
Games worth discovering

Games Similar To Cyber Rebellion for Android

Games Similar To Cyber Rebellion for Android

Banner of Girl Wars

Girl Wars US

In the infinite spacethe other「land」 exists in the parallel worldIt is blessed by the gods and people live a steady life hereBut the Devil senses the power in the land!It has already come...The...
Banner of Injustice 2

Injustice 2

CompetitiveLocal MultiplayerDifficultActionSuperheroCasualOnline Co-OpCharacter Customization
Who’s in your Justice League? Join your favorite DC Super Heroes and Super-Villains in this action-packed, free fighting game! Assemble a team of Super Hero legends like Batman, Superman, Supergirl, T...
Banner of Warhammer 40,000: Warpforge

Warhammer 40,000: Warpforge

Turn-Based TacticsLore-RichCompetitiveCard BattlerTrading Card GameSci-fiTurn-Based StrategyStrategy
Get ready for a genre-defining CCG with fast, strategic gameplay, innovative game modes, awesome art and a deep love for Warhammer 40,000 showing through in every detail!A digital collectible card g.....
Banner of Apex Girls

Apex Girls

"A story of saving the world alongside numerous beautiful girls."Stellaris — girls possessing star cores, often endowed with extraordinary powers beyond ordinary people, and powerful enough to shatt.....
Banner of Batman - The Telltale Series

Batman - The Telltale Series

DarkSuperheroVisual NovelAdventureQuick-Time EventsStory Rich
**Only supports devices running OS6 Marshmallow, and versions of OS5 Lollipop that support OpenGL 3.1****All Episodes now available to download via in-app!**Enter the fractured psyche of Bruce Way...
Banner of 洶湧海豚 Dolphin Wave

洶湧海豚 Dolphin Wave TW

"Dolphin Wave" is a card RPG game based on the fictional maritime competition "Speed ​​Battle". The game is set on the fictional island "Amanzumishima" in the tropics, where the famous "UMI" is popula...
Banner of Driftopia


In the Sea Year 306, the territories of 25 island nations on Earth were engulfed by surging sea levels. Nearly thirty million people lost their homelands, thrust into the ranks of climate refugees. Ju...
Banner of ブルーロック BLAZE BATTLE


Real Time TacticsSportsAnime
TVアニメ『ブルーロック』が完全新作3Dスマホゲームでついに登場!令和で一番熱くなれるサッカーバトルゲーム『ブルーロック BLAZE BATTLE』通称『ブレバト』が好評配信中!◆推し選手を実際にプレイできるフル3Dサッカーエゴイストたちを束ねた自分だけの最強チームを編成して11vs11のサッカーバトル。アニメではみることができなかったドリームチーム同士のサッカー対戦や夢のマッチアップ...
Banner of Cat Fantasy: Isekai Adventure

Cat Fantasy: Isekai Adventure Global

Follow us and get more informations and rewards:Twitter: 🔗linkTikTok: 🔗link@catfantasyenDiscord: 🔗linkFacebook: https://www.faceboo...
Banner of Noah’s Heart

Noah’s Heart Global

Noah’s Heart is available on July 28th! Pre-register to unlock the legendary phantom Shirley for you to fight along with. More exquisite outfits, cute avatars, fashionable headwear, and plenty of diam...
Banner of Crystal of Atlan

Crystal of Atlan

Welcome to the official facebook page of CoA, Magicpunk MMO Action RPG of cross-platform. Embark on a wondrous journey of magic and machinery! In this magicpunk world, you will join the Thornbird Adv....
Banner of Figure Fantasy

Figure Fantasy US

3D idle figurine mobile game, Figure Fantasy has arrived in style! Here, you'll become the figurines' master, and experience a wonderful adventure in their miniature world.GAME FEATURES3D MINIATUR...
Banner of Dead by Daylight Mobile

Dead by Daylight Mobile Global

ActionRemakeSurvival horror
Dead by Daylight™, a multiplayer (4vs1) horror and action game now welcomes a huge update. Time to enter The Fog and start this deadly game of cat and mouse.KEY FEATURES:PLAY AS KILLER OR SURVIVE ...
Banner of STARSEED: Asnia Trigger

STARSEED: Asnia Trigger

❣️ Receive a guaranteed SSR Proxyan daily. Get up to 33 SSR Proxyans for free!❣️ New to the game? Log in for 7 days and get 5 SSR Proxyans, guaranteed!- Official Website: 🔗link...
Banner of ASTRA: Knights of Veda

ASTRA: Knights of Veda

DarkSide ScrollerAction RPGActionJRPGRPGSouls-likePvE
ASTRA: Knights of Veda Season 2Explore a new storyline and venture into new, expanded regions.■ Ultimate Action Combat at Your FingertipsASTRA: Knights of Veda brings back the beloved actionof th...
Banner of Avatar: Reckoning

Avatar: Reckoning

Following your parents' footsteps, you've arrived on the deadly and beautiful alien moon - Pandora. After receiving a secret message from the past, it’s time to work with RDA SciOps Division and disco...
Banner of Neverness To Everness

Neverness To Everness

Sci-fiRPGOpen World
Neverness to Everness is a free-to-play open-world RPG with a bit of a twist. Where most open-world games send you out into fields and plains, Neverness to Everness is all about urban exploration in o...


You too can play the April Fool's Version of Fighting EX Layer!It's been fine tuned so you can easily enjoy playing on your smartphone!Repeatedly press buttons to perform powerful Combos!Perform th...
Banner of 伊瑟

伊瑟 TW

Turn-Based TacticsStrategyRPGAnime
Banner of KOMPETE


Fast-pacedBattle RoyaleActionRacing
KOMPETE is the first realistic multiplayer gaming platform, free-to-play, cross-platform, and packed with a variety of games all in a cohesive realistic art style.[Platform Highlights]🎮 Multiple G...
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