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Top Anime Games

Banner of Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!

Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!

RPGHorrorVisual NovelAdventureAnimeSimulationStory Rich
Enter the #1 Psychological Horror Experience!Welcome to a terrifying world of poetry and romance! Write poems for your crush and erase any mistakes along the way to ensure your perfect ending. Now’s ....
Banner of Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

Ragnarok M: Eternal Love JP

Banner of Love and Producer

Love and Producer TW

Banner of Fortnite

🔥Come and get these games, absolutely on Fire

Banner of Dicast: Rules of Chaos

Dicast: Rules of Chaos

Control chaos in a random world, Dicast!Defeat the competitors around the world and become the best dice dominating Dicast of all!Now, it is your turn!New player support coupon!Insert [DICAST...
Banner of Langrisser

Langrisser US

The all-new major update “White Wolf's Mane and Dragon's Flame” arrives!The new heroes Patricia and Gunn make their grand debut and the Secret Realm Challenge Event "Ragnarok of the Realms" will op...
Banner of Warau Ars Notoria

Warau Ars Notoria JP

Warau Ars Notoria is a "looking for real magic RPG", and cooperatively developed by Good Smile Company and Nitroplus, with pre-registrations available via the official website. Nitroplus released the ...
Banner of Food Fantasy

Food Fantasy

Food Fantasy is a “Food Personified” RPG adventure management game. Inspired by hundreds of recipes from around the world, a group of world renowned artists and voice actors have brought food to life....
Banner of Floating Life For Song

Floating Life For Song TW

【遊戲簡介】超高自由度MMORPG,帶你進入唯美古風世界。全3D場景還原最真實的汴京風光,捏臉功能結合時裝染色玩法,展現獨一無二的美麗。採用獨特的結緣系統與真人即時互動,享受沉浸式交互體驗,隨時隨地和心愛的他浪漫相遇。全新療愈養成玩法,與情緣共同開啟甜蜜親子時光。趕快與好友一起前往汴京城遊玩吧~【遊戲特色】===萌寵降世 浮生相伴===萬物有靈,萌寵降世,各式各樣的寵物出現在汴京古城,龍...


Dungeon CrawlerActionJRPGRPGCasualMassively MultiplayerOnline Co-OpPvE
ACHIEVEMENTS● Recommended by Google Play in many countries● 18 million downloads for Aura Kingdom Online worldwide!● Addictive gameplay with visually stunning graphics and animation effectsBACKGR...
Banner of Stella Arcana

Stella Arcana

A thousand years ago, due to the betrayal of the Elf King, the Demon Lord led an army of millions to invade the Continent of Telandia. All races on the continent united to resist the invasion, and fin...
Banner of Touken Ranbu ONLINE

Touken Ranbu ONLINE Global

StorylineRevisionists seeking to change history have begun to attack the past.The "Saniwa", who has been given the task of protecting the history, heads back in time with "Touken Danshi", the fabled.....
Banner of 엑자일: 어벤징 파이어

엑자일: 어벤징 파이어

[엑자일: 어벤징 파이어] 대규모 업데이트 실시재미와 보상을 모두 갖춘 꿀잼 미니게임 신규 추가! 앞길의 몬스터를 제거하고 종점에 도달하라!새롭게 시작되는 도전의 길. 과연 당신은 어디까지 갈 수 있습니까?- 공식커뮤니티 -🔗link- 게임 스토리 -어릴 ...
Banner of Otome Games Obey Me! NB

Otome Games Obey Me! NB

Otome game "Obey Me! Nightbringer"From the otome game series with over 8 million downloads that took the world by storm comes the latest installment, Obey Me! NB!In an all-new story, take on adventu.....
Banner of CocoPPa Play Star Girl Fashion

CocoPPa Play Star Girl Fashion

Create your kawaii avatar and produce wonderful fashion shows!❤Over 12 million downloads all over the world!☺Create and decorate your avatar with cute outfits in CocoPPa Play,and reate fashion sh...
Banner of Mirage:Perfect Skyline

Mirage:Perfect Skyline

Mirage: Perfect Skyline is a new MMORPG with gods and demons-based theme, offering a variety of well-designed team events. No longer do you have to face the world alone! Whether to become a demon or a...
Banner of Embers: Last Duel

Embers: Last Duel

Join now to get a 36000-Rating and S-grade Pet + Gifts worth 10000 Diamonds!The only eternal spark in the world of darknessDeclare the ultimate war with uttermost courage and enjoy epic adventures!!.....
Banner of Shining Nikki

Best dress up games for fashionistas

Banner of Dragon Quest Keshi Keshi

Dragon Quest Keshi Keshi

ArcadePuzzleAnimeMatch 3
◆ Easy puzzle to enjoy!Familiar characters, monsters, items, etc. appearing in the series are now available as a cute eraser "Dorakeshi"Align 3 or more "Drakes" vertically and horizontally, and go...
Banner of Fairy Sphere

Fairy Sphere JP

"Fairy Sphere" Living with a fairy in the palm of your hand-a healing game where you can collect, grow and relaxMany pretty fairies appear in this mysterious world. If you collect and raise fairies,.....
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