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Action RPG

Action RPG

Banner of Secrets of Grindea

Secrets of Grindea

Pixel GraphicsAction RPGCo-op CampaignActionJRPGRPGTop-DownCharacter Customization
Secrets of Grindea is an old-school Action RPG with co-op support for up to 4 players. It is a tribute to and sometimes a parody of the old SNES games so many of us grew up with and loved! Journey thr...
Banner of Dragonkin: The Banished

Dragonkin: The Banished

Dungeon CrawlerAction RPGActionLootRPGOnline Co-OpTop-DownAdventure
RoadmapAbout the GameDive into Dragonkin: The Banished, a world corrupted by the blood of dragons, where evil creatures rise from the entrails of the earth. Choose one of the legendary hero class...
Banner of Iz


Pixel GraphicsHistoricalSide ScrollerAction RPGActionRPGCRPGAdventure
Iz: Journey through the world of Turkic legendsIz is an 2D pixel RPG with adventure elements that immerses players in a world based on Turkic myths and fairy tales. Set in the Kazakh steppes of the 15...
Banner of BackRooms:Lost


CinematicRetroPsychological HorrorDungeon CrawlerAction RPGActionThrillerFirst-Person
[bBackrooms: Lost#!![/b]Is a brand new horror game partially based on the worldview of the renowned Creepy Pasta, the Backrooms.In the game, players assume roles within the S.S.O (Search and Support.....
Banner of A Hunter's Tale

A Hunter's Tale

Dungeon CrawlerAction RPGActionCraftingRPGSouls-likePvEAdventure
Fight, Loot, Craft, and Level Up!A Hunter's Tale" is an RPG dungeon crawler where you'll craft potions, level up, and face colossal monsters with distinct weapons, each imbued with unique abilities......
Banner of Arisen Force: HeroTest

Arisen Force: HeroTest

Pixel GraphicsAction RPGActionAlternate HistoryRPGCharacter CustomizationAdventureFantasy
DiscordJoin our Discord! For more detail updates, tips and feedback !About the GameArisen Force: HeroTest is an A-RPG game featuring exquisite high-definition pixels ,it combines the engaging Styl...
Banner of Crimson Capes

Crimson Capes

Pixel GraphicsMetroidvaniaAction RPGActionRPGSouls-likeNonlinearViolent
You are the Tempest, the Left Hand of the King on a mission to dissolve a conspiracy of wizards. After the War of the Flame, the attempted usurpers scattered throughout the kingdom of Amvros, spreadi....
Banner of Annihilation: Sola Fide 湮灭圣礼

Annihilation: Sola Fide 湮灭圣礼

GoreMetroidvaniaAction RPGActionAlternate HistoryRPGHorrorSouls-like
Banner of Glitch Of The Game

Glitch Of The Game

Pixel GraphicsAction RPGRPGCasualPvESatireFantasyComedy
Glitch of the Game is an indie rpg/puzzle game where you are the RPG Hero out to save your dog from The Big Bad. Unfortunately The Big Bad is so insanely overpowered he is impossible to defeat... unle...
Banner of Noroi E: Darkness

Noroi E: Darkness

DarkPsychological HorrorAction RPGPsychologicalActionStrategyFirst-PersonRealistic
A private detective who has been investigating paranormal cases since he was medically discharged from the police department. One night, he receives a desperate call from an old friend, concerned ab.....
Banner of XiuzhenWorld / 修真世界

XiuzhenWorld / 修真世界

FaithRetroDragonsIdlerAction RPGActionLootRPG
"XiuzhenWorld" is a 3D stand-alone role-playing game of cultivating immortals.All equipment and items can be purchased from monsters or in stores.The quality equipment can also be upgraded in th...
Banner of Gwiryungdan : Joseon's Twelve

Gwiryungdan : Joseon's Twelve

HistoricalAction RPGActionLinearRealisticJRPGRPGAdventure
About the GameGwiryungdan is a 3D action RPG set against the backdrop of Korea's prosperous Joseon Dynasty,immersing players in a unique cultural and historical experience.Embark on a journey as ...
Banner of First Dwarf: Prologue - First Island

First Dwarf: Prologue - First Island

Lore-RichTower DefenseAction RPGSurvivalActionCraftingRPGAdventure
JOIN OUR DISCORDWISHLIST FULL GAME!🔗linkAbout the GameFirst Dwarf: First Island is a FREE introduction of our upcoming action RPG game, First Dwarf,...
Banner of 索罗灵魂之戒—神界篇


CartoonAction RPGHentaiStrategyJRPGRPGCasualAdventure
Banner of Arcanterra


Pixel GraphicsSide ScrollerAction RPGRPGPvECharacter CustomizationAdventureFantasy
Embark on a journey through Arcanterra's mystical realms, where magic, known as the "Arcane Flow," courses through all existence. Explore the enigmatic origins of this force, tied to ethereal being...
Banner of Shadows of Chroma Tower

Shadows of Chroma Tower

Lore-RichDungeon CrawlerBattle RoyaleAction RPGAction RoguelikeActionLootFirst-Person
WISHLIST TO SUPPORT USAbout the GameWill you escapewith loot and power?Or die to theShadows of Chroma Tower?Play offline by yourself or online with friends with opt-in PvPThe long, deceptive...
Banner of Legend of Heroes: Three Kingdoms

Legend of Heroes: Three Kingdoms

Grand StrategyHistoricalAction RPGTurn-Based StrategyStrategyRealisticRPGWar
Legend of Heroes: Three Kingdoms is a free sandbox RPG that plays as a military general of the Three Kingdoms. It focuses on gaining an immersive experience of playing a military general in the world ...
Banner of Aetherian Chronicles

Aetherian Chronicles

Side ScrollerAction RPGRPGCasualMassively MultiplayerPvECharacter CustomizationAdventure
Follow us on X and go to our website to subscribe to get listed for Alpha Playtest and get a free permanent pet!Aetherian Chronicles is a 3D Casual SideScroller MMORPG focused on interaction with AI.....
Banner of Excoverse


Lore-RichCinematicAction RPGActionRPGAdventureOpen WorldFantasy
StoryHumanity experienced its greatest development in the Osmus Region. This area, governed by scientists and ancient wizards, was a source of pride for mankind. Everything changed with the discovery....
Banner of Apogea


Pixel GraphicsRetroTradingDungeon CrawlerAction RPGActionRPGMassively Multiplayer
Apogea is a medieval fantasy massively online multiplayer role-playing game (MMORPG) where you can immerse yourself in a seamless and intricate world brimming with secrets, quests, dangers, and, most ...
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