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Games Similar To Azur Lane for Android

Games Similar To Azur Lane for Android

Banner of Demon Sorceress : Idle RPG

Demon Sorceress : Idle RPG

Demon King Reborn as a Low-Rank Human Mage ?Once the mighty lord of demons, lived in peace in her dungeon— until a group of greedy heroes attacked, seeking treasure, and killed her.When she opened...
Banner of Arknights

Arknights JP

Tower DefenseStrategyAdventureAnimeCard
Dear Doctor, our server is now open! Thank you so much for your patient waiting and continuous support. We wish you enjoy the brand new journey in Arknights!Take on the role of a key member of Rho...
Banner of Infinity Nikki

Infinity Nikki Global

AdventureOpen WorldDress-up
Infinity Nikki is the fifth installment in the beloved Nikki series developed by Infold Games. Utilizing the UE5 engine, this multi-platform game seamlessly blends the series' signature dress-up mecha...
Banner of リバースブルー×リバースエンド

リバースブルー×リバースエンド JP

覇権だなんだと世界は今日もやかましいな、我が読者。誰が覇権を取ろうがどうでもいい。ボクらはボクらの好きなことを、好きなようにやり、好きにした。それゆえ、このように自称する。自己を証明し、自己紹介する。これはある種の自傷であり、起きてしまった事象の名前だ。そう、我々は「魔王」だ ――おっと、いきなり語りだして悪かったな。とはいえ、この世界を "終焉" と呼ぶか、それとも "...
Banner of ヘブンバーンズレッド

ヘブンバーンズレッド JP

Key 麻枝 准が描く、最後の希望を託された少女たちの物語『ヘブンバーンズレッド (ヘブバン)』フィールドを駆け回り、かけがえのない日常を体験しながら、命を賭した戦いに挑むドラマチックRPG!◆イントロダクション謎の生命体「キャンサー」に襲われた地球は危機に瀕していた。「キャンサー」にはこれまで人類が生み出してきた兵器による攻撃が一切通じず、撃退する術を持たない人類は、敢えなく敗退した。...
Banner of Sector-IX


The gods have long fallen, and humans have developed their own civilisation. The divine era has become a long-standing legend. As technology continues to advance, the ignorant humans have begun to cov...
Banner of Sword of Convallaria

Sword of Convallaria Global

Turn-Based TacticsLore-RichPixel GraphicsRetroTurn-Based StrategyStrategyTurn-basedRPG
SoC Major Year-End UpdateOn December 27th, the new storyline "Night Crimson" in "Spiral of Destinies" launches.The story is set in Radiant Calendar 992, seven years after the War of Independence in...


"Find Your Music"Join Hatsune Miku in her latest mobile rhythm game and discover a rich cast of characters overcoming their struggles through the power of music.[STORY]Find your true feelings! A m...
Banner of Second Wave

Second Wave

Second Wave is an online multiplayer hero-based shooter, that puts players in the role of a legendary exile from the lands of Armantia. Fighting an endless war over The Arcane Stone, these exiled hero...
Banner of HorcruxCollege


Cyberpunk Beauties Mobile Game: A sweet and lovely story in the city of future! Idle and level up at any time, and summon hundreds of soul girls! Featuring renowned Japanese voice actors and art by fa...
Banner of ASTRA: Knights of Veda

ASTRA: Knights of Veda

DarkSide ScrollerAction RPGActionJRPGRPGSouls-likePvE
Celebrate our stellar journey so far withVeda's 1 Anniversary Starlit Carnival begins!To thank all the Masters of the Book who have been with ASTRA: Knights of Veda, we have organized a special eve...
Banner of ICEY


Character Action GameMetroidvaniaSide ScrollerSci-fiActionSpectacle fighterRPGAdventure
[Attention]If you have trouble initiating ICEY, please try reboot your device and try again. We are working on an update that fix this issue.[ABOUT THIS GAME]ICEY is a 2D side-scrolling action g...
Banner of Re:ZERO – Starting Life in Another World Witch’s re:surrection

Re:ZERO – Starting Life in Another World Witch’s re:surrection

Collect, search, and fight ――Enter a new world of life! With your partners!Official game production for the 10th anniversary commemorative new work of the popular novel "Re: Starting a New Life in a.....
Banner of Galaxy Fantasy

Galaxy Fantasy

With the discovery of the Stargate, mankind has embarked on a magnificent journey to the stars. After thousands of years of exploration and colonisation, the seeds of human civilisation have been sown...
Banner of Girls'Frontline

Girls'Frontline TW

歡迎來到2060年<br>倖存者,重建這個世界的安全秩序的責任已經落到了我們的肩上。<br>現在,是時候回到你過去的日子了。<br>選擇我們,加入我們——<br>「格里芬與克魯格」私人軍事承包商<br><br>【遊戲特色】<br>- 戰術推進、即時戰鬥 兩大模式創新融合,強化遊戲的策略性和操作性<br><br>- 百位角色,槍械擬人<br>知名畫師擔任角色設計,從二戰到現代,涵蓋各時期經典槍械武器...
Banner of Attack on Time:Kaisen of girls

Attack on Time:Kaisen of girls Global

"Attack on Time" is an idle RPG set in a world entirely populated and ruled by beautiful girls – until you arrived. Originally developed by a Japanese studio, the game features cute young girls dresse...
Banner of Zero Fiction

Zero Fiction

The world has been changed, and lots of monsters from different world appeared. Girls from the other world began to investigate the reason of these changes. Control your squad to defeat the enemies, p...
Banner of IDOLY PRIDE : Idol Manager

IDOLY PRIDE : Idol Manager

"Can you hear it? Song of the girl's that tug at our heartstrings".The story of the pretty idols who worked tirelessly to become a top idol, culminating in the Grand Prix.IDOLY PRIDE is finally on ...
Banner of GRAND CROSS : Age of Titans

GRAND CROSS : Age of Titans

The next-generation strategy game - Grand Cross: Age of Titans!Savior! the world of Skyna is waiting for you to save from crisis■ About the Game ■▶ A next-generation strategy game featuring next...
Banner of Counter:Side

Counter:Side TW

You'll be a private company owner the moment you step into Future Fight!You'll be leading many maidens in a fight against corrupting bodies.As you fight alongside your partners, trust and frie...
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