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Top Anime Games

Banner of The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog

The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog

Text-BasedPsychological HorrorDetectivePoint & ClickHorrorVisual NovelCasualComedy
It's Amy Rose's birthday, and she's hosting a murder mystery party on the Mirage Express! When Sonic the Hedgehog becomes the game's victim, everyone is off to get to the bottom of things. However, so...
Banner of Life Makeover

Life Makeover

Having World premiere in Singapore & Malaysia soon!Life Makeover is a social simulation game, you can create your very own avatar, customize dress-up and makeup, and you could even be a designer, fr.....
Banner of Collar×Malice


Interactive storyAdventureAnimeSimulation
Banner of Pokémon UNITE

Pokemon Games for you to try(⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+

Banner of Mist Train Girls A-From the window of the foggy world

Mist Train Girls A-From the window of the foggy world

Mist Train Girls A-From the window of the foggy world- is a strategy card RPG developed by DMMGAMES for mobile.Mist-smoky city ——Train and girl.Became the conductor of the magic train "Mist T...
Banner of Puriore! ~SMILE PRINCESS~


From the large-scale project "Puraore!" Presented by Cyber ​​Agent and DMM GAMESThe first ever women's ice hockey game "Puraore! ~ SMILE PRINCESS ~" is now available!"Even in games! Connect pa...
Banner of Final Gear

Final Gear KR

◆Super free DIY mech assembly system ◆※ Take parts from the enemy and use them for the assembly of your own body to create a body full of your own personality.※ A number of parts of a specific bod...
Banner of A3! イケメン役者育成ゲーム

A3! イケメン役者育成ゲーム JP

もちろんメインストーリーは豪華声優陣によるフルボイス!「カントク! オレたちを、咲かせてください!」◆◇◆ストーリー◆◇◆東京郊外の街、天鵞絨(ビロード)町。この町にはビロードウェイと呼ばれる劇団員たちの聖地がある。あなたがその街で出会ったのは……潰れかけのボロ劇団『MANKAIカンパニー』!ひょんなことからその劇団を立て直すことになったあなたは、劇団の主宰兼『総監督』を任されることに...
Banner of Dynasty Heroes: Romance Samkok

Dynasty Heroes: Romance Samkok

Experiencing the most excited battle! Dynasty Heroes:Romance Samkok is based on 6v6 strategic RPG card game, you will command more than hundreds warriors in game and dominate your own destiny to write...
Banner of Crush Crush - Idle Dating Sim

Crush Crush - Idle Dating Sim

Welcome to Crush Crush - the ultimate idle dating sim that's not just a game, but an irresistible journey into the world of love and laughter!Hey there, hot stuff! Are you ready for an anime-style i.....
Banner of Dragon Village 2

Dragon Village 2

We invite you to the world of fantasy filled with DragonVillage2.▣ Over 300+ dragons has its own special skills and personality, choose your team wisely.▣ Evolve your all types of dragons throu...
Banner of NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst HD

NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst HD

Local MultiplayerActionNinjaRPGAdventureOpen WorldFantasyMultiplayer
More Naruto Games🔗link🔗linkAbout the Game...
Banner of Astral Party

Astral Party

Party GameHentaiBoardStrategyTurn-basedMemesRPGCasual
FOLLOW USFollow us for the latest info:Twitter: Neverland Entertainment, AstralParty_officialYouTube: Neverland_Entmt, AstralParty_officialDiscord: Astral PartyPresskit: Astral PartyAbout the Ga...
Banner of Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis

MechsSci-fiAction RPGActionFarming SimJRPGRPGMassively Multiplayer
Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis, the latest chapter in the Phantasy Star Online 2 series, is here at last!It's time to jump into adventures beyond imagination!This new adventure takes place on ...
Banner of Grisaia Chronos Rebellion

Grisaia Chronos Rebellion

Sci-fiThrillerVisual NovelCasualAdventureSingleplayerAssassinAnime
Grisaia: Chronos Rebellion is a role-playing game for smartphones created by Frontwing based on the romance visual novel series "Grisaia".The gameplay is based on card-selective battles with autom...
Banner of 러브비트 : 애니타임

러브비트 : 애니타임

러브비트는 여러 명이 함께 음악에 맞춰 춤을 추는커뮤니티형 댄스 리듬게임입니다.♬ 실시간 대전최신 음악과 감각 있는 댄스를 최대 6명이서 함께 즐겨봐요!개인전으로 서로의 실력을 뽐낼 수 있고팀 서바이벌로 3:3 대전을 즐길 수도 있어요!♬ 다양한 모드톡! 톡! 비누방울 터뜨리는 버블! 왼쪽 왼쪽 오른쪽! 추억의 클래식!두 가지의 플레이...
Banner of 브라운더스트 - 턴제 RPG

브라운더스트 - 턴제 RPG KR

턴제 RPG의 새로운 판을 만든다!■ 독보적인 캐릭터 ‘일러스트’- 고전 RPG의 감성을 현대적으로 재해석한 고품격 일러스트.- 일러 예쁜 게임으로 인정 받은 브라운더스트의 영웅들을 만나보세요.- 수집 욕구를 불러일으키는 300종 이상의 용병들!■ 비교할 수 없는 게임 편의성- 게임을 종료해도 진행되는 반복전투.- 방치형 게임급으로 부담...
Banner of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas


Banner of her tears were my light

her tears were my light

Interactive storyCasualAdventureAnimeSimulation
originally released in 2016, her tears were my light is a love story between time and space.as time, you can move forward, backward, or warp to any of your “save points” in the story. can you use t...
Banner of Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- Sweep the Board!

Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- Sweep the Board!

4 Player LocalActionBoardDemonsTable gameCasualPvEFantasy
Pre-Purchase OfferThe digital pre-order bonus includes three premium tickets, which are in-game items that can be exchanged for rewards.Pre-order bonuses are available for preorder until one day be...
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