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Bright Memory: Infinite Mobile Game Screenshot
Bright Memory: Infinite Mobile Game Screenshot
Bright Memory: Infinite Mobile Game Screenshot
Bright Memory: Infinite Mobile Game Screenshot
Bright Memory: Infinite Mobile Game Screenshot
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Bright Memory: Infinite Mobile

Bright Memory: Infinite Mobile

MoreBright Memory: Infinite combines the FPS and action genres to deliver a high-octane experience. Mix and match available skills and abilities to unleash magnificient combos on your enemies. Your trusted sword allows you to slash through crowds of enemies and even repel their gunfire. The guns you come across in-game can be customized with a variety of ammunitions. Choose between incendiary bombs, sticky grenades, homing missiles, and more to suit your situation.

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Players are saying...

  • 🎮️ Smooth gameplay with good graphics and combat; a next-gen game for phones.
  • 📖️ Engaging story and unique design choices make the game presentation impressive.
  • ⏱️️ The game is quite short, lasting only 2-3 hours of content.



Bright Memory: Infinite Mobile
Bright Memory: Infinite Mobile
Log time ago i playera the demo i think? Cuz theres was this dark souls BOSS on the end but the Game is good Nice graphics and u have habilities it's like a crysis 8/10
Real Frank Player
Bright Memory: Infinite Mobile
Bright Memory: Infinite Mobile
Amazing offline game, but its very short; I finished it on 2h:40m Wonderful graphics Good sounds Good Gameplay
Babak Koohi
Bright memory: infinite Full Review

Bright memory: infinite Full Review

Bright Memory: Infinite Mobile
Bright Memory: Infinite Mobile
All is good, i just don't like that you can't customize your control because i played to much fps and customizing my control is the first thing i do, The Graphics is good and the sound also complement it, the game play is amazing with the ability i just need to upgrade my phone because of the graphic, if you have low spec device this game will probably heavy for you.

fps game with story

Bright Memory: Infinite Mobile
Bright Memory: Infinite Mobile
The game is solid , i thought I'd regret spending the 5$ but it's good. Graphics are good enough , game Play is smooth and it works perfectly with g8 Galileo controller. Still playing so can't say about the story but I recommend it , one dev made this I support that. You can waste 5$ on much worse things.
Bright Memory: Infinite Mobile
Bright Memory: Infinite Mobile
Unique, graphics are average, design choice is amazing like the door she uses to leave her house is cool. Story feels rushed but cool. U go from weather lady to spec ops faster than you can breath.
Ella Micah

Bright Memory: Infinite

I want full version off this game because it has great playing experience amazing graphics and story
***uLtRaBLaCK**** SyeD

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