
Games worth discovering

Cult Classic

Cult Classic

Banner of Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne

CinematicNoirDarkActionBullet TimeDetectiveAdventureCult Classic
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne is a violent, film-noir love story. Dark, tragic and intense, the in-depth story is a thrill-ride of shocking twists and revelations.His life in ruins, Max P...
Banner of Resident Evil

Resident Evil

The game that defined the survival-horror genre is back! Check out the remastered HD version of Resident Evil.In 1998 a special forces team is sent to investigate some bizarre murders on the outskir.....
Banner of DOOM 64


Pixel GraphicsGoreRetroFast-pacedSci-fiDifficultFPSAction
Originally released on Nintendo 64 in 1997, DOOM 64 is an action first-person shooter and a direct sequel to the events of DOOM II. In celebration of DOOM’s 25th anniversary, an enhanced version of DO...
Banner of Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

VampireDarkAction RPGActionFirst-PersonRPGHorrorAdventure
Vampire®: The Masquerade-Bloodlines™ delivers a new type of RPG experience-one that blends all the core elements of a traditional RPG with the graphical richness, immediacy and brutal combat of a firs...
Banner of 3 Minutes to Midnight® - A Comedy Graphic Adventure

3 Minutes to Midnight® - A Comedy Graphic Adventure

RetroPoint & ClickCasualRemakeAdventureComedyCult ClassicSingleplayer
JOIN OUR DISCORDAbout the GameSomewhere, in the middle of nowhere, an explosion shatters the night. Everyone wakes up with a jolt. Where are they? Who are they? It turns out that whatever blew up in ....
Banner of CHRONO TRIGGER (Upgrade Ver.)


Pixel GraphicsRetroSci-fiActionTurn-basedJRPGRPGAdventure
The timeless RPG classic returns loaded with upgrades! Journey to the forgotten past, to the far future, and to the end of time. A big adventure to save the planet, now begins…CHRONO TRIGGER is the .....
Banner of OMSI 2: Steam Edition

OMSI 2: Steam Edition

ActionFirst-PersonRealisticCasualFamily FriendlyAdventureModdableRacing
Off to the next round! Experience a new omnibus simulator with OMSI 2 and start discovering Spandau while driving the omnibus. OMSI 2 is the successor of the well-known and awarded omnibus simulator "...
Banner of Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy

Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy

DragonsActionCartoonyCasualFamily FriendlyRemakeAdventureFantasy
The original roast master is back! Same sick burns, same smoldering attitude, now all scaled up in stunning HD. Spyro is bringing the heat like never before in the Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy game collec...
Banner of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy

MemesDetectivePoint & ClickVisual NovelCasualAdventureComedyCult Classic
The classic courtroom adventure series that has sold over 6.7 million copies worldwide is finally here. Become Phoenix Wright and experience the thrill of battle as you fight to save your innocent cli...
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