
Games worth discovering

Awesome offline story based games for Android/IOS

Awesome offline story based games for Android/IOS

Banner of Batman - The Telltale Series

Batman - The Telltale Series

DarkSuperheroVisual NovelAdventureQuick-Time EventsStory Rich
**Only supports devices running OS6 Marshmallow, and versions of OS5 Lollipop that support OpenGL 3.1****All Episodes now available to download via in-app!**Enter the fractured psyche of Bruce Way...
Banner of Life is Strange

Life is Strange

Interactive storyActionMemesPoint & ClickCasualLGBTQ+AdventureTime Manipulation
"Life Is Strange is a five part episodic game that sets out to revolutionize story-based choice and consequence games by allowing the player to rewind time and affect the past, present, and future....
Banner of The Wolf Among Us

The Wolf Among Us

CinematicNoirDarkInteractive storyActionWell-WrittenDetectivePoint & Click
The Wolf Among Us is a five-part (Episodes 2-5 can be purchased in-app) series, from the creators of The Walking Dead, winner of over 90 Game of the Year awards. Fairytale characters are being murdere...
Banner of Flash Party

Top Fighting Games

Banner of Life in Adventure

Life in Adventure

Interactive storyRPGCasualAdventureSimulation
A new combat system based on the character's stats has been added!We open discord server!đź”—linkGame description'Life in Adventure' is a text-based game written bythe ...
Banner of Duskwood - Detective Story

Duskwood - Detective Story

Interactive storyRealisticRPGAdventure
A realistic criminal case featuring real people… including YOU!Fans of investigation games 🔍, watch out: This criminal case is special! 🔪❤️ Start your mystery adventure now and reveal the hidden secr.....
Banner of OPUS: Rocket of Whispers

OPUS: Rocket of Whispers TW

Interactive storyRPGCasualAdventure
Embark on a heartwarming journey! An indie game with skillful storytelling combined with audiovisual wonder.“By this rocket, we return them to the cosmos.“Travel across a world of ice and snow, th...
Banner of Dentures and Demons 2

Dentures and Demons 2

WARNING:This game contains strong language, sarcasm, bad humor and childish jokes.Please check out the content and age rating, because this game is not for children, moralists, or Karens!-------...
Banner of The Walking Dead: Season One

The Walking Dead: Season One

As featured in TegraZone, The Walking Dead is a five-part game series (Episode 2-5 can be purchased via in-app) set in the same universe as Robert Kirkman’s award-winning series. Play as Lee Everett, ...
Banner of The Walking Dead: Season Two

The Walking Dead: Season Two

CinematicPost-apocalypticSurvivalInteractive storyZombiesActionPoint & ClickHorror
The Walking Dead: Season Two is a five-part (Episodes 2-5 can be purchased via in-app) game series that continues the story of Clementine, a young girl orphaned by the undead apocalypse. Left to fend ...
Banner of Forgotton Anne

Forgotton Anne US

CasualAdventureAnimePuzzle-adventureStory Rich
Imagine a place where all that is lost and forgotten goes; old toys, letters, socks. The Forgotten Lands is a magical world inhabited by Forgotlings; living mislaid objects longing to be remembered......
Banner of Tiny Room Stories Town Mystery

Tiny Room Stories Town Mystery

You are a private detective. After receiving a letter from your father, asking for help, you go to the small town of Redcliff.The city is completely empty. Where have all the inhabitants gone? What h....
Banner of Moth Lake: A Horror Story

Moth Lake: A Horror Story

Synopsis:This is the story of Moth Lake,a small town that, behind its peaceful facade, hides a terrible secret.Only a group of teenagers, with a difficult life, will reveal what has been hidden fo...
Banner of An Elmwood Trail - Crime Story

An Elmwood Trail - Crime Story

Text-BasedInteractive storyDetectiveCrimePuzzleStory Rich
Solve the biggest mystery in the town of Riverstone surrounded by the Elmwood Forest 🌳. Find the missing girl and prove yourself to everyone. 🔎It’s been 3 weeks since a young teen has gone missing a.....
Banner of Dentures and Demons

Dentures and Demons

Now available in more than 20 languages!Warning:This game contains sarcasm, black humor and other annoying things. Please ignore this game if you are easily offended!The game has some bad languag...
Banner of Fortnite

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