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Top CRPG Games

Top CRPG Games

Banner of Catonium - out of chaos

Catonium - out of chaos

CraftingRPGCRPGCasualTop-DownCharacter CustomizationAdventureOpen World
Embark on an unforgettable journey in the world of Catonium, a land of medieval fantasy where ancient ruins, cities, and vast natural landscapes coexist. Uncover the riddle of Catonium before time run...
Banner of Kara Fantasy

Kara Fantasy

Pixel GraphicsRetroAction RPGLinearRPGCRPGAdventureFantasy
Imagine a world where every step opens the door to unknown lands, where every breath of wind whispers ancient spells. In this world where the fate of the kingdom hangs in the balance, the story of Ka....
Banner of 糟糕,我要坠入爱河啦!


Lore-RichDating SimRomanceStrategyFirst-PersonRPGCRPGCasual
Banner of PUBG Mobile

Best battle royel games ever

Banner of Fantasy World War Flag

Fantasy World War Flag

Turn-Based StrategyBoardStrategyDemonsRealisticAlternate HistoryCRPGOtome
1. The various factions of fantasy high martial arts compete for towns2. Form a sect with numerous beauties and geniuses3. Sword, Axe, Royal, Knife, Shield, Fire, Earth, Ice, Wind, Thunder, Poison, Wa...
Banner of My Little RPG Shop

My Little RPG Shop

CartoonyRPGCRPGCookingFantasyBase BuildingSRPGSingleplayer
My Little RPG Shop is a simulation game where you play the role of a shopkeeper in an RPG world, in other words, the character you play in this game is actually a merchant NPC. You need to trade with ...
Banner of Penalty Challenge

Penalty Challenge

Team-BasedAction RPGStrategyCRPGCasualCharacter CustomizationAdventureTime Manipulation
"And the golden balloon is handed to Mr. …"Embark on an exhilarating journey with Penalty Challenge, the definitive 11-meter shot simulator crafted for those passionate about elevating their foo...
Banner of 起夜  Get Up In The Night

起夜 Get Up In The Night

Lore-RichPixel GraphicsAbstractSci-fiAction RPGActionRoguelikeRPG
Author's NoteHello everyone, I am the creator of the game "Get Up In The Night". I am very happy to have made this game, and if some players find it interesting, I will be even happier. "Get Up In Th....
Banner of Prison  X - Chapter 1: The Devil and The Sun

Prison X - Chapter 1: The Devil and The Sun

DarkInteractive FictionFirst-PersonRPGCRPGVisual NovelVROpen World
The Jaguaress, an eccentric Andean deity, greets you at the velvet curtain and casts you as Inti, a young man who dreamed of being a drug lord but landed in prison. Prison X is an immersive mythologi...
Banner of 相亲攻略之宝贝别再选我了


Dating SimLinearInteractive FictionFirst-PersonAlternate HistoryRPGCRPGVisual Novel
产品介绍《相亲攻略:宝贝别再选了我》是一款恋爱模拟的真人互动影像游戏,讲述关于“你”的相亲故事。从接到母亲电话开始,你踏上相亲之旅,和你预想的不一样,苦恼的事情并不是如何找到一个对象,而是……这么多对象该带哪一个回家。①号女嘉宾:冷面女总裁 陈映“我也就在你面前装装贤良淑德。”②号女嘉宾:古灵精少女 江彤彤“你不是癞*蟆吃天鹅肉,咱是俩癞*蟆抱着互啃。”③号女嘉宾:风情美妇 ...
Banner of Dawnsbury Days

Dawnsbury Days

Turn-Based TacticsCinematicStrategyRPGCRPGTable gameCharacter CustomizationModdable
Dawnsbury Days is a 2D turn-based tactics game with CRPG elements that's based on the rules of PF2E, the second edition of a powerful tabletop OGL ruleset.You play as the Dawnsbury Four, a group of .....
Banner of 《道格拉斯警督的日记》


NoirText-BasedPsychological HorrorDungeon CrawlerInteractive FictionDetectiveRPGHorror
**Classic Mystery + Serial Killer + Completely Free-form Text Adventure**Catch the killer... or cooperate to stop time?---This is a detective game where you play as a middle-aged inspec...
Banner of 戀戀寶島~雨港再世奇緣~


Dating SimRomanceRetroPsychological HorrorInteractive FictionHorrorCRPGVisual Novel
『戀戀寶島~雨港再世奇緣篇~』這是一個以現實世界的『台灣』為舞台的"架空平行世界"一款單線單結局的日式文字冒險遊戲。以架空的台灣寶島基隆市為主要場景,著名都市傳說娜娜鬼屋為開端。融合了戀愛,靈異,美食,架空歷史的絕妙組合。演繹Boy Meets Girl的戀愛喜劇。*約12萬字的輕量王道劇情注重休閒感,輕鬆的起承轉合直線完結。*清新唯美的作畫風格由台灣知名畫師izumi...
Banner of 九州之士


Real Time TacticsGrand StrategyHistoricalEducationalStrategyRealisticRPGCRPG
Banner of 热血街头


Turn-Based TacticsRetroLinearStrategyJRPGRPGCRPGCasual
Banner of Who is the Defendant: Deliberately Rough

Who is the Defendant: Deliberately Rough

AbstractInteractive FictionStrategyDetectiveRPGCRPGVisual NovelAdventure
"Who is the Defendant" is a spin-off of "The Real Faces of VTuber," a demo we presented at a gaming expo before announcing the main theme. It introduces "The Real Faces of VTuber" in a humorous and li...
Banner of Enhanced


Enhanced is set in a post-apocalyptic world where medicine and technology is sufficiently advanced to allow install and intuitive control of cybernetic limbs and enhancements. Try to find the people w...
Banner of Fortnite


Banner of 黑暗之刃2 前传

黑暗之刃2 前传

Real Time TacticsSci-fiTurn-Based StrategyCartoonyRPGCRPGSingleplayer
背景设定黑暗之刃2 后传 有两个版本,前传和后转,剧情相互连接,欢迎单独玩完前传或后传玩家可以steam购买另一个版本游戏允许玩家选择4名英雄,分别是亚马逊人、侏儒、野蛮人、骑士,每一个角色都具有其独特的战斗特性。亚马逊人是个MM,动作最敏捷,但是攻击力与防御力较弱;侏儒力量是最强的,但是行动也是最迟缓的,且容易疲劳;骑士是比较中庸的角色,所有属性都比较平均,当然也就不会很强;野蛮人是力量...
Banner of Shoulders of Giants: Prologue

Shoulders of Giants: Prologue

RobotsMechsSci-fiAction RoguelikeActionProcedural GenerationRoguelikeRPG
Wishlist Full Game🔗linkAbout the GameSimultaneously control a sword-wielding robot and a gunslinging space frog in Shoulders of Giants: Prolog...
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