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Screenshot 1 of The Longing Mobile
Screenshot 2 of The Longing Mobile
Screenshot 3 of The Longing Mobile
Screenshot 4 of The Longing Mobile
Screenshot 5 of The Longing Mobile
Screenshot 6 of The Longing Mobile
Screenshot 7 of The Longing Mobile
Screenshot 8 of The Longing Mobile
Screenshot 9 of The Longing Mobile
The Longing Mobile

The Longing Mobile

icon 1.0
Initial release Dec 17, 2023
An unusual mix of adventure and idle game. In utter loneliness deep below the surface, it's your task to wait for the awakening of your king... for 400 days.
Play as a lonely Shade, the last servant of a king who once ruled an underground kingdom. The king's powers have faded and he falls asleep for 400 days to regain his might. It is your duty to stay in the earthen palace until he awakens.
As soon as you start, the game inevitably counts down the 400 days - even when you stop playing and exit the game.
It is now up to you to decide what to do with your solitary existence beneath the soil. Don't stress yourself, you have plenty of time.

Choose your playing style
Start the game and simply come back after 400 days to see how it ends. You actually don't have to play the game at all. But the Shade will be even more lonely without you.
Or explore the caves and collect items for your comfortable underground living room. Just send the Shade to take a stroll - the walking speed is slow, but luckily there is no need to hurry.
Read tons of classic literature from Nietzsche to Moby Dick right in the game - or at least have the shade read them. After all, time goes by faster if you learn to keep your mind occupied.
Ignore the king's commands and advance to the outer regions the cave. It will be a long and dangerous journey into darkness...

• Slow exploration of a vast, hand-drawn cave.
• Atmospheric Dungeon Synth soundtrack.
• Various endings.
• Lots of well hidden secrets.
• Time-based puzzles.
• A lonely but cute protagonist.
What’s new

Bug fixes and optimisations

Additional information
Application Systems Heidelberg Software GmbH
Last Updated on
out of 10

What’s happening

ApkThe fake apk said all the games were free
Hafzan Nazri Rudiyan42024-05-19
遊戲名:The Longing Mobile 平臺:Android    iOS 類型:放置 解謎 氛圍 這款遊戲在steam上剛出的時候我就入坑啦! 當時很多人擔心遊戲是只有噱頭沒有可玩性 但對我這種熱衷開圖的玩家來講,簡直不要太好玩好嗎? 遊戲本質是洞穴探險+一丟丟解謎 主角生活在黑暗的地下 沒有工具可以辨別方向 也不善於攀爬和跳躍 有的只是超小的腦仁和牆上的地圖 腦仁小,所以能存儲的座標點不多 地圖刻在牆上,所以不能隨時查看 而且地穴通道又錯綜複雜 很多時候只能靠玩家自己的方向感和記憶力尋找出路 碰上無法逾越的鴻溝,也只能等自然環境發生變化 比如地下水漲起、可以遊過去 或者脆弱的鐘乳石落下來填滿溝壑 這個等待時間對pc玩家來講有點難受 但對於手遊玩家,放置遊戲還見得少嗎🤣 等系統提示了再上線就行啦~ 遊戲節奏比較慢,適合分屏玩 一邊玩一邊做別的就剛剛好~
時間回到2020年,一款神秘的遊戲突然成為了所有人討論的焦點。玩家只知道遊戲開啟後400天才能迎來結局,具體要怎麼度過這400天卻一無所知。 真的有遊戲值得玩家花上400天嗎?遊戲廠商究竟是在搞行為藝術,還是對自己的遊戲信心爆棚?這份好奇勾引著無數玩家紛紛跳坑,想要比其他人更快找到遊戲隱藏的秘密,卻因為耐心不足敗下陣來。如今這份挑戰來到了手機端—— 遊戲名:The Longing Mobile 平臺:Android    iOS 類型:放置 解謎 氛圍 2020年,對多數玩家來講,氛圍遊戲還是一個陌生的品類。不同于傳統的樂趣驅動型遊戲,氛圍遊戲的玩法不服務於樂趣,而是服務於一種情感、思想或者敘事。 Longing正是這樣一款作品,它講的是向死而生的狀態。主角的故事註定要在400天后結束,是碌碌無為地在火堆前虛度光陰,還是克服恐懼與失望,穿破黑暗發現嶄新的世界,是墨守成規在暗無天日中等待國王的蘇醒,還是放下被施加的使命找尋生命的意義,全都取決於玩家的選擇。


When was this game updated?icon

The Longing Mobile is updated at 2024-04-10.

what's new in the latest version of The Longing Mobile?icon

- Improvements to the size of the game and some bugfixes
- Textscaling on small screens
- iMessage Stickers

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of The Longing Mobile is Application Systems Heidelberg Software GmbH.

Can I play The Longing Mobile on Android/iOS?icon

Now The Longing Mobile is available on iOS.

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