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Top Card Games

Top Card Games

Banner of Card-en-Ciel


TacticalRetroCard BattlerRoguelikeRPGDeckbuildingPvERoguelite
Card-en-Ciel is a JRPG take on roguelike deckbuilders, with a full story, over 300 cards each with unique characters, 50 full vocal songs, and a 6x3 playfield for strategic depth.Each battle will e...
Banner of Clash of Rivals – PRO Battle

Clash of Rivals – PRO Battle

🧠 Welcome to fantasy world full of strategy battles. You will require sharp thinking, fast reflexes and maybe a bit of luck as well on your side as you need to overcome your dangerous opponents. Prepa...
Banner of The Deck - Tarot

The Deck - Tarot

Unlock the mysteries of your past, present, and future with "The Deck," your ultimate Tarot card companion!•Discover the Wisdom of Tarot:Dive into the enchanting world of Tarot cards with "The Dec...
Banner of Huntdown: Cyberpunk Adventure

Epic shoot' em up games to blast your way through!

Banner of Shot Up: Drink & Party games

Shot Up: Drink & Party games

🎉 - Welcome to this brand new party experience called "Shot Up" - the ultimate freedrinking game that guarantees endless fun! Designed for students, college parties or just tipsy nights "Shot Up" off....
Banner of Magical Town-ELF Adventure

Magical Town-ELF Adventure

Brave adventurers explore a new continent, encountering diverse people and pets, embarking on an exciting journey.Game Features:1.Exquisite graphics and soundHigh-quality visuals and immersive soun...
Banner of 三國誌:名將傳 風起雲湧、猛將爲棋、吞食天地,三分天下我爲王

三國誌:名將傳 風起雲湧、猛將爲棋、吞食天地,三分天下我爲王

相信少將軍也看過不少三國故事,體驗過不同的時空。可是否會感嘆,在這三國亂世之中,有太多遺憾無法改冩。各路英豪、曠世情緣、家族偉業,浪淘儘,千古風流人物。您將能扮演初出亂世的少將軍,在三國各種奇遇曆險中成長,成爲一方霸主,逆轉這個時空,重構屬於你的專屬幻想三國。高顏值,真放置,爆福利!2023全新殿堂級幻想三國華麗登場! 少將軍不妨看一看?【精美畫麵】次時代高品質手遊,畫麵效果拉滿。我們以...
Banner of 超獸聯盟冒險


《超獸聯盟冒險》是一款採用放置戰鬥系統的超獸精靈養成放置遊戲。與充滿個性的超獸精靈們橫衝直撞的冒險就要開始了!在冒險的路上收集屬於你的超獸,成為超獸大師!立即預約下載加入冒險!⋇特色⋇【寵物卡牌多樣】在發現超獸精靈的世界中,從神話生物到至尊霸主,再到史詩傳說,每一隻都是獨一無二的冒險夥伴。【操作簡單,快速上手】無需精妙操作,英雄技能全程自動釋放,掛機就能收割資源。 遊戲簡單易上手,...
Banner of Knights of Charm

Knights of Charm

The Knights are on an expedition, so join in!Facebook:🔗link
Banner of 나만의 삼국지:전략판

나만의 삼국지:전략판

무제한 카드 뽑기, 쉬운 육성!===게임 특징 ===[무한뽑기카드 다양한 선택]무한 추첨카드를 획득하면 추첨을 통해 다양한 캐릭터와 장비를 빠르게 축적하여 나만의 최강의 군대를 만들 수 있습니다![합성 진화 배양 불간]간 튀길 필요 없어!간단하게 육성, 게임에 집중, 쉽게 합성 및 진화로 무장의 속성을 상승![백인의 무장영웅전부]백 명 무장...
Banner of Mystic Magic Monster

Mystic Magic Monster

Step into a mesmerizing world filled with captivating creatures and exhilarating battles! Our card-based battle game invites you to explore a realm brimming with fantastical beings, each possessing th...
Banner of Mythical Match: Asgard & Wars

Mythical Match: Asgard & Wars

Welcome to "Mythical Match: Asgard & Wars", a riveting strategy-based match-three game that propels you on a grand adventure through the mystic realms of Asgard.In this game, you'll undertake legend.....
Banner of 荣耀之战-激斗


Banner of 一个仙人两个蛋


Banner of Cards Royale Battle

Cards Royale Battle

Cards Battle RoyaleIntroducing Cards Battle Royale – a thrilling, high-speed card game that combines the excitement of a battle royale with the classic Uno logic.Your mission: strategically damag...
Banner of 涅槃江湖


【內容簡介】《涅槃江湖》是一款休閒回合制卡牌養成類手遊,集收集養成卡牌、劇情闖關、策略佈陣、奇襲對戰、擂臺PK、奇遇等多種玩法於一身的趣味休閒武俠手遊,游戲整體畫風為中國武俠寫實風,以江湖文化為基礎構建一個美輪美奐的武俠世界!【游戲特色】〓專屬俠客陣容策略〓 五大元素内容培養、海量俠客多種搭配、豐富的裝備配寘玩法、多種寶石鑲嵌玩法,超高自由度打造自己理想中的俠客戰隊〓沉浸式劇情體驗〓...
Banner of Lep's World 3

Lep's World 3

Jumping Master: The Ultimate Test of Skill and ReflexesIntroducing "Jumping Master," the latest sensation in the gaming world that promises not only exhilaration but also a genuine challenge to both.....
Banner of SAO Integral Factor - MMORPG

The best gacha anime games with the waifus.

Banner of Flippin Monster:Idle denfenser

Flippin Monster:Idle denfenser

◆ Create Your Dream TeamThere are 6 different professions of heroes: earth, water, fire, wind, light, and dark. Nearly a hundred different heroes, each with their own unique personality, story, and a....
Banner of 히어로즈 레전드: 방치형 RPG 영웅 키우기

히어로즈 레전드: 방치형 RPG 영웅 키우기

▶ 게임특징★간편한 방치 플레이★손가락 하나로 지배하는 방치형 게임,더 이상 노가다는 없다! 지루한 전투는 그만,틀어놓기만 해도 쑥쑥 자라는 방치형 RPG게임, 바쁜 현대인을 위해 준비한 편리함!방치해도 풍부한 보상을 획득하며 게임을 즐길 수 있습니다!★다양한 조합★변하는 던전에서,자유자재로 진형 조합 및 전략 조정을 하여 승리를 쟁취하세...
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