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Top Card Games

Top Card Games

Banner of Card-en-Ciel


TacticalRetroCard BattlerRoguelikeRPGDeckbuildingPvERoguelite
Card-en-Ciel is a JRPG take on roguelike deckbuilders, with a full story, over 300 cards each with unique characters, 50 full vocal songs, and a 6x3 playfield for strategic depth.Each battle will e...
Banner of 三國誌:名將傳 風起雲湧、猛將爲棋、吞食天地,三分天下我爲王

三國誌:名將傳 風起雲湧、猛將爲棋、吞食天地,三分天下我爲王

相信少將軍也看過不少三國故事,體驗過不同的時空。可是否會感嘆,在這三國亂世之中,有太多遺憾無法改冩。各路英豪、曠世情緣、家族偉業,浪淘儘,千古風流人物。您將能扮演初出亂世的少將軍,在三國各種奇遇曆險中成長,成爲一方霸主,逆轉這個時空,重構屬於你的專屬幻想三國。高顏值,真放置,爆福利!2023全新殿堂級幻想三國華麗登場! 少將軍不妨看一看?【精美畫麵】次時代高品質手遊,畫麵效果拉滿。我們以...
Banner of 一个仙人两个蛋


Banner of ARK: Survival Evolved

best survival games for mobile

Banner of Magical Town-ELF Adventure

Magical Town-ELF Adventure

Brave adventurers explore a new continent, encountering diverse people and pets, embarking on an exciting journey.Game Features:1.Exquisite graphics and soundHigh-quality visuals and immersive soun...
Banner of Cards Royale Battle

Cards Royale Battle

Cards Battle RoyaleIntroducing Cards Battle Royale – a thrilling, high-speed card game that combines the excitement of a battle royale with the classic Uno logic.Your mission: strategically damag...
Banner of 荣耀之战-激斗


Banner of 超獸聯盟冒險


《超獸聯盟冒險》是一款採用放置戰鬥系統的超獸精靈養成放置遊戲。與充滿個性的超獸精靈們橫衝直撞的冒險就要開始了!在冒險的路上收集屬於你的超獸,成為超獸大師!立即預約下載加入冒險!⋇特色⋇【寵物卡牌多樣】在發現超獸精靈的世界中,從神話生物到至尊霸主,再到史詩傳說,每一隻都是獨一無二的冒險夥伴。【操作簡單,快速上手】無需精妙操作,英雄技能全程自動釋放,掛機就能收割資源。 遊戲簡單易上手,...
Banner of Charming Girl: Expedition

Charming Girl: Expedition

Facebook:🔗linkPlayers will take on the role of a character in a two-dimensional world, collect various cards, form a powerful card team, and fight against other ...
Banner of 나만의 삼국지:전략판

나만의 삼국지:전략판

무한 카드 추출, 쉽게 육성하세요!=== 게임 특징 ===【무한 카드 다양한 선택】무한한 카드 추출로 빠르게 다양한 캐릭터와 장비를 획득하여, 당신만의 최강 군대를 구축하세요!【합성 진화, 편안한 육성】과로할 필요 없어요! 간단한 육성으로 게임에 집중하고, 합성과 진화를 통해 영웅의 능력을 쉽게 강화하세요!【백 명의 영웅, 영웅의 완벽한 소개】...
Banner of Mythical Match: Asgard & Wars

Mythical Match: Asgard & Wars

Welcome to "Mythical Match: Asgard & Wars", a riveting strategy-based match-three game that propels you on a grand adventure through the mystic realms of Asgard.In this game, you'll undertake legend.....
Banner of The Deck - Tarot

The Deck - Tarot

Unlock the mysteries of your past, present, and future with "The Deck," your ultimate Tarot card companion!•Discover the Wisdom of Tarot:Dive into the enchanting world of Tarot cards with "The Dec...
Banner of 涅槃江湖


【內容簡介】《涅槃江湖》是一款休閒回合制卡牌養成類手遊,集收集養成卡牌、劇情闖關、策略佈陣、奇襲對戰、擂臺PK、奇遇等多種玩法於一身的趣味休閒武俠手遊,游戲整體畫風為中國武俠寫實風,以江湖文化為基礎構建一個美輪美奐的武俠世界!【游戲特色】〓專屬俠客陣容策略〓 五大元素内容培養、海量俠客多種搭配、豐富的裝備配寘玩法、多種寶石鑲嵌玩法,超高自由度打造自己理想中的俠客戰隊〓沉浸式劇情體驗〓...
Banner of Mystic Magic Monster

Mystic Magic Monster

Step into a mesmerizing world filled with captivating creatures and exhilarating battles! Our card-based battle game invites you to explore a realm brimming with fantastical beings, each possessing th...
Banner of Shot Up: Drink & Party games

Shot Up: Drink & Party games

🎉 - Welcome to this brand new party experience called "Shot Up" - the ultimate freedrinking game that guarantees endless fun! Designed for students, college parties or just tipsy nights "Shot Up" off....
Banner of Clash of Rivals – PRO Battle

Clash of Rivals – PRO Battle

🧠 Welcome to fantasy world full of strategy battles. You will require sharp thinking, fast reflexes and maybe a bit of luck as well on your side as you need to overcome your dangerous opponents. Prepa...
Banner of ゼロから勇者:オリエントファンタジー


今なら、110連&S級英雄&武器聖剣をGet!全アジア2000万DL達成の異世界勇者転生放置系RPG『ゼロから勇者:オリエントファンタジー』、ついに日本上陸!遥かなる三国東方大陸。魔王の出現により、大陸は戦火と危機に包まれていた。世界を救うため、世界樹の女神が祈りを捧げ、異世界から魔王を討つ勇者を召喚する…あなたは残業中に突然光に包まれ、気がつくと広大な草原に横たわっていた… 勇者と仲間たち...
Banner of Blood Strike - FPS for all

[Weekly HIT] Monster Hunter Now, Dawnlands, ParaSpace, Purrfect Journey and more - June 24

Banner of Home of Cards Family Solitaire

Home of Cards Family Solitaire

Embark on a captivating solitaire adventure with Home of Cards - Solitaire Joy where you'll join Molly on a delightful journey to renovate her new home, card by card and level by level.🏡 Immerse you.....
Banner of Flippin Monster:Idle denfenser

Flippin Monster:Idle denfenser

◆ Create Your Dream TeamThere are 6 different professions of heroes: earth, water, fire, wind, light, and dark. Nearly a hundred different heroes, each with their own unique personality, story, and a....
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