dungeon?
The Great Battle to Protect the Dungeon Begins Now!

■ Block the Heroes Invading the Dungeon! Strategical Defense Game
- Fight against the Heroes raiding the Dungeon with strategies.
- You can guard the Castle by summoning the Minions, the friends of the Demon Lord.
- Each Minion has a different Cost and characteristics, so summon them strategically to battle against the Heroes.

■ Tiny but Powerful! Possession System for a Greater Strength
- The Lord may be a tiny and weak soul but can possess and control the Minions.
- The Lord Skill varies the Minion's abilities and generates higher synergy.
- Bring out the outstanding power of the Lord to your heart's content by Possession.

■ Explore the Castle! Various Battle and Rich Content
- There are secret places hidden all around the Castle.
- Enter the dungeons all over the Castle for more power.
- Strengthen the defense of the Castle by collecting the enhancement materials.

■ Golden Age for Ugly Ones! Collection of Unique Minions
- Meet 64 types of Minion living in the Castle.
- Each Minions has a different appearance, with unique characteristics and powers.
- Experience their powerful skill, and soon you will fall into their charm.

■ I will be the Demon Lord, not a Hero! A Fresh New Story
- Enjoy the game with a unique and interesting story.
- Wonder the story of the Heros raiding the peaceful Castle and the Lord becoming a soul?
- A game with a brand-new concept, a line defense of a brand-new form!
- Join the adventure to the Castle Now!

[ Official Community ]
- Discord(Invitation) : https://discord.gg/tEmXVd4eJx
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/MySweetHomeDungeon

[ Customer Support ]
- E-mail : [email protected]
What’s new

1. New Feature : Auto Lord Skill
2. New Feature: Rune Option Change Count Reset
3. Improved binary stability & bugfixes

Additional information
Blue Potion Games Co., Ltd
Last Updated on
out of 10

What’s happening

👉🏻一款策略塔防遊戲。 🪄妳將扮演保衛者而不是入侵者,作為惡魔之王,妳需要保護寶貴的地下城,抵禦入侵的冒險者。可親自附身到角色上戰鬥,使防禦作戰產生更多樣的變化。 ‼️喜歡的話就趕緊下載體驗啦! - 🎮遊戲名:地下城家園:防守RPG ✅像素|放置|策略 🪄 🌟 共64位手下,每個手下擁有不同屬性和能力,召集他們與入侵地下城的勇士們作戰。 💡 可以附身在手下身上戰鬥,增強他們的能力發揮最大的協同效應。 🔍 發現各個秘密地點併探索,可獲得額外的力量和資源。 🌀 收集強化材料來強化妳的城堡防禦,確保沒有勇士突破妳的據點。 🎬 防守玩法結合劇情敘事,揭開變成靈魂狀態魔王的隱情。
Gacha games that I recommend (Pixel art, f2p, monsters, cards, and more! )
Hi, here Kawi. Are you bored with the typical gacha games out there and want to try something new? Well, I don't promise you that you will like the games below, because they are very different games from each other, but their purpose is the same after all. let's start! Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe We are literally starting with the best of the best. In my opinion, this is one of the most addictive and f2p gacha game I know. Many banners come with a 10% chance of getting an SS (it's the highest character grade). Its characters are very varied, from humans, animals and supernatural creatures.With a pixel art aesthetic, and a great soundtrack, it stole my entire heart. I recommend starting to play it now, since they are celebrating their 3.5th anniversary and are giving away more than 40,000 gems (approximately) (to give you an idea, a gacha run costs 3,000 gems) The only negative thing I can say is that you can get a little confused with the content, but once you get used to it, you start to thank God for such a beautiful f2p gacha game.
٭кαωι lαяу٭4K2023-12-07
My Sweet Home Dungeon - Hype Impressions/Global Launch
You can watch more reviews on My YouTube The Grand Plan to Protect Castle, a Sweet Home for the Lord and the Minions Fight against the Heroes raiding the Castle with Brilliant Strategies and Powerful Skills! ■ Block the Heroes raiding the Castle! Fight against the Heroes attacking the dungeons. You can summon the Minions guarding the Castle. Each Minion has different costs and characteristics, so summon them strategically to join the battle.


When was this game updated?icon

My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG is updated at 2024-03-21.

what's new in the latest version of My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG?icon

1. Improved binary stability & bugfixes

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG is Blue Potion Games.

Can I play My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG on Android/iOS?icon

Now My Sweet Home Dungeon: RPG is available on iOS.

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