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Banner of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 1 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 2 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 3 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 4 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 5 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 6 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 7 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 8 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 9 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 10 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 11 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 12 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 13 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 14 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 15 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 16 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 17 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 18 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 19 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 20 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 21 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 22 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 23 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Screenshot 24 of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love 1.4.0
Paper Bride 4 Bound Love
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Paper Bride 4 Bound Love

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Initial release May 27, 2023
"Pray to the matchmaker for a good marriage.
Breathing jade waves in the wind,rising with lingering sentiments.
Love is entwined like a red silk, hard to untie...

Long time no see,are you still the same as before?
Dreams and reality are as one. Who is a ghost, and who is not? Are you still you?

""Paper Bride 4 Bound Love"" is a Chinese horror puzzle game, the fourth work in the ""Paper Bride"" series. Welcome everyone to return to the world of Paper Bride. This time, let us uncover the secrets of Yichang Town together.

We are trying to create a different experience for each paper bride. In the previous few works, we tried to deconstruct puzzle solving and folklore in different aspects (such as physical puzzle solving, burning paper for ourselves, etc.).
And this work, we intend to go back to the basics, try a more traditional direction, and restore the feeling of old-fashioned classic folk movies.

New works will continue to be upgraded:
*Traditional Chinese folk culture upgrade - more Chinese folk culture and metaphysics, more paper puppets.
*Art upgrade—the art department has a few new monsters (masters), and things like paper figurines will be even weirder.
*Heartbeat upgrade——Different paper fans have different evaluations on the heartbeat speed of the previous game. Some people said it was more exciting, while others said ""it's not as good as the previous one"". So this time we dare not use too much force, just increase it by 0.01 times!No entrance for heart disease patients!"
What’s new

Improve version stability

Additional information
Heartbeat Plus
Official Website
Official Website
In-app Purchases
English, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, Traditional Chinese
Current Version
145 MB
Last Updated on
Network Connection
System Requirements
Android 6.0 +
Content Rating
Everyone 10+
out of 10

What’s happening

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七月半,祭鬼魂,焚紙錠,放河燈。 我們生而浸染在民俗文化的氛圍中,“東方神秘學”對我們有著說不清道不明的吸引力。遊戲中也有不少中國驚奇異聞,一起感受中式懸疑故事吧!
今年夏天太熱,即使是裹著被子在空調房看恐怖故事,也難以做到心靜自然涼。滿腦子胡思亂想,想到了一個有趣的事情:為什麼在恐怖遊戲中,細思恐極的角色形象,大多都是女人或是小孩? 比如說《零~濡鴉之巫女~》以及這系列的主角們,《惡靈古堡》的“吸血鬼夫人”,《沉默之丘》的“小護士”,都是讓人印象深刻的角色。 《死亡空間》那種富有衝擊力的視覺表現,不屬於這類看著就毛骨悚然的東西。一個纖弱女子出現在廢棄的舊屋,直覺上,玩家會覺得:不合理,不應該,難道有什麼隱情? 遊戲的例子可能相對單薄,我提議一起看看更古老的娛樂形式:《閃靈》中最經典的場面之一,就是兩個雙胞胎小女孩,並肩站在走廊上;《咒怨》裡面,雖然載體和被害人一換再換,但最讓人印象深刻還是白衣黑髮的伽椰子小姐;哪怕在《聊齋》這種民間故事合集中,山野中游蕩的都是女鬼、女妖精,很少見到一百零八水滸兄弟化作厲鬼行凶。難道是男性陰氣不夠重?還是說男鬼只能像老港片《我左眼見到鬼》那樣,在陰間做一個搞笑男?


What is the latest version of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love? When was this game updated?icon

The latest version of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love is 1.0.5, updated at 2024-07-19.

what's new in the latest version of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love?icon

Improve version stability

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Paper Bride 4 Bound Love is Heartbeat Plus.

Can I play Paper Bride 4 Bound Love on Android/iOS?icon

Now Paper Bride 4 Bound Love is available on Android and iOS.

What languages are supported by the game?icon

Paper Bride 4 Bound Love supports 6 languages including English,Japanese,Korean,Vietnamese,Thai,Traditional Chinese etc.

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