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Games Similar To Back to the Future 1999 for Android

Games Similar To Back to the Future 1999 for Android

Banner of Brave Nine - Tactical RPG

Brave Nine - Tactical RPG Global

Turn-Based TacticsTacticalCartoonTurn-Based StrategyStrategyRPGDeckbuildingCasual
Experience Thrilling Battle and Strategic Gameplay only in Brave Nine!■ Unique character ‘Illustration’- High-quality illustrations that reinterpret the sensibility of classic RPGs in a modern way...
Banner of JUMP:群星集結


ActionRPGEditors' Choice
【遊戲簡介】《JUMP:群星集結》是一款集結了由集英社發行的《週刊少年Jump》上連載的多款知名漫畫IP所打造的5V5 MOBA遊戲,由集英社授權並全程監製。遊戲內包含了多款知名漫畫作品,包含大家耳熟能詳的「七龍珠」、「ONE PIECE~航海王~」、「火影忍者」、「BLEACH死神」、「鬼滅之刃」、「咒術迴戰」、「不死不運」、「肌肉魔法使-MASHLE-」、「HUNTER x HUNTER .....
Banner of Went:Refactor


[Decide the Fate of Qi Yuan]A city that has survived the apocalypse, run by an AI processor called Tai Yi.Here, every citizen is implanted with a chip at birth, subjecting all of their thoughts to 2.....
Banner of 女神異聞錄:夜幕魅影

女神異聞錄:夜幕魅影 TW

▶ 11月28日 3.0改版盛大登場,登入即送豐富遊戲資源、異界晶珀、五星武器自選箱▶ 第三章主線即將完結,究竟明石京的目的為何?怪盜團的反擊將要展開!▶ 覺醒你的另一面,新怪盜團探索JRPG《女神異聞錄:夜幕魅影》為《女神異聞錄5》IP系列衍生作品,由ATLUS深度參與開發及監修打造獨具魅力的遊玩體驗與劇情,玩家將能在遊戲內探索現實世界中熟悉的東京澀谷地區,並潛入異世界的印象空間進行冒險...
Banner of Rizline


RhythmSingleplayerAnimeEditors' ChoiceMusic
Rhythm connects!Presenting Pigeon Games' second enchanting music rhythm game, following the success of "Phigros"!Dive into a mesmerizing journey where points and lines dance in harmony, weaving an e.....
Banner of Afterimage


Lore-RichMetroidvaniaSide ScrollerDifficultAction RPGActionRPGSouls-like
◆Explore mystic EngardinOne of the supreme deities created this vast world called Engardin, upon which natural wonders lie everywhere: gigantic volcanoes, steep canyons, deep seas and a tower that so....
Banner of 神隱之子

神隱之子 TW

《神隱之子》是一款創意獨特的雙世界解謎RPG。遊戲巧妙融合了推理解謎、策略戰鬥等玩法。你將以事務所「代理人」的身份接受各種委託案件,與並肩作戰的伙伴們相遇,共同抵禦危險,探索異世界的真相。【公測福利】用戶登入遊戲免費領取四星神覺者-諸羽【重返街頭】限定時裝;完成七日簽到獲得五星神覺者-北條南都、四星神覺者-鳶等更多好禮。【遊戲特色】✦異世冒險 超自然!從零開啟異世人生✦一場起因不明...
Banner of Girls' Frontline: Neural Cloud

Girls' Frontline: Neural Cloud TW

【Character: Exquisite and Unique Together】The next generation of humanoid figures with professional characteristics are waiting for your instructions. Search for their figures, expand the size of th.....
Banner of Honor of Kings

Honor of Kings

ActionStrategyCasualMultiplayerMOBAEditors' Choice
Honor of Kings: The Ultimate 5v5 Hero Battle GameHonor of Kings International Edition, developed by Tencent Timi Studio and published by Level Infinite, is the world's most popular mobile MOBA gam...
Banner of AFK Journey

AFK Journey

StrategyRPGEditors' ChoiceCard
Step into Esperia, a fantasy world full of magic—a lone seed of life meandering among the sea of stars. And on Esperia, it took root. As the river of time flowed, the once all-powerful gods fell. As t...
Banner of Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery

Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery

StrategyRPGAdventureAnimeStory Rich
"Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery" is an orthodox strategy game developed by the MICAteam mica group. The game background takes place in the near future, and the world is split into two sides due to...
Banner of Honkai Impact 3rd

Honkai Impact 3rd TW

Introduction“Honkai, a mysterious force that annihilated human civilization on several occasions, has re-emerged in this once peaceful world...”A squad of young girls burdened with the very last h...
Banner of 愛琳詩篇:週年慶典開啟 日系純慾美少女大放送

愛琳詩篇:週年慶典開啟 日系純慾美少女大放送

這是一款二次元冒險卡牌RPG手遊,遊戲擁有殿堂級美術品質,為你打造獨一無二的沉浸感。你將在這片大陸上冒險鑽研,組建最強傭兵團;跟隨神明的指引邂逅養成,結識不同風格的美少女;快來與她們一起,挽救逐漸崩壞的世界,踏上走向黎明的旅程。◈命運所至 史詩畫面◈海外著名插畫師傾力繪製,將媲美動畫的次時代畫面表現技術引入手遊,讓你體驗從原畫立繪到背景環境的重重視覺衝擊盛宴。更有引入最新Live 2D動態模...
Banner of Fate/Grand Order

Fate/Grand Order TW

Card BattlerRPGCasualAdventureAnimeCard
A new mobile "Fate RPG," presented by TYPE-MOON!With an impressive main scenario and multiple character quests,the game features millions of words of original story!Packed with content that both...
Banner of Duet Night Abyss

Duet Night Abyss

In an era that is vast yet fading,A harmony of joy and sorrow sings.In a time where wisdom and folly entangle,Both humans and demons co-exist.When the gods forsake us,And the demons' pleas ...
Banner of 鈴蘭之劍:為這和平的世界

鈴蘭之劍:為這和平的世界 TW

【鈴蘭之劍×迷宮飯】聯動開啟! 「舌尖上的伊利亞」正式上線!地下的迷宮,百轉千迴終有盡頭。心中的迷宮,出口又在何方?集結吧,冒險者們!為奪回珍視之物而戰……等等,別忘了先吃飯!《鈴蘭之劍:為這和平的世界》以中世紀架空世界為背景,是一款具備戰棋要素、精緻像素風格和宏觀史詩故事的本格派日系RPG。遊戲將經典的像素風格透過全新的3D技術升級再現,讓您可以享受到全新引擎渲染下的新世...
Banner of Arknights

Arknights JP

Tower DefenseStrategyAdventureAnimeCard
Dear Doctor, our server is now open! Thank you so much for your patient waiting and continuous support. We wish you enjoy the brand new journey in Arknights!Take on the role of a key member of Rho...
Banner of 千年之旅:ELF

千年之旅:ELF TW

StrategyRPGEditors' Choice
Banner of Azur Lane

Azur Lane TW

An ideal Naval Warfare game like you always imagined!・A unique mix of RPG, 2D shooter and tactical genres combined in a beautifully designed anime game・Easy and intuitive gameplay, built on the ...
Banner of 新月同行


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