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Games Similar To Code T for Android

Games Similar To Code T for Android

Banner of Dead Cells

Dead Cells Global

Pixel GraphicsMetroidvaniaDungeon CrawlerDifficultAction RoguelikeActionProcedural GenerationRoguevania
Death is not the end.Play as a failed alchemic experiment and explore the sprawling, ever-changing castle to find out what happened on this gloomy island…!That is, assuming you’re able to fight you...
Banner of The Elder Scrolls: Blades

The Elder Scrolls: Blades US

From Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of Skyrim, comes The Elder Scrolls: Blades – a classic dungeon crawler reimagined.The Blades, the Empire’s top agents, are forced into exile. O.....
Banner of FireFront

FireFront CBT Global

FireFront is a free to play mobile shooter game featuring:- Large-scale multiplayer combat with a focus on teamwork (64 players per match).- Ground vehicles, helicopters & infantry.- 2 game modes +...
Banner of Call of Duty: Mobile Season 2

Call of Duty: Mobile Season 2 US

ActionRealisticCasualTactical ShooterMultiplayerShooter
It's CALL OF DUTY® reimagined for mobile. Unlock your potential in this fun FPS multiplayer shooter game as it celebrates its 5th Anniversary with new, action-packed seasons!Play fast, fun first-pe...
Banner of ブルーロック BLAZE BATTLE


Real Time TacticsSportsAnime
TVアニメ『ブルーロック』が完全新作3Dスマホゲームでついに登場!令和で一番熱くなれるサッカーバトルゲーム『ブルーロック BLAZE BATTLE』通称『ブレバト』が好評配信中!◆推し選手を実際にプレイできるフル3Dサッカーエゴイストたちを束ねた自分だけの最強チームを編成して11vs11のサッカーバトル。アニメではみることができなかったドリームチーム同士のサッカー対戦や夢のマッチアップ...
Banner of Death's Door

Death's Door

MetroidvaniaDungeon CrawlerAction RPGActionRPGSouls-likeAdventureFantasy
Available exclusively for Netflix members.Become a crow who reaps souls. It's a dead-end job, but when a thief steals your work, you set off on a sword-slashing quest to unearth death's secrets.Wh...
Banner of DriveCSX Car Crash Simulator

DriveCSX Car Crash Simulator

Experience the ultimate vehicle destruction simulator with realistic soft-body physics!Game features:-60 Cars-Softbody physics-Realistic suspension and sounds-Open world map-Water and mud sim...
Banner of Crystal of Atlan

Crystal of Atlan Test Global

Crystal of Atlan is a Magicpunk MMO Action RPG where you can immerse yourself in a Magicpunk world, to combat, to build your skills, and to uncover the secrets with the team.Embark on a wondrous jou.....
Banner of Zombie State: FPS Shooting

Zombie State: FPS Shooting

ActionZombieAdventureRogueliteShooterEditors' Choice
The apocalypse is here, and your survival is on the line, so grab your gun and keep your finger on the trigger in this 3D first-person zombie shooter. Blast assault wave of walking dead hordes with a ...
Banner of Wreckfest


Burn rubber and shred metal in the ultimate driving playground!Wreckfest is jam-packed with upgrade and customization options. Whether you are preparing for your next demolition derby with reinforce.....
Banner of Dark and Light Mobile

Dark and Light Mobile Global

Dark and Light Mobile is a sandbox game, featured with survival and magic. Powered by Unreal Engine 4, the game provides players with a seamless big world, in which there are diverse types of landform...
Banner of Super Dragon Punch Force 3

Super Dragon Punch Force 3

ActionEditors' Choice
Become mythic in Super Dragon Punch Force 3, a stylish, free-to-play fighter that puts you in the action faster than a raging fireball. Whether you're a fighting game rookie or a seasoned lab monster,...
Banner of Grand Gangster War

Grand Gangster War

Are you ready for an adventure that will take you on a wild ride through the dark side of Grand Gangster?Once the right hand of the gang, you abandoned your family for the love of a woman they disa...
Banner of Exist


In order to experience the ultimate action game on the mobile phone, a lot of attempts and efforts have been made, and the current answer sheet is also relatively satisfactory. Of course, such a game ...
Banner of Super Mecha Champions

Super Mecha Champions Global

On your marks, set, go!SMC players from all over the world have descended upon a futuristic city to battle with marvelous Mecha!Unleash your Mecha and fight for the crown you deserve!Exchange Fire...
Banner of Underworld Gang Wars (UGW)

Underworld Gang Wars (UGW)

ActionTactical ShooterMultiplayerShooter
ABOUT UNDERWORLD GANG WARSThe evergreen question of "What would a Battle Royale rooted in India look like?" has finally been answered. Introducing Underworld Gang Wars (UGW) - a Battle Royale rooted ....
Banner of Last Island of Survival LITE

Last Island of Survival LITE

Embark on an epic journey through a post-apocalyptic wasteland, where every decision counts. Battle hunger, dehydration, wildlife, and ruthless adversaries to emerge as the last survivor standing. Exp...
Banner of Faces


FACES – a one-of-a-kind multiplayer experience that is now available in pre alpha early access! Dive into a unique world where personalization is taken to the next level with one of the most sophistic...
Banner of Free Fire Advance Server

Free Fire Advance Server

Battle RoyaleCo-op CampaignMultiplayerShooter
Free Fire Advance is a battle royale where up to 50 players compete in exciting massive battles in which only one of them will survive. More specifically, this advanced version gives you a sneak peek ...
Banner of Hitman Sniper

Hitman Sniper Global

Step into the shoes of Agent 47 in Hitman Sniper and play the best sniper shooting game on mobile.PLAY A TACTICAL SNIPER MISSION GAMEStrike with strategic shooting skills, fulfilling your duty to o...
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