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Games Similar To Dark Souls Dungeons for Android

Games Similar To Dark Souls Dungeons for Android

Banner of Kimetsu no Yaiba: Keppuu Kengeki Royale

Kimetsu no Yaiba: Keppuu Kengeki Royale JP

"Kimetsu no Yaiba: Chifuu Kengeki Royale" is an asymmetric battle survival action game. Players will be divided into Demon Slayer Corps and Demon camps for asymmetric multiplayer games."Kimetsu no ...
Banner of Ever Legion

Ever Legion

Come and enjoy our Mobile Fantasy Idle RPG Ever Legion!The army of "Deathless" spread the horrors to every corner of the Nevria, growing amid mutual hostility and suspicion between humans, orcs, and.....
Banner of Little Nightmares

Little Nightmares

SurvivalHorrorAdventurePuzzleEditors' Choice
First available on PC and consoles, the horror adventure tale Little Nightmares is available on mobile!Immerse yourself in Little Nightmares, a dark whimsical tale that will confront you with your ch....
Banner of Fall Guys

Fall Guys

CasualMultiplayerEditors' Choice
Fall Guys is a free, cross-platform massively multiplayer party royale game. Clumsily compete in absurd obstacle courses with friends or build your very own chaotic course to share with the community.
Banner of Afterimage


Lore-RichMetroidvaniaSide ScrollerDifficultAction RPGActionRPGSouls-like
◆Explore mystic EngardinOne of the supreme deities created this vast world called Engardin, upon which natural wonders lie everywhere: gigantic volcanoes, steep canyons, deep seas and a tower that so....
Banner of Mortal Kombat: Onslaught

Mortal Kombat: Onslaught

For eons, the realms have been locked in Mortal Kombat. Blood has been shed and lives taken in epic duels between darkness and light. Now the Elder Gods call upon YOU to step into the action and join ...
Banner of Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil 4 Global

CinematicGoreDarkPsychological HorrorSurvivalZombiesActionRealistic
Survival is just the beginning.Six years have passed since the biological disaster in Raccoon City.Agent Leon S. Kennedy, one of the survivors of the incident, has been sent to rescue the president...
Banner of Raziel: Dungeon Arena

Raziel: Dungeon Arena US

ActionRPGCasualAction role-playingMultiplayer
Brace yourself for dungeon crawls and Multiplayer brawls in this dark ARPG experience!Your enemy is on his last leg. Swap out your mage for your warrior in real time and deliver the battle's decisiv.....
Banner of Dead Cells

Dead Cells Global

Pixel GraphicsMetroidvaniaDungeon CrawlerDifficultAction RoguelikeActionProcedural GenerationRoguevania
Death is not the end.Play as a failed alchemic experiment and explore the sprawling, ever-changing castle to find out what happened on this gloomy island…!That is, assuming you’re able to fight you...
Banner of Elderand


GoreMetroidvaniaSide ScrollerAction RPGActionRPGCharacter CustomizationAdventure
Become the hero of an epic quest in Elderand, a metroidvania that will test your will and skill. Heads will literally roll in this gruesome, retro-inspired action platformer, where only the strong wil...
Banner of Plants vs. Zombies™ 3

Plants vs. Zombies™ 3

Plants vs Zombies™ is back in an all-new adventure that will test your zombie defense skills! Filled with plants and zombies new and old with the PvZ combat you’ve come to know and love. It’s the wild...
Banner of Bright Memory Mobile

Bright Memory Mobile Test Global

[Attention before purchase] :The game only contains 1 hour flow, please do not buy it if you cannot accept it,currently the game is only a demo version.Google Play Bright Memory Mobile does not pr...
Banner of Resident Evil Village

Resident Evil Village

GoreDarkPsychological HorrorSurvivalZombiesFPSActionFirst-Person
Experience survival horror like never before in the 8th major installment in the Resident Evil franchise - Resident Evil Village. With detailed graphics, intense first-person action and masterful stor...
Banner of Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley Global

Pixel GraphicsDating SimSandboxAgricultureFarming SimFishingCraftingRPG
Stardew Valley comes to Mobile!Move to the countryside, and cultivate a new life in this award-winning open-ended farming RPG! With over 50+ hours of gameplay content and new Mobile-specific feature.....
Banner of ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved Global

***PLEASE NOTE: This game is officially supported only on touchscreen Android devices with at least 3 GB of RAM and up-to-date Vulkan support. There are some devices that should be able to play that a...
Banner of Pascal's Wager

Pascal's Wager

ActionCasualAction role-playing
August 19th, 2022Newest add-on content, Dance of the Throne, is now available!The Soul of Obsession carrying the will of all Demiurges has been summoned to Solas again, and it's here for revenge!Th...
Banner of DOOM


Celebrate DOOM’s 25th anniversary with the re-release of the original DOOM (1993), including the expansion, Thy Flesh Consumed, is now available on Android devices. First released in 1993, DOOM intr.....
Banner of Moonlight Blade

Moonlight Blade Global

Moonlight Blade Mobile is a fascinating open world MMORPG in the traditional Chinese style. The game presents a magnificent world of martial arts, containing a different combination of techniques and ...
Banner of Exist


In order to experience the ultimate action game on the mobile phone, a lot of attempts and efforts have been made, and the current answer sheet is also relatively satisfactory. Of course, such a game ...
Banner of Blade of God : Vargr Souls

Blade of God : Vargr Souls US

ActionRPGCasualAction role-playing
Blade of God is an indie hardcore 3D action mobile game.Honors of BOG:In 2017, nominated for the Best Indie Game by 4GAMER.NET at TGS 2017.In 2019, we obtained the development qualification on ...
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