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Screenshot 4 of Bravery and Greed
Screenshot 5 of Bravery and Greed
Screenshot 6 of Bravery and Greed
Screenshot 7 of Bravery and Greed
Screenshot 8 of Bravery and Greed
Screenshot 9 of Bravery and Greed
Screenshot 10 of Bravery and Greed
Screenshot 11 of Bravery and Greed
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Screenshot 13 of Bravery and Greed
Bravery and Greed

Bravery and Greed

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À propos du jeuUn système de combat complexe et efficaceDe la puissante Amazone, au valeureux Guerrier, en passant par le Voleur agile ou le Sorcier excentrique (et son fidèle élémentaire), chaque classe possède un gamme de puissantes attaques combo. Parez, esquivez, et déchaînez des attaques spéciales destructrices pour vaincre des monstres, des boss, et même vos amis.

PvE et PvPExplorez des paysages saisissants dans le mode Aventure, et frayez-vous un chemin à travers les biomes et les boss en quête de runes pour atteindre la Forteresse céleste. Faites équipe avec vos amis et repoussez des vagues d'ennemis dans le mode Horde ou réglez vos différends avec le mode PvP ou chacun pour soi.

Des personnages personnalisablesChoisissez votre classe et prenez rapidement d'autres décisions qui changeront vos compétences. Les aspects du Chaos, de l'Ordre, des Ténèbres et de la Vie des arbres de compétences augmentent vos compétences et confèrent des capacités spéciales, et une myriade de butins rendra chaque partie unique et pleine de possibilités.

La cupidité est infinieDans Bravery and Greed, débloquez du contenu et des améliorations incroyables en montant de niveau avec de l'or. Soyez cupide, ramassez des pièces, pillez des coffres, volez les bourses d'or de vos alliés en les réanimant, ou raflez le butin en premier après un combat. La richesse ou la mort !

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Rekka Games
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No System Requirements
out of 10

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Steam try
Bravery and Greed - fun alone and in local 4-player
I came for the local 4-player support, but stayed to play it alone. This is one of the relatively few games that is fun with friends and also great fun alone. It is also really good looking - perfect pixel art. At least for an old guy that grew up with the Commodore C-64 and Amiga machines. My first test was alone, I enjoyed it a lot. In the evening my wife joined me, it was chaotic and also fun. On the weekend two of my kids joined us - oh my god, what chaotic fun! One caveat, though - the main game mode - Adventure - is not a casual party game with 3 minute round duration. This is a full-blown roguelite hack and slash game, which needs to be played over a longer time and with (more or less) experienced and dedicated players. For casuals, there is a platform brawler mode (either FFA or team based) and there is a simple horde defense mode. The adventure mode, though, needs a bit more dedication to play. You have to find four runes to unlock the portal to the Dwarfen Fortress... rumored to be full of gold to loot.
Sven Evil5532022-11-18
Bravery & Greed: the origins!
Hey gang! Glad to be here! My name is Ivann, a French dude and 50% of Rekka Games, the two man video game studio responsible for Bravery and Greed, a roguelite dungeon brawler  which is to be released on the 15th of November (yes, it'll be available tomorrow or right now, depending on when you read this). At a young age, I remember experimenting with Pixel Art on my old Atari ST with software like Neochrome, making my first sprites for something called “Shoot'em up Construction Kit”. But of course back then (early 90s) this was not considered a viable career choice, so this was just a hobby. I was also really into music and guitar, but this would also be a totally irrational move career wise. Overall, I was afraid that doing something I loved as a job would end up making me hate it in the long run, so I thought I should not worry my family and settle on a “real” career.
Ivann D9K2022-11-14


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Bravery and Greed is updated at 2022-12-21.

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The provider of Bravery and Greed is Rekka Games.

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