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Top Early Access Games

Top Early Access Games

Banner of Heróis de Noname - Acesso Antecipado

Heróis de Noname - Acesso Antecipado

Team-BasedJRPGRPGCasualPvEAdventureRPGMakerOpen World
Bem-vindos ao acesso antecipado de Heróis de Noname!Durante o acesso antecipado, você terá a oportunidade de contribuir com o desenvolvimento do jogo e até deixar sua marca nele tendo seu nome nos...
Banner of The Backrooms Deluxe

The Backrooms Deluxe

Psychological HorrorDungeon CrawlerActionFirst-PersonHorrorCasualOnline Co-OpAdventure
Discover various levels of danger while trying to escape the eerily familiar backrooms based on popular creepypasta lore.New and Unique LevelsTraverse through 20+ unique levels based on the Backrooms ...
Banner of WarRock2


FPSActionRealisticMassively MultiplayerOnline Co-OpWarMultiplayerEarly Access
"Hello, soldier! Long time no see. Are you ready for deployment onto the battlefield?"Dive into the thrilling world of combat! 'WarRock2' is the ultimate war FPS game, offering immersive battle expe.....
Banner of Angry Dad: Arcade Simulator

Top Spelling Games

Banner of HellFlame


Arena ShooterAction RPGSurvivalAction RoguelikeActionBullet HellDemonsRoguelike
Banner of Just Drive

Just Drive

RetroSportsRacingEarly AccessSingleplayereSports
Love racing games ? Don't like complex gameplay ? Have some time to waste ?"Turn on your old tv, connect your old console and just drive!"You like creating 3D content and modding games ?Cre...
Banner of Into The Flames

Into The Flames

SandboxEducationalFPSActionFirst-PersonCasualFamily FriendlyPvE
Into the Flames is an open world firefighting game that can be played solo or with up to 12 other players online. Fill the role of a firefighter by driving the trucks to emergencies, and using authent...
Banner of Human Phobia

Human Phobia

UnderwaterPsychological HorrorActionLinearFirst-PersonHorrorAdventureEarly Access
The game consists of various phobias, each with a unique storyline and terrifying locations for complete immersion in the world of fears. Choose your terrifying phobia and begin exploring your fear...
Banner of Low and Furious

Low and Furious

ActionCasualCharacter CustomizationAdventureRacingOpen WorldEarly AccessSingleplayer
Low And Furious (LAF) is a driving game that allows you to customize your dream car with modifications such as lowering, tinting windows, upgrading the sound system, changing the wheels, and much more...
Banner of Enter The Cyberjungle

Enter The Cyberjungle

AbstractRetroCard BattlerTrading Card GameTurn-Based StrategySuperheroStrategyDeckbuilding
Enter the Cyberjungle is a single-player, deckbuilding card game inspired by the rules of ----. Face a desperate struggle of skill and luck as you attempt to turn your pile of worthless digital cardbo...
Banner of Luminaria: Dark Echoes

Luminaria: Dark Echoes

Local MultiplayerDungeon CrawlerDifficultAction Roguelike4 Player LocalActionRoguelikeRPG
Welcome to Luminaria Dark Echoes, the exciting action and role-playing roguelike game that fuses the intensity of Vampire Survivors with the strategic depth of Dark Souls!DIVE INTO A LUMINOUS ODYSSEY....
Banner of Vanguard


Arena ShooterLocal MultiplayerFPSActionFirst-PersonCasualCharacter CustomizationViolent
Overview:Vanguard is an exhilarating multiplayer party game designed to deliver endless fun across a variety of highly engaging and competitive game modes. With its arcade-inspired visuals and gamep.....
Banner of Far Lands

Far Lands

Open World Survival CraftSurvivalActionFirst-PersonRealisticCraftingPvEAdventure
Get on the official Far Lands Discord Server:Far Lands is a lightweight survival open-world game.Lore:You wake up and find out you are not home. In fact, what was home? There is no memory of that...
Banner of Omega Knockout: Punch Boxing

Omega Knockout: Punch Boxing

Pixel GraphicsRetroSportsActionSpectacle fighterEarly AccessSingleplayerArcade
Dodge, block and punch your opponents in Omega Knockout, a retro arcade boxing experience that packs a punch! With its vibrant 16-bit art style and gameplay-driven animations, you'll enjoy precision a...
Banner of Li'l Red

Li'l Red

Pixel GraphicsRetroSide ScrollerActionLinearCasualEarly AccessSingleplayer
Deep within the Marigold Meadows held the Radiant Lily, a mythical herb capable of dispelling any ailment. Upon finding it, Lyra ventures through Florian to deliver the herb to the country of Clerica....
Banner of Clumsy Coffee Simulator

Clumsy Coffee Simulator

RomanceSandboxFPSCartoonyStrategyFirst-PersonFamily FriendlyTime management
In Clumsy Coffee Simulator, you'll step into the shoes of a budding entrepreneur, ready to transform a humble coffee shop into a bustling hotspot for coffee lovers from all walks of life. From sourcin...
Banner of Rise to Ruins

Rise to Ruins

God GamePixel GraphicsRetroSandboxColony SimLevel EditorTower DefenseSurvival
Follow!About the GameRise to Ruins is at heart a godlike village simulator, but it also throws in plenty of familiar game play mechanics from classic real-time strategy and resource management games.....
Banner of Genshin Impact

RPGs for people who like stories✨

Banner of Standoff Beat

Standoff Beat

Pixel GraphicsLocal MultiplayerSci-fiActionRhythmFantasyMultiplayerEarly Access
Standoff Beat is a fast-paced rhythm-based fighting game that combines the concept of rock-paper-scissors with the adrenaline of a 1v1 duel. On every beat, you must make a choice : shoot, reload, dodg...
Banner of Zlime: Return Of Demon Lord

Zlime: Return Of Demon Lord

Pixel GraphicsCartoonAction RoguelikeActionLinearRoguelikeCasualFantasy
Jump into the world of [Zlime - Return of the Demon Lord], where unbridled excitement reigns supreme! Immerse yourself in an intense and exhilarating gaming experience that action enthusiasts and r...
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