
Games worth discovering

Top Battle Royale Games

Top Battle Royale Games

Banner of Save Scream and Run

Save Scream and Run

Battle RoyaleAction RPGSportsActionStrategyRPGAction RtsCasual
Collect a 3D puzzle, transferring things to the right places to create a beautiful place.The game is a 3D puzzle, the player needs to put in place the missing pieces of the puzzle (items) scatte...
Banner of マーダーミステリーJ 殺人犯はそばにいる

マーダーミステリーJ 殺人犯はそばにいる

Text-BasedBattle RoyaleDetectiveCasualMultiplayerCrimeMysterySimulation
絶海の孤島で行われたパーティ…そこで見たものは、屋敷の主人の無残な姿だった!!凶器は、なに? 犯人は、だれ?史上最大のミステリー、今はじまる!■全員が容疑者!?最大12人オンライン対戦可能!端末の通信機能を使って最大12人まで、いつでもどこでも誰とでも、そして何度でも、オンラインで対戦可能!■究極のサスペンス!夜の行動が生死を分ける!!殺人犯の...
Banner of Boats N' Hoes

Boats N' Hoes

Battle RoyaleAction RoguelikeActionNavalSpectacle fighterMemesRoguelikeCasual
"Boats N' Hoes" is an exhilarating combat game that immerses players in a thrilling world where boats serve as their means of traversal and hoes become their arsenal of weapons. As players navigate th...

A few mobile FPS games to play when you're bored.

Banner of 轮回之沙


Team-BasedDungeon CrawlerBattle RoyaleActionLootRPGMassively MultiplayerOnline Co-Op
Banner of Maniac Path 3

Maniac Path 3

Pixel GraphicsArena ShooterDarkBattle RoyaleAction RPGSportsActionCartoony
Go into the abyss of madness to go through the difficult path of a broken beast that spares no one. You will find yourself in the guise of a maniac trying to escape from the crime scene and run as far...
Banner of Omega Luma : The First Battle

Omega Luma : The First Battle

CinematicBattle RoyaleAction RoguelikeActionInteractive FictionRealisticAlternate HistoryRPG
The planet Vega is under fire..A young man opens his eyes on a sky island belonging to our world by chance. His name is Lucas..We start a journey where we question ourselves, try to survive and meet n...
Banner of BattleClaws


CompetitiveBattle RoyaleActionCasualFamily FriendlyTop-DownMultiplayerSingleplayer
BattleClaws is a competitive, 2 - 4 player tournament that throws you into a mechanical showdown against the clock, and your friends!Get ready to battle it out in a party game that will redefine the.....
Banner of 3D PUZZLE - Post-Apocalyptic 3

3D PUZZLE - Post-Apocalyptic 3

4XBattle RoyaleSportsActionBullet HellStrategyRPGCasual
Collect a 3D puzzle, transferring things to the right places to create a beautiful place.The game is a 3D puzzle, the player needs to put in place the missing pieces of the puzzle (items) scatte...
Banner of Loot Goblins

Loot Goblins

Arena ShooterBattle RoyaleActionLootCasualAdventureFantasyMultiplayer
Step into the world of Loot Goblins, where excess reigns supreme. But beware, for your riches attract the envy of fellow goblins eager to snatch them away. They'll employ all manner of implements, fro...
Banner of Riverside Gals / 大乱闘リバーサイドギャルズ

Riverside Gals / 大乱闘リバーサイドギャルズ

TacticalTeam-BasedSide ScrollerBattle RoyaleSurvivalActionAction RtsDeckbuilding
In 202X, a unified world government was established by simultaneous global default.The following year, the government dismantled public institutions including police forcesin each country.At the ...
Banner of The King Of Beasts

The King Of Beasts

Sci-fiBattle RoyaleAction RPGSurvivalAction RoguelikeActionCreature CollectorAliens
King of Beasts is a 3D third person survival and evolution game. In the perilous experimental field, players will control mutated creatures with special abilities, constantly fighting against other mu...
Banner of Billgard


Local MultiplayerBattle Royale4 Player LocalSportsActionRealisticSplit ScreenCasual
Bounce into the thrilling world of Billgard, a fast-paced fighting game where you embody a billiard ball and battle against other players. Roll freely across the table, dashing to knock opponents into...
Banner of Samurai of the Samurais

Samurai of the Samurais

CartoonBattle RoyaleSportsBoardRealisticSplit ScreenCasualAdventure
**History Begins...**In the midst of a brutal conflict, a young man from Ako finds himself gravely wounded and left for dead. Fate intervenes as he is rescued by the compassionate villagers of S...
Banner of Greatest Dungeon

Greatest Dungeon

Real Time TacticsDungeon CrawlerBattle RoyaleAction RoguelikeActionStrategyFirst-PersonRoguelike
A medieval styled Dungeon crawler with an extraction mechanic and incoming zone, the Combat is Physics based and allows you to dismember your enemy's or pick up they're body's and use them as shields ...
Banner of "TetriStory 110%™" - Amazing Free New Tetris Game!

"TetriStory 110%™" - Amazing Free New Tetris Game!

CinematicCartoonBattle RoyaleActionCartoonyStrategyCasualAdventure
THIS GAME IS CANCELLED & WILL BE REMOVED FROM STEAMPlay an amazing 100% free new Tetris game...FEATURES:- Absolutely 100% FREE With No Advertisements And No In-App Purchasing!- Runs 100% On ANY ...


Pixel GraphicsTeam-BasedBattle RoyaleActionProcedural GenerationSpectacle fighterCasualMultiplayer
CHAT CHAMPIONS is an interactive pixel battle simulator built for Twitch streaming.• TONS OF ENGAGING FEATURESCHAT CHAMPIONS is built to engage your audience. After typing !join to enter the fray, pl....
Banner of Pako 3

random games you can play at the cafe or when you're bored

Banner of Hidden Vintage House Top-Down 3D

Hidden Vintage House Top-Down 3D

SandboxBattle RoyaleAction RPGAction RoguelikeSportsActionStrategyRoguelike
Find the objects that are hidden on the map.The game is a Hidden Object Game.In which you need to find objects with a certain design in beautiful locations, and click on them with the mouse....
Banner of Nexus Touch Spider

Nexus Touch Spider

Arena ShooterBattle RoyaleSurvivalFPSActionBullet HellFirst-PersonWar
The Nexus Touch SpiderAs a fast-paced, arcade-style grapple shooter, NEXUS TOUCH SPIDER offers an exciting journey. It takes players back to the beloved era of vintage arcade amusement with its short ...
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