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Games Similar To Iron Saga Epic Robot Battler for Android

Games Similar To Iron Saga Epic Robot Battler for Android

Banner of Miracland Saga

Miracland Saga

Experience an Epic MMORPG Adventure!====================================Download Miracland Saga now to embark on a thrilling action-packed journey! Explore a challenging world of adventure, featurin.....
Banner of Super Mecha Champions

Super Mecha Champions Global

On your marks, set, go!SMC players from all over the world have descended upon a futuristic city to battle with marvelous Mecha!Unleash your Mecha and fight for the crown you deserve!Exchange Fire...
Banner of OrderZero


You are a pretty girl who received an unknown mission.You've crashlanded in the middle of nowhere, and all communication is down.With just one single weapon, you must make your way out of this place.....
Banner of De:Lithe Last Memories

De:Lithe Last Memories

This is a story of girls who throw themselves into battle for the reconstruction of Tokyo---◆ SynopsisThe story is set in a near-future Tokyo that has been devastated by the ""Great Collapse"". As ...
Banner of Demian Saga

Demian Saga

《About This Game》▣ Search for the Primeval Highlands in an Epic Pirate Adventure!Join Aisha and Jaden on an adventure toward the land of the gods known as the Primeval Highlands,where all your wi...
Banner of Achroma Tides : Soul-Like RPG

Achroma Tides : Soul-Like RPG

• Action Game with High-difficulty Combat: Be careful or be defeated; you must carefully watch boss' movements and when your attacks will land safely.• Characters with Unique Traits: Team up with 3 .....
Banner of 白荊迴廊

白荊迴廊 TW

RPGAdventureEditors' Choice
於世界交點之處,逢似曾相識之人。歡迎來到——「森羅」。森羅曆1116年4月1日13時46分,海臨城北區上空出現巨大空洞,一個破碎的世界砸落,世界紛紛交匯於此……不久後,帶有未知能量的結晶體自廢墟中析出。在此後的研究中,發現了受該未知晶體影響而覺醒特殊能力的群體,他們被稱為 —「同調者」。人們被迫進入了一個全新的時代,一個與未知能量共存的、屬於「白荊科技」的時代。【遊戲特色】- 精緻立...
Banner of Arknights

Arknights US

Take on the role of a key member of Rhodes Island, a pharmaceutical company that fights both a deadly infection and the unrest it leaves in its wake. Together with your leader Amiya, you’ll recruit Op...
Banner of 鋼嵐

鋼嵐 TW

StrategyRPGEditors' Choice
Banner of Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade

Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade JP

StrategyRPGAnimeEditors' Choice
◆ A blend of the world of the "TV anime" and the unique storytelling of "Jujutsu Kaisen" in a game format ◆The anime's story is faithfully reproduced with new full voice acting. Furthermore, various ....
Banner of NieR Re[in]carnation

NieR Re[in]carnation JP

RPGAction role-playingAnime
Square Enix announced the latest title of the NieR video game franchise "NieR Re[in]carnation", the game will be launched on mobile platform (iOS&Android) and will be a RPG game. So far, Square Enix o...
Banner of レゾナンス:無限号列車

レゾナンス:無限号列車 JP

Banner of ISEKAI: Demon Waifu

ISEKAI: Demon Waifu

Dear Demon Prince, Welcome Back to Isekai!Tired of being a lonely gamer and social outcast? Who said this was your destiny? When you are willing to risk it all, you can have it all! Will you just be.....
Banner of Soulworker Urban Strategy

Soulworker Urban Strategy

Fight with soul workers against endless lootings and destructions for survival in ruined cities.- Squad system where you choose your fighters among various champions- Heroes and champions growing w...
Banner of Over Field

Over Field JP

Over Field is a new RPG where you can explore a beautiful miniature world.Players will play the role of employees of the Rota Research Institute and explore the "Over Field". The map is mainly divid.....
Banner of Rizline


RhythmSingleplayerAnimeEditors' ChoiceMusic
Rhythm connects!Presenting Pigeon Games' second enchanting music rhythm game, following the success of "Phigros"!Dive into a mesmerizing journey where points and lines dance in harmony, weaving an e.....
Banner of Ash Echoes

Ash Echoes Global

Follow us and get more informations and rewards:Website: 🔗linkDiscord: 🔗linkYoutube: 🔗link@AshEchoesTwitter: 🔗link...
Banner of Mythical Odyssey: Nezha Reborn

Mythical Odyssey: Nezha Reborn

Grand Launch 3rd March! Pre-register now at 🔗link🌟 Welcome to Mythical Odyssey! 🌟Step into a world of ancient legends, where Eastern mythology meets strategic c...
Banner of Last Origin

Last Origin JP

"Last Origin" is a strategy turn-based RPG game. The game is set in a world where the infestation of iron worms parasitic in the machinery, it has been 100 years since the extinction of human beings. ...
Banner of 洶湧海豚 Dolphin Wave

洶湧海豚 Dolphin Wave TW

"Dolphin Wave" is a card RPG game based on the fictional maritime competition "Speed ​​Battle". The game is set on the fictional island "Amanzumishima" in the tropics, where the famous "UMI" is popula...
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