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Banner of Space Survivor - Star-Pionier
Screenshot 1 of Space Survivor - Star-Pionier
Screenshot 2 of Space Survivor - Star-Pionier
Screenshot 3 of Space Survivor - Star-Pionier
Screenshot 4 of Space Survivor - Star-Pionier
Screenshot 5 of Space Survivor - Star-Pionier
Screenshot 6 of Space Survivor - Star-Pionier
Screenshot 7 of Space Survivor - Star-Pionier
Screenshot 8 of Space Survivor - Star-Pionier
Screenshot 9 of Space Survivor - Star-Pionier
Space Survivor - Star-Pionier

Space Survivor - Star-Pionier

icon 8.1
Initial release Jan 10, 2023
Es ist ein großes Abenteuer der Menschen.

Im Jahr 2044 haben die außerirdischen Zerg einen Angriff auf das Sonnensystem gestartet. Die Menschen hatten keine andere Wahl, als eine Flotte zu bilden, um zurückzuschlagen...

Als Überlebender der Flotte schulterst du die Hoffnung der Menschheit und beginnst, Schritt für Schritt deine eigene Basis zu bauen und Kampfjets zu entwickeln, um die Zerg zu bekämpfen.
Nutze die Ressourcen der Umgebung, um deine eigene Basis zu bauen - schalte verschiedene Gebäude frei, um deine Basis zu erweitern.

Unzählige Angriffe der Zerg, entweder du gewinnst oder du stirbstEntwickle einen Kampfmecha, um gegen die Zerg zu kämpfen- Verstärke und transformiere den Mecha weiter, um mächtige Kräfte zu erlangen.

Beseitige einen Zerg-Planeten nach dem anderen, vernichte schließlich den Feind und gewinne den Krieg.

-Vorzügliches 3D-Modell
-Exquisite Spieloberfläche
-Feinfühliges, reibungsloses und unterhaltsames Spielerlebnis

Hoffentlich haben alle Überlebenden Spaß am Spiel, besiegen Sie Zergs Schwarm, gewinnen Sie Ihren Ruhm!

Übersetzt mit www.DeepL.com/Translator (kostenlose Version)
What’s new

1. Adjust difficulty.
2. Fix known bugs.
3. Update SDKs.

Additional information
Gemini Network
Last Updated on
Network Connection
System Requirements
No System Requirements
out of 10

What’s happening

Space Survivor! - Quick Game Review
Space survivor is quite an advanced mobile game with a very classic concept to it. The model of this game is 3D and graphic of the game seems pretty advanced and quite new. I am pretty fascinated by how interesting the gameplay of this game is. There’s a character like an astronaut in this game which is our main hero and all we need to do is collect resources so that we can use to build different facilities that could increase our productivity. The building’s structure and the game theme seem really advanced and quite futuristic. This game kind of reminds me of clash of clans and 20 minutes to dawn. Collecting resources, utilizing them to build up different base buildings and facilities to increase the productivity of other resources and increasing the stats. There is also a combat fight mode in this game where we need to fight with aliens and with every attack to the enemies, we get a green color stone which provides us EXP boost to level up. Every level-up provides us with lots of artifacts but we can only select one. Choose wisely based on your fighting style. I think the combat gameplay is very uncanny to 20 minutes till dawn gameplay.  I found it really cool.
Weekly HIT - KartRider: Drift, Perfect Grind, and other games that you should not miss
February kicks off with nine mobile games that you should not miss! "Weekly HIT" is our weekly column where we look at the mobile games that earned favorable reviews on TapTap recently. 1. Rise of Dragons "A great strategy game with graphics 3D real-time with different dragons. You can choose many dragons with different magic and shapes to fight enemies including incubate and hatch dragons. It really has a lot of potential. I love dragons merging into one and being able to fly around and shoot fire. " -
TapTap Editor3K2023-02-04
A lot of ideas and effort were clearly seen in the game
I have never been a fan of space games, until now.


When was this game updated?icon

Space Survivor! is updated at 2023-11-16.

what's new in the latest version of Space Survivor!?icon

1. Adjust difficulty.
2. Fix known bugs.
3. Update SDKs.

Which studio developed this game?icon

The provider of Space Survivor! is Gemini Network.

Can I play Space Survivor! on Android/iOS?icon

Now Space Survivor! is available on iOS.

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