
Games worth discovering

Games Similar To Girls of The Tower for Android

Games Similar To Girls of The Tower for Android

Banner of Chaos Zero Nightmare

Chaos Zero Nightmare

RPGAnimeStory Rich
Chaos Zero NightmareChaos Zero Nightmare is a cosmic loop RPG. The official has announced that Chaos Zero Nightmare will come to us soon in 2024.Some glimpses of character animations were shown in...
Banner of レゾナンス:無限号列車

レゾナンス:無限号列車 JP

Banner of Gamer Cafe

Gamer Cafe

Gamer Cafe invites you to be the boss of an internet café. Here you can start your very first business from scratch. Recruit employees, develop your gaming team, grow up your business from a small, ol...
Banner of HoL: Eclipse Unique NOM Collab

HoL: Eclipse Unique NOM Collab

■ Incredible growth! Various reward events! ■"Log in now to play NOM, back in all its retro glory!Get a guaranteed NOM Servant and show off your running skills!Do you have what it takes to reach St...
Banner of 神隱之子

神隱之子 TW

《神隱之子》是一款創意獨特的雙世界解謎RPG。遊戲巧妙融合了推理解謎、策略戰鬥等玩法。你將以事務所「代理人」的身份接受各種委託案件,與並肩作戰的伙伴們相遇,共同抵禦危險,探索異世界的真相。【公測福利】用戶登入遊戲免費領取四星神覺者-諸羽【重返街頭】限定時裝;完成七日簽到獲得五星神覺者-北條南都、四星神覺者-鳶等更多好禮。【遊戲特色】✦異世冒險 超自然!從零開啟異世人生✦一場起因不明...
Banner of Maiden Academy: Idle RPG

Maiden Academy: Idle RPG

Maiden Academy: IDLE RPG, the most entertaining magical idle RPG of 2024. This is an AFK-style idle card game where you can find everything you desire: idle battles, offline grinding, hero development...
Banner of Rise of Eros: Desire

Rise of Eros: Desire

"Rise of Eros: Desire" is a AAA mobile game crafted with a realistic 3D style, featuring 360-degree real-time visuals that showcase the characters' finely detailed facial features and every inch of th...
Banner of Hero Ball Z - Idle RPG

Hero Ball Z - Idle RPG

What kind of game is Hero Ball Z?▣ Bullet Hell + Idle RPG- Not your everyday idle game!- All the charm of an Idle RPG game fueled by Bullet Hell Adrenaline!▣ Extraordinary heroes await!- Collec...
Banner of Exos Heroes

Exos Heroes Global

VISUALISM PLAY !The grand adventure to search for ‘Exestruk’, the missing sword of the emperor, and the curse of the ancient dragon!Experience the adventure of your lifetime.Experience the uniqu...


ActionOpen World RPG
hi! Adventurers, welcome to the world of the brave. Here you will begin an adventure full of unknown and adventure..... Ready to go ~ Are you ready?【AXIS OF ETERNITY】 A real high degree of freedom fa....
Banner of Valiant Force 2

Valiant Force 2

Set a decade after the events of Valiant Force, we return to the realm of Arathos as it is once again thrown into chaos.The disappearance of the Crystal of Arathos and its guardian, Leon Daracan, h...
Banner of SoulWorker Academia

SoulWorker Academia TW

Soul Worker Academia is a campus style MMORPG!Dorm life, club activities, part-time coffee shop jobs, luxurious spa facilities, exciting water gun games, three-legged barbecue parties, and a libra...
Banner of State of Survival

State of Survival JP

The government and the army have long since disintegrated, and the sporadic artillery fire and the lack of an organized system of defense are unbeatable. The government and the army have long since di...
Banner of Witch and Council : Idle RPG

Witch and Council : Idle RPG

Let’s fight off the student president who took away mother’s necklace!Lulu was attacked by the student president in the forest.When the necklace was taken away from her, Lulu has lost all her magic...
Banner of リバースブルー×リバースエンド

リバースブルー×リバースエンド JP

覇権だなんだと世界は今日もやかましいな、我が読者。誰が覇権を取ろうがどうでもいい。ボクらはボクらの好きなことを、好きなようにやり、好きにした。それゆえ、このように自称する。自己を証明し、自己紹介する。これはある種の自傷であり、起きてしまった事象の名前だ。そう、我々は「魔王」だ ――おっと、いきなり語りだして悪かったな。とはいえ、この世界を "終焉" と呼ぶか、それとも "...
Banner of Bright Memory Mobile

Bright Memory Mobile Test Global

[Attention before purchase] :The game only contains 1 hour flow, please do not buy it if you cannot accept it,currently the game is only a demo version.Google Play Bright Memory Mobile does not pr...
Banner of NieR Re[in]carnation

NieR Re[in]carnation JP

RPGAction role-playingAnime
Square Enix announced the latest title of the NieR video game franchise "NieR Re[in]carnation", the game will be launched on mobile platform (iOS&Android) and will be a RPG game. So far, Square Enix o...
Banner of GreatKnights

GreatKnights Global

✔ Collect the various characters of the popular AFK idle RPG, Great Knights!Diverse characters with their own great stories and great legends! Collect them all in this AFK game!✔ Say goodbye to gen...
Banner of Gran Saga

Gran Saga Global

◈ Game introduction ◈Cinematic online RPG “Grand Saga”!Explore a fantasy world expressed in high-quality 3D and a deep training system!You can play the fully voiced story by yourself or take on po...
Banner of Princess Tale

Princess Tale

Way too cutesy!!Enjoy beautiful illustrations and cutie characters!▣Event Coupon▣- PTGRANDOPEN- MARKETNO1PT- PTGOOD- ARPGRE- MAR1ST- TALENTUP- 8THUPT- 11THU...
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