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Screenshot 1 of The Survivalists
Screenshot 2 of The Survivalists
Screenshot 3 of The Survivalists
Screenshot 4 of The Survivalists
Screenshot 5 of The Survivalists
Screenshot 6 of The Survivalists
Screenshot 7 of The Survivalists
Screenshot 8 of The Survivalists
Screenshot 9 of The Survivalists
The Survivalists

The Survivalists

icon 7.7
Initial release Oct 09, 2020
Un mundo de aventuras y posibilidades. ¡Esta isla está muy viva! Descubre los secretos de tu nuevo hogar, que cambiará según los ciclos de día y noche.

Caza animales para alimentarte (¡o conviértete en su presa!) y ten cuidado con una serie de enemigos míticos a los que quizá no les haga mucha gracia tu presencia. Supera las misiones que te encargará un misterioso desconocido o aquellas que te encuentres en la orilla. Prepárate para recorrer un entorno salvaje generado por procedimientos y con diversidad de biomas: ¡una aventura única para cada jugador!
Unión y supervivencia

¿Consideras que la isla es demasiado inhóspita? ¿O quieres que tus amigos admiren tus habilidades de construcción? ¡The Survivalists tiene lo que necesitas! Completa aventuras conjuntas, consigue botín, intercambia tus pertenencias y sobrevive junto a ellos mientras exploras una isla paradisíaca en compañía de hasta tres náufragos más.

¡Tate, aquí hay primate!

Si necesitas un constructor, un leñador o incluso un soldado para que te echen una manita, puedes recurrir a los monos de la isla. ¡Podrás domesticarlos y entrenarlos para que te ayuden con las tareas cotidianas o como apoyo a la hora de asaltar un campamento de fanáticos! El sistema mimético incluye una amplia variedad de funciones que pueden realizar estos amantes de los plátanos. ¡Gestiónalos bien y podrás salir con vida de los desafíos que presenta la isla!

Más vale maña...

El secreto para sobrevivir radica en aprovechar al máximo los recursos que te rodean. Ya sea con objeto de confeccionar un hacha primitiva para cortar leña o preparar un refrescante batido de frutas para matar el gusanillo, podrás encontrar recetas y aumentar tus posibilidades recurriendo a los árboles de alimentos, objetos o construcción.

Supera a tus rivales

¿Quieres colgar una espada alucinante en la pared de tu choza o prefieres acabar con los enemigos invasores? Lo que buscas podría estar en uno de los numerosos templos que hay repartidos por toda la isla. Sin embargo, hacerte con el botín no será fácil: todo aquel que aspire a ser un buen saqueador de tesoros tendrá que prepararse a fondo para vivir una auténtica cruzada.
What’s new

40+ New Trinkets
- It is now possible to level your player character via trinkets. There are 4 trinkets slots that can be earned that can be slotted with a variety of trinkets that can radically change gameplay.
- Trinkets such as burning damage, death bombs, infection, shields, tool damage and damage reduction and more!
- Trinkets have 4 unique tier slots so you can customise to your playstyle.
- Trinkets recipes are earned by performing objectives for the Taskmasters.
- A new trinket bench can be built to support this.

4 New TaskMasters
- There are 4 new taskmasters on islands beyond the starting one.
- These offer themed tasks which when completed offer ever increasing rewards most tied into the trinket system.
- More than 50 new challenges each with a unique reward.
- Taskmaster types are… Beastmaster, Collector, Gourmand, Salesman.

5 New Pets
- You can find an egg and if nurtured, gain a companion to keep you company.

Caves changes
- These have had an overhaul, they are now ‘gated’, you will need something to get into them.
- There are now many new resources inside that are required to support trinkets.

- There is now a bestiary in the journal that tracks animals and collectibles and also displays resources you might find on them.

New collectibles
- Over 10 new collectibles to find and new items to craft to find them.

World Changes
- Labyrinths now offer new rewards at the end. Have also been tweaked with regards to internal mobs.
- Legendary Weapons can now be repaired on the repair bench and gained as rewards from taskmasters.
- Generation has been changed so that there are now more distinct islands, increasing in difficulty along with breadcrumbs to lead you in the right direction should you with.
- Regenerate: Start a new game with the new features and take your inventory, mysterious chest, unlocked blueprints and 5 monkey friends along with you for a headstart. This is required for the new features.
- There are many new items to me found to support the new features.
- New harder Orclings can be now found, especially on Skull Island.

New Animals
- 2 new animals, one of which is a ‘loot goblin’.
- Elite variations of existing animals, needed for some of the tasks.

Elite Hunts
- With the right item you can now summon elite variants to fight, earning rewards to hand in to the Taskmasters.

New items & resources
- New items, recipes and resources have been added to support new features.
- Fulfilling objectives for the Taskmasters will reward you with items that can increase your inventory size.
- Mysterious tokens can sometimes be offered as a reward from the task masters.
- Unlock via tasks the right to purchase powerful trinket recipes from the new Token Shop.

Bug fixes and improvements.
• Fixed an issue with crops where some had missing or incorrect shadows.
• Fixed an issue where some animation frames were missing on north facing attacks.
• Fixed an issue where the player silhouette was not appearing behind mountains.
• Fixed an issue where players were able to add multiple weapons to the repair bench causing those items to disappear.
• Fixed an issue where some items were not visible when placed on a wall.
• Fixed an issue where on a rare occasion Monkeys would disappear when returning from an online session.
• Fixed an issue where reward chests were sometimes indestructible.
• Fixed an issue with the Steam controller profile where the A button was incorrectly being set as the B button.
• More save corruption fixes.
• General bug fixes and improvements.

Additional information
Team17 Digital Limited
Last Updated on
out of 10


When was this game updated?icon

The Survivalists is updated at 2021-07-14.

what's new in the latest version of The Survivalists?icon

40+ New Trinkets
- It is now possible to level your player character via trinkets. There are 4 trinkets slots that can be earned that can be slotted with a variety of trinkets that can radically change gameplay.
- Trinkets such as burning damage, death bombs, infection, shields, tool damage and damage reduction and more!
- Trinkets have 4 unique tier slots so you can customise to your playstyle.
- Trinkets recipes are earned by performing objectives for the Taskmasters.
- A new trinket bench can be built to support this.

4 New TaskMasters
- There are 4 new taskmasters on islands beyond the starting one.
- These offer themed tasks which when completed offer ever increasing rewards most tied into the trinket system.
- More than 50 new challenges each with a unique reward.
- Taskmaster types are… Beastmaster, Collector, Gourmand, Salesman.

5 New Pets
- You can find an egg and if nurtured, gain a companion to keep you company.

Caves changes
- These have had an overhaul, they are now ‘gated’, you will need something to get into them.
- There are now many new resources inside that are required to support trinkets.

- There is now a bestiary in the journal that tracks animals and collectibles and also displays resources you might find on them.

New collectibles
- Over 10 new collectibles to find and new items to craft to find them.

World Changes
- Labyrinths now offer new rewards at the end. Have also been tweaked with regards to internal mobs.
- Legendary Weapons can now be repaired on the repair bench and gained as rewards from taskmasters.
- Generation has been changed so that there are now more distinct islands, increasing in difficulty along with breadcrumbs to lead you in the right direction should you with.
- Regenerate: Start a new game with the new features and take your inventory, mysterious chest, unlocked blueprints and 5 monkey friends along with you for a headstart. This is required for the new features.
- There are many new items to me found to support the new features.
- New harder Orclings can be now found, especially on Skull Island.

New Animals
- 2 new animals, one of which is a ‘loot goblin’.
- Elite variations of existing animals, needed for some of the tasks.

Elite Hunts
- With the right item you can now summon elite variants to fight, earning rewards to hand in to the Taskmasters.

New items & resources
- New items, recipes and resources have been added to support new features.
- Fulfilling objectives for the Taskmasters will reward you with items that can increase your inventory size.
- Mysterious tokens can sometimes be offered as a reward from the task masters.
- Unlock via tasks the right to purchase powerful trinket recipes from the new Token Shop.

Bug fixes and improvements.
• Fixed an issue with crops where some had missing or incorrect shadows.
• Fixed an issue where some animation frames were missing on north facing attacks.
• Fixed an issue where the player silhouette was not appearing behind mountains.
• Fixed an issue where players were able to add multiple weapons to the repair bench causing those items to disappear.
• Fixed an issue where some items were not visible when placed on a wall.
• Fixed an issue where on a rare occasion Monkeys would disappear when returning from an online session.
• Fixed an issue where reward chests were sometimes indestructible.
• Fixed an issue with the Steam controller profile where the A button was incorrectly being set as the B button.
• More save corruption fixes.
• General bug fixes and improvements.

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of The Survivalists is Team17 Digital.

Can I play The Survivalists on Android/iOS?icon

Now The Survivalists is available on iOS.

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