
Games worth discovering

Games Similar To Dolphin Wave Dolphin Wave for Android

Games Similar To Dolphin Wave Dolphin Wave for Android

Banner of Demian Saga

Demian Saga

《About This Game》▣ Search for the Primeval Highlands in an Epic Pirate Adventure!Join Aisha and Jaden on an adventure toward the land of the gods known as the Primeval Highlands,where all your wi...
Banner of Hero Ball Z - Idle RPG

Hero Ball Z - Idle RPG

What kind of game is Hero Ball Z?▣ Bullet Hell + Idle RPG- Not your everyday idle game!- All the charm of an Idle RPG game fueled by Bullet Hell Adrenaline!▣ Extraordinary heroes await!- Collec...
Banner of Rainbow Six Mobile

Rainbow Six Mobile

ActionCasualTactical ShooterShooter
From the acclaimed *Rainbow Six Siege franchise*, **Rainbow Six Mobile** is a competitive, multiplayer tactical shooter game on your phone. Compete in *Rainbow Six Siege's classic Attack vs. Defense* ...
Banner of Silver and Blood

Silver and Blood Test US

The Silver and Blood limited Crescent Moon Beta officially launches September 19th!✦Introduction✦"Blood" is the fountain of life, and the carrier of memories.In the beginning of the Continental...
Banner of Grand Cross S

Grand Cross S

- A collectible RPG that provides fun with a different sensibility using the material of streaming- Various productions using cartoon graphics and rich 'Grand Cross' IP world story
Banner of ブルーロック BLAZE BATTLE


Real Time TacticsSportsAnime
TVアニメ『ブルーロック』が完全新作3Dスマホゲームでついに登場!令和で一番熱くなれるサッカーバトルゲーム『ブルーロック BLAZE BATTLE』通称『ブレバト』が好評配信中!◆推し選手を実際にプレイできるフル3Dサッカーエゴイストたちを束ねた自分だけの最強チームを編成して11vs11のサッカーバトル。アニメではみることができなかったドリームチーム同士のサッカー対戦や夢のマッチアップ...
Banner of Rizline


RhythmSingleplayerAnimeEditors' ChoiceMusic
Rhythm connects!Presenting Pigeon Games' second enchanting music rhythm game, following the success of "Phigros"!Dive into a mesmerizing journey where points and lines dance in harmony, weaving an e.....
Banner of ICEY


Character Action GameMetroidvaniaSide ScrollerSci-fiActionSpectacle fighterRPGAdventure
[Attention]If you have trouble initiating ICEY, please try reboot your device and try again. We are working on an update that fix this issue.[ABOUT THIS GAME]ICEY is a 2D side-scrolling action g...
Banner of Otherworld Mercenary Corps

Otherworld Mercenary Corps

● 1st anniversary appreciation coupon code: OMC1STANNIV---------------------------------Join the adventures of a commander from another world who trains a mercenary corpssworn to protect the bles...
Banner of Strinova


Team-BasedSci-fiActionMassively MultiplayerOnline Co-OpMultiplayerThird PersonPvP
Strinova is an anime-style third-person tactical competitive shooter. Switch freely between three-dimensional and two-dimensional forms in this one-of-a-kind game that offers a unique tactical shootin...
Banner of Infinite Arcana

Infinite Arcana

"Infinite Arcana" is an action Roguelike mobile game with a fantasy adventure theme.Fist to flesh, heart-piercing fighting, you may enjoy the best action experience.Randomly generated maps and monst.....
Banner of 愛琳詩篇:週年慶典開啟 日系純慾美少女大放送

愛琳詩篇:週年慶典開啟 日系純慾美少女大放送

這是一款二次元冒險卡牌RPG手遊,遊戲擁有殿堂級美術品質,為你打造獨一無二的沉浸感。你將在這片大陸上冒險鑽研,組建最強傭兵團;跟隨神明的指引邂逅養成,結識不同風格的美少女;快來與她們一起,挽救逐漸崩壞的世界,踏上走向黎明的旅程。◈命運所至 史詩畫面◈海外著名插畫師傾力繪製,將媲美動畫的次時代畫面表現技術引入手遊,讓你體驗從原畫立繪到背景環境的重重視覺衝擊盛宴。更有引入最新Live 2D動態模...
Banner of Plants vs. Zombies™ 3

Plants vs. Zombies™ 3

Plants vs Zombies™ is back in an all-new adventure that will test your zombie defense skills! Filled with plants and zombies new and old with the PvZ combat you’ve come to know and love. It’s the wild...
Banner of Rememento - White Shadow

Rememento - White Shadow

Easy to start, deep play!A strategic turn-based RPG with a different depth, 『Rememento - White Shadow』# Attractive story with different vastness and depthBeneath the remnants of memory left behind...
Banner of FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight

FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight

3D ARPG×Magic×Guilds! Experience the story and grow your guild!The strongest team is assembled! Get ready to embark on a fantastic magical adventure with your guildmates! The Brand-New official 3D ac....
Banner of ISEKAI: Demon Waifu

ISEKAI: Demon Waifu

Dear Demon Prince, Welcome Back to Isekai!Tired of being a lonely gamer and social outcast? Who said this was your destiny? When you are willing to risk it all, you can have it all! Will you just be.....
Banner of THE IDOLM@STER: Hatsuroshi Gakuen

THE IDOLM@STER: Hatsuroshi Gakuen

The background of the story is Chusei Academy, an idol training school.You are a new student entering the production department.We look for unique idol candidates who belong to the idol division and.....
Banner of Starstride


Character Action GameCompetitiveMechsSci-fiAction RPGActionHuntingSpectacle fighter
"What was the beginning of all this and where are we going?"Intelligence crisis, biochemical change, extreme environment, Earth is no longer habitable, human began endless interstellar wandering.Han.....
Banner of Bishojo Battlefield

Bishojo Battlefield Global

World War IIRobotsLevel EditorArcheryBattle RoyaleZombiesActionHorses
steam:🔗linkBishojo Battlefield is the first battlefield experience mobile game developed by our studio. The ultimate audio-visual experience, various maps, rea...
Banner of Minecraft: Play with Friends

Minecraft: Play with Friends US

Dive into an open world of building, crafting and survival in the ultimate sandbox builder. Gather resources, survive the night, and build whatever you can imagine one block at a time. Explore and cra...
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