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Banner of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 1 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 2 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 3 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 4 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 5 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 6 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 7 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 8 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 9 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 10 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 11 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 12 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 13 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 14 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 15 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 16 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 17 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 18 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 19 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 20 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 21 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 22 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 23 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Screenshot 24 of Persona: Phantom of the Night 1.0.2
Persona: Phantom of the Night
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Persona: Phantom of the Night TW

icon 9.2
Released date confirmed for April 18th
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Initial release Apr 16, 2024
"Persona: Nightfall" is the first new mobile game derived from the "Persona 5" IP series. ATLUS is deeply involved in the development and supervision to create a new gaming experience and a new plot. Players will be able to explore the real world in the game. Go to the familiar Shibuya area of ​​Tokyo and sneak into the memory space of another world for adventure. Now join the new Phantom Thieves with your partners, explore the unknown halls to seize secret treasures, and immerse yourself in a dual world full of unique charm! Make a reservation now to receive rich rewards and start your new Phantom Thief story! [Game Features] "Persona: Phantom of the Night" integrates the exploration gameplay of the real world and another world into the game features. You will transform into a high school student, spend a wonderful student life in Jishu Academy, participate in schoolwork, Social activities, develop skills, and build deep interpersonal relationships; in a different world, you will enter a palace full of mysteries and crises, work with your fellow Phantom Thieves to correct the violent and twisted desires, and let the "Phantom" completely repent and start a new life. The game uses turn-based combat and role-playing modes. Players need to match their team lineup according to strategy to play a key role in the battle. [New plot and partners] "Persona: Phantom of the Night" brings a new original plot. Players will become the protagonist and experience the new storyline immersively. As the game plot progresses, the mystery of this world will be slowly revealed. Meet your friends and join hands to form a new group of Phantom Thieves, and explore this imperfect but charming world together. Develop deep bonds and face trials and challenges together. Get ready to become a member of the new Phantom Thieves and start your double life as a Phantom Thief! [The Phantom Thieves of Heart Help] In "Persona: Phantom of the Night", in addition to adventures with new characters, members of the original Phantom Thieves of Heart will also appear to help, including Joker, Morgana, Sakamoto Ryuji, Takamaki Classic characters such as Xing will become one of the most important combat forces in the team. They each have unique abilities and can form a diverse combat lineup. Meet these classic characters and engage in passionate battles together! [Original scene restoration] "Persona: Phantom of the Night" perfectly restores the classic Shibuya area of ​​Tokyo in the original work. Players will be able to return to familiar scenes. Each scene is restored to the extreme, from high school campus to urban streets, and then sneak into Thrilling battles take place in the palace of another world and the labyrinth of impression space. Players will be able to explore a double life and embark on a charming journey of the Phantom Thief! [New fun in urban life] Unique urban exploration life and experience colorful after-school activities. In addition to the main plot and battles, there are also interesting systems that make daily life in the game full of fun. Whether it is playing baseball to train for physical fitness, leisurely fishing, working hard at a convenience store, or going out on a date with friends after school, these experiences will help players better Hone your desires and cultivate different abilities to become a more powerful phantom thief. In "Persona: Phantom of the Night", transform into a phantom thief and explore the dual worlds. Take the train to school during the day and start a colorful campus life. Sneak into another world at night and enjoy endless adventures. The impression space corrects the distorted desire. Awaken your other side now, join the new Phantom Thieves with your friends, lock in those violent desires, and let the "Phantoms" repent and change their hearts! "Persona: Phantoms of the Night" official fan group Join the fan group to get the latest news and receive limited time rewards Event gifts! https://www.facebook.com/P5X.Games Join the official Discord and become a Phantom Thief together! https://discord.com/invite/8NurAJ6YKT ※Aiwan World is the agent of "Persona: Phantom of the Night" in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. ※This game is classified as auxiliary level 12 according to the game software classification management method. ※The plot of this game involves sex and violence. ※The plot of the game is purely fictitious, please pay attention to the time of use and do not indulge or imitate inappropriately. ※Some content requires additional payment, please do not use others to save it to avoid breaking the law.
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要說最喜歡的,那絕對是P5X的畫面啦!測試的時候真就沒想到這麼還原,黑紅色調,強烈的對比度,棱角放肆的各種框架,看著就有種要打仗的衝動,當然啦,看見這畫面就隱隱肝疼~ 這次有加入新角色,但是畫風還是ATLUS一貫的高水准,就算是融入到P5角色陣容裡也一點不違和。而且戰斗做的節奏更快,原本以為原作節奏比較慢的回合制會比較擔心玩不玩的下去,結果弱點攻擊和one more攻擊的加入瞬間有了動作遊戲的感覺,用好了可以攻擊攻擊再攻擊,玩的時候真的有被爽到。正式版趕緊搞快點!
女神異聞錄:夜幕魅影 Reviews
*×☆×。✨◤ #角色簡介 ◢ ✨。×☆×*
*×☆×。✨◤ #角色簡介 ◢ ✨。×☆×*
*×☆×。✨◤ #角色簡介 ◢ ✨。×☆×* 雙平台預約➔lnk.to/P5Xpre-SNS ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ *夜幕降臨!怪盜來襲 ╭★ *本次介紹:𝑪 𝑳 𝑶 𝑺 𝑬 𝑹 *人格面具:阿爾維達 ▁▁▁▁▁🔴【人格♠️面具】🔴▁▁▁▁▁​ 斯堪納維亞半島的首位女海盜🏴‍☠️ 為了逃避政治婚姻而揚帆出海, 她率領著一群年輕的女性船員, 帶領手下的艦隊叱吒波羅的海。 最後嫁給打敗過她的丹麥王子。 ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ #女神異聞錄夜幕魅影 #Persona5X#新怪盜團參上 #覺醒你的另一面 #預約送怪盜偶像野毛朋子 #P5X
*×☆×。✨◤ #角色簡介 ◢ ✨。×☆×*
👉🏻被奉為“天下第一”P5即將迎來最新作——女神異聞錄:夜幕魅影,也就是P5X。新作將在同一世界觀體係下,以“慾望與希望”為主題,通過對七宗罪的展現,總體上分成了七大分支的冒險故事。世界上很多人出現了“低欲望”現象,人們逐漸變得冷漠無情,原來是欲望被偷走了。於是你扮演的主角Wonder就在機緣巧合之下獲得了人格面具,白天是學生,上課逛街約會,晚上就化身偷心怪盜團,來到心之宮殿與偷走欲望的魔物“魅影”們戰鬥。遊戲之前有過測試,體驗非常棒,戰斗也充滿策略,一起來看看吧。 - 🎮遊戲名:女神異聞錄:夜幕魅影(P5X) ✅標籤:RPG|回合制|角色扮演 | 劇情 | 箱庭探索 🕹平台:iOS | 安卓 | XBOX | PS5 | PS4 | Switch | PC - 👀畫面還是超經典的紅黑色調,P5標志性的畫風又回來啦! ☄️全新的角色,演繹全新的故事。但又是在同一世界觀,讓人熟悉又新鮮~ 🏹每天劃分為三大時間段,可以在校園和東京都市裡自由探索,新作還解鎖了“新宿”等新場景。 🎯晚上你將潛入心之宮殿,新作開放了非常多不同主題的供電,解謎、探索、戰鬥非常豐富。 🧩測試中開放了全新的副本“厄抑·異象之境”,正式版相信還會有更多副本加入。 🔮正式版還會擴展都市玩法,有各類社團可加入,甚至還可以玩扭蛋~ 🎈戰斗雖然還是回合制,但是節奏更快,每名角色也都單獨設計了全新技能,動作性大大增強。


女神異聞錄5 IP系列首款手遊《女神異聞錄:夜幕魅影》今日4/18以全日配版本於全平台正式上市《女神異聞錄5》聯動限定活動同步開啟
    由SEGA正版授權、完美世界遊戲旗下黑羽工作室所研發,艾玩天地代理的《女神異聞錄5》IP首款手遊《女神異聞錄:夜幕魅影》(後簡稱P5X)於今(4月18日)重磅上市!P5X以全日配版本與玩家們見面。為歡慶上市,本日更宣佈與《女神異聞錄5》展開聯動,釋出全新聯動PV及各項聯動限定內容,原本處於不同世界的怪盜團將在P5X中邂逅相遇,通力合作突破異空間,展開全新的冒險章節!上市福利活動熱烈進行中,完成指定任務即可獲得超過250抽及限定時裝等豐富獎勵! ※ P5 X P5X聯動重磅開啟: 覺醒你的另一面,新怪盜團隊長集結!     P5X本日4/18正式以全日配版本於全平台上線,開放App Store、Google Play及PC版本讓玩家下載遊玩。即日起,玩家只需登入遊戲並完成指定任務,可獲得超過250抽,以及自選P5聯動專屬五星怪盜及五星武器、限定紀念時裝等豐富虛寶獎勵!不僅如此,更可參與開服限定活動,獲得自選新手50抽,可選擇包含摩爾加納、高卷杏、坂本龍司五星怪盜作為你的開局助力!
女神異聞錄5 IP系列首款手遊《女神異聞錄:夜幕魅影》今日4/18以全日配版本於全平台正式上市《女神異聞錄5》聯動限定活動同步開啟
女神異聞錄:夜幕魅影 News
女神異聞錄5 IP系列首款手遊《女神異聞錄:夜幕魅影》今日4/18以全日配版本於全平台正式上市《女神異聞錄5》聯動限定活動同步開啟
✧⋆⋅⋆⋄·◈〖 #好友檔案 〗◈·⋄⋆⋅⋆✧
 由 SEGA 正版授權、完美世界遊戲旗下黑羽工作室所研發,艾玩天地代理的《女神異聞錄 5》IP 首款手遊《女神異聞錄:夜幕魅影》(後簡稱 P5X)正式宣布將於 4 月 18 日全平台重磅上市,將以全日配版本與玩家見面,並邀請包含内山昂輝、田村ゆかり、明坂聡美及小西克幸等知名聲優陣容出演。官方表示,P5X 也將支援手機、PC 多平台遊玩。 不要忘記立刻預註冊本作,以獲取《女神異聞錄:夜幕魅影》的最新情報。  在本作全日配版本中,邀請包含内山昂輝、田村ゆかり、明坂聡美及小西克幸等豪華知名聲優陣容出演!《P5X》也將支援手機、PC 多平台遊玩。 官方表示遊戲完成預約送野毛朋子等豪華獎勵,正式上線時所有玩家都將獲得首周免費獲取保底 250 + 抽
✧⋆⋅⋆⋄·◈〖 #好友檔案 〗◈·⋄⋆⋅⋆✧
✧⋆⋅⋆⋄·◈〖 #好友檔案 〗◈·⋄⋆⋅⋆✧ 雙平台預約➔lnk.to/P5Xpre-SNS ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ 本次介紹 ➽ 路菲爾 以貓頭鷹形象出現的謎之生物 ▁▁▁▁▁▁📕【角色簡介】📕▁▁▁▁▁▁ ◾CV:野中藍 ◾ 身份:異世界領路人 會說人類語言、能變身成送信車, 豐富的異世界知識,是靠得住的好伙伴。 ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ #女神異聞錄夜幕魅影 #Persona5X#新怪盜團參上 #覺醒你的另一面 #預約送怪盜偶像野毛朋子 #P5X
✧⋆⋅⋆⋄·◈〖 #好友檔案 〗◈·⋄⋆⋅⋆✧


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Persona: Phantom of the Night is updated at 2024-04-16.

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The provider of Persona: Phantom of the Night is IWPLAY WORLD.

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Now Persona: Phantom of the Night is available on iOS.

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