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Games Similar To Fire Emblem Engage for Android

Games Similar To Fire Emblem Engage for Android

Banner of ヘブンバーンズレッド

ヘブンバーンズレッド JP

Key 麻枝 准が描く、最後の希望を託された少女たちの物語『ヘブンバーンズレッド (ヘブバン)』フィールドを駆け回り、かけがえのない日常を体験しながら、命を賭した戦いに挑むドラマチックRPG!◆イントロダクション謎の生命体「キャンサー」に襲われた地球は危機に瀕していた。「キャンサー」にはこれまで人類が生み出してきた兵器による攻撃が一切通じず、撃退する術を持たない人類は、敢えなく敗退した。...
Banner of Warframe


By pre-registering, you'll be the first to know when Warframe is available on Android, as well as receive a login reward once we launch the Android version: The Cumulus Collection!___________________....
Banner of Neural Cloud

Neural Cloud Global

New event now available! Participate to acquire rich rewards and new Dolls!------------------------------"Warning! Fatal Error: System integrity severely compromised..."This is an unprecedented th...
Banner of Slash & Girl

Slash & Girl

In a world which is invaded and controlled by Jokers, the story begins with a ‘maniac’ girl called Doris who fight alone with Jokers. She is not trying to be a saviour, she has no interest to others, ...
Banner of RPG Sword of Elpisia

RPG Sword of Elpisia

On Terra, a world whose civilization developed thanks to magic tools, there are frequent cases of people being turned into magic swords. Alice, a girl who is traveling with Aldo, the main character, c...
Banner of Echocalypse: Scarlet Covenant

Echocalypse: Scarlet Covenant US

HUGE Satisfaction in ONE-YEAR AnniversaryThe first anniversary of Echocalypse: The Scarlet Covenant is coming, come to claim your exclusive gifts and anticipate thorough exploration now!- Very first.....
Banner of Mechachain: War Robot Shooter

Mechachain: War Robot Shooter

Welcome to Mechachain - the fast-paced multiplayer robot war shooter that puts you in intensive battles in the mech arena! Play online with friends in epic 6v6 shootouts where the goal is simple: to w...
Banner of Arknights

Arknights US

Take on the role of a key member of Rhodes Island, a pharmaceutical company that fights both a deadly infection and the unrest it leaves in its wake. Together with your leader Amiya, you’ll recruit Op...
Banner of The Eminence in Shadow RPG

The Eminence in Shadow RPG

Play the all-new online fantasy RPG based on the new hit anime, The Eminence in Shadow!◆ Experience The Eminence in Shadow's epic story modes!Continue the story with new chapters, beat exciting new...
Banner of Shadow of the Depth

Shadow of the Depth

Shadow of the Depth is a top-down action roguelike set in a dark medieval fantasy world. You'll take on the role of a warrior, assassin, mage, and other characters as you navigate dungeons of light an...
Banner of BLEACH: Soul Reaper

BLEACH: Soul Reaper

Experience the Next-Gen, Turn-Based Strategy RPG based on the iconic Shinigami saga from the anime, BLEACH!Soul Society needs your help! Start your Soul Reaper adventure in this newly-released anime.....
Banner of PotK -Alternative Imitation-

PotK -Alternative Imitation-

Push on, support, and transcend. And in that, find greatness.Presenting a new project following nine years of “Phantom of the Kill!””Phantom of the Kill -Alternative Imitation-” is a game in which ...
Banner of Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact Global

ActionRPGAction role-playingAdventureOpen WorldAnime
Step into Teyvat, a vast world teeming with life and flowing with elemental energy.You and your sibling arrived here from another world. Separated by an unknown god, stripped of your powers, and cas.....
Banner of Mythical Odyssey: Nezha Reborn

Mythical Odyssey: Nezha Reborn

Grand Launch 3rd March! Pre-register now at 🔗link🌟 Welcome to Mythical Odyssey! 🌟Step into a world of ancient legends, where Eastern mythology meets strategic c...
Banner of AceForce 2

AceForce 2 Test Global

AceForce 2 is a 5v5 multi-role PvP mobile shooter game developed by Tencent's Morefun Studios. Powered by Unreal Engine 4, AceForce 2 offers exhilarating tactical combat experiences!The game pushes .....


ActionOpen World RPG
hi! Adventurers, welcome to the world of the brave. Here you will begin an adventure full of unknown and adventure..... Ready to go ~ Are you ready?【AXIS OF ETERNITY】 A real high degree of freedom fa....
Banner of 白荊迴廊

白荊迴廊 TW

RPGAdventureEditors' Choice
於世界交點之處,逢似曾相識之人。歡迎來到——「森羅」。森羅曆1116年4月1日13時46分,海臨城北區上空出現巨大空洞,一個破碎的世界砸落,世界紛紛交匯於此……不久後,帶有未知能量的結晶體自廢墟中析出。在此後的研究中,發現了受該未知晶體影響而覺醒特殊能力的群體,他們被稱為 —「同調者」。人們被迫進入了一個全新的時代,一個與未知能量共存的、屬於「白荊科技」的時代。【遊戲特色】- 精緻立...
Banner of Orisries


💘 First Ever Adult SLG in the WorldDominate the world in the spiciest war SLG ever!In the world's never-before-seen adult SLG in 2024, play as a nation's Commander, occupy lands, gather resources, b.....
Banner of Arcadia: Breath of the Land

Arcadia: Breath of the Land

【Arcadia: Breath of the Land】OFFICIAL LAUNCHCurrently Offering Magnificent Rewards Exclusively to Players!Install now for 10 Billion Star Diamonds, 1200 Draws!Explore the land, feel its breath, an...


The story begins at the end of the day.After one hundred and ninety-nine thousand sunrises, the sun has lost its supreme glory, shattering and disaster have unfolded on every inch of the earth, and t....
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