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Games Similar To forget the night before for Android

Games Similar To forget the night before for Android

Banner of 神隱之子

神隱之子 TW

《神隱之子》是一款創意獨特的雙世界解謎RPG。遊戲巧妙融合了推理解謎、策略戰鬥等玩法。你將以事務所「代理人」的身份接受各種委託案件,與並肩作戰的伙伴們相遇,共同抵禦危險,探索異世界的真相。【公測福利】用戶登入遊戲免費領取四星神覺者-諸羽【重返街頭】限定時裝;完成七日簽到獲得五星神覺者-北條南都、四星神覺者-鳶等更多好禮。【遊戲特色】✦異世冒險 超自然!從零開啟異世人生✦一場起因不明...
Banner of Cat Fantasy: Isekai Adventure

Cat Fantasy: Isekai Adventure Global

Follow us and get more informations and rewards:Twitter: 🔗linkTikTok: 🔗link@catfantasyenDiscord: 🔗linkFacebook: https://www.faceboo...
Banner of Aster Tatariqus

Aster Tatariqus

The plot of "Aster Tatariqus" takes place in a fantasy world based on the legend of King Arthur, players will be able to freely explore the huge world, represented by high-quality 3D graphics. One of ...
Banner of Epic of Eventya

Epic of Eventya Test SEA

Epic of Eventya is a fantasy role-playing game. In the game, you will play as a brave adventurer, gradually growing through your relentless efforts. In the process of growth, you will discover the sto...
Banner of STARSEED: Asnia Trigger

STARSEED: Asnia Trigger

❣️ Receive a guaranteed SSR Proxyan daily. Get up to 33 SSR Proxyans for free!❣️ New to the game? Log in for 7 days and get 5 SSR Proxyans, guaranteed!- Official Website: 🔗link...
Banner of Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG

Magic Chronicle: Isekai RPG

RPGAdventureFantasyStory Rich
Game FeaturesExclusive pre-registration rewards: HERO-Julius Caesar*1、Common Soulstone*60、Basic Enhance Torrent*100、Bounty Pass*1、Huge Amount of Autoplay Income (9 hours)*1--------------------------.....
Banner of 新月同行


Banner of Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact Global

ActionRPGAction role-playingAdventureOpen WorldAnime
Step into Teyvat, a vast world teeming with life and flowing with elemental energy.You and your sibling arrived here from another world. Separated by an unknown god, stripped of your powers, and cas.....
Banner of 千年之旅:ELF

千年之旅:ELF TW

StrategyRPGEditors' Choice
Banner of OUTERPLANE - Strategy Anime

OUTERPLANE - Strategy Anime Global

▮New Players Up to 700 Free Recruits!The Action Anime, OUTERPLANE◎ The revenge saga of an Earthling summoned to another world commences! Summoned to "Mirsha," Earthling "K" pledges vengeance again...
Banner of Warframe


By pre-registering, you'll be the first to know when Warframe is available on Android, as well as receive a login reward once we launch the Android version: The Cumulus Collection!___________________....
Banner of Honor of Kings

Honor of Kings

ActionStrategyCasualMultiplayerMOBAEditors' Choice
Honor of Kings: The Ultimate 5v5 Hero Battle GameHonor of Kings International Edition, developed by Tencent Timi Studio and published by Level Infinite, is the world's most popular mobile MOBA gam...
Banner of Moonlight Blade

Moonlight Blade Global

Moonlight Blade Mobile is a fascinating open world MMORPG in the traditional Chinese style. The game presents a magnificent world of martial arts, containing a different combination of techniques and ...
Banner of Blue Archive

Blue Archive JP

"Blue Archive" (Original: Project MX) is an RPG game featured 3D beautiful girls in animation.In this game, the player will be a teacher, leading students to solve different events in the city.F...
Banner of Rotaeno


RhythmSingleplayerEditors' ChoiceMusicStory Rich
Rotaeno is a heart-pounding, thumb-tapping, wrist-flicking rhythm game that fully utilizes your device's gyroscope for an unprecedented musical experience.Rotate your device to hit notes as you soar ....


The teenage knight Attar, betrayed by his country and his Allies.Before his death, he made a covenant with the "demon of the thirteenth Seat" and fell into a foreign realm called "the Confluence,"Be.....
Banner of ヘブンバーンズレッド

ヘブンバーンズレッド JP

Key 麻枝 准が描く、最後の希望を託された少女たちの物語『ヘブンバーンズレッド (ヘブバン)』フィールドを駆け回り、かけがえのない日常を体験しながら、命を賭した戦いに挑むドラマチックRPG!◆イントロダクション謎の生命体「キャンサー」に襲われた地球は危機に瀕していた。「キャンサー」にはこれまで人類が生み出してきた兵器による攻撃が一切通じず、撃退する術を持たない人類は、敢えなく敗退した。...
Banner of Black Clover M

Black Clover M Global

ActionRPGAnimeEditors' Choice
A world on the brink of being destroyed by a demon was saved by a mage that would come to be known as the "Wizard King". Years later, this magical world is once again shrouded in the darkness of crisi...
Banner of Solo Leveling:Arise

Solo Leveling:Arise

Action RPGActionThrillerAnimeEditors' Choice
Tawata Kanae is here! She's an S-Rank from the Blade Guild. Check out her Jeju raid-worthy skills now!The Hard difficulty is finally available for the Deimos Raid! The "Wanted" Event is available thi....
Banner of Black Beacon

Black Beacon

─ Game Introduction ─Upon the arrival of the "Seer," a prophet foretold in ancient prophecies, the mysterious black monolith known as the "Beacon" activates, triggering anomalies beyond comprehension....
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