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Games Similar To Magic Baby New Adventure Team for Android

Games Similar To Magic Baby New Adventure Team for Android

Banner of Earth:Revival

Earth:Revival Global

FPSActionRPGEditors' Choice
The post-apocalyptic sci-fi survival RPG game Earth:Revival is set in an alien-invaded world and centers around the core experience of open-world survival. It has undergone significant industry innova...
Banner of 女神異聞錄:夜幕魅影

女神異聞錄:夜幕魅影 TW

▶ 11月28日 3.0改版盛大登場,登入即送豐富遊戲資源、異界晶珀、五星武器自選箱▶ 第三章主線即將完結,究竟明石京的目的為何?怪盜團的反擊將要展開!▶ 覺醒你的另一面,新怪盜團探索JRPG《女神異聞錄:夜幕魅影》為《女神異聞錄5》IP系列衍生作品,由ATLUS深度參與開發及監修打造獨具魅力的遊玩體驗與劇情,玩家將能在遊戲內探索現實世界中熟悉的東京澀谷地區,並潛入異世界的印象空間進行冒險...
Banner of Arcana Blade : Idle RPG

Arcana Blade : Idle RPG

Become the Most Powerful Adventurer with Spirits and Magic Sword!‘Arcana Blade’, an Easy-to-Grow idle RPG‘The Great Labyrinth, a vast, Endless Ecosystem that began long ago.Adventurers leave to th...
Banner of Miraibo GO

Miraibo GO

Download the mobile monster-themed open world survival game now! Get ready to tame various monsters with your friends and explore the world anytime anywhere! Hundreds of classic monsters await you in ...
Banner of Majyo No Furo Life

Majyo No Furo Life TW

Majyo No Furo Life is a hot spring themed RPG game with the theme of "Witch × Hot Spring × Slow Life". In the game, players can visit hot springs across Japan with many girls, experience different hot...
Banner of 歧路旅人:大陸的霸者

歧路旅人:大陸的霸者 TW

Banner of Pixel Saga: Squad RPG

Pixel Saga: Squad RPG

[Even Overlord Can Save the World?]Join the retired overord on a quest to save the world! In this topsy-turvy Isekai, where the overlord has become hero, witness the extraordinary feats of this unlik....
Banner of 昊緣


RPGEditors' Choice
源自PC MMORPG《劍靈》3年前的故事,嶄新的RPG《昊緣》圍繞於英雄與怪物之間的緣分,挑戰與策略共存的多層次玩法享受與朋友一同遊戲的樂趣,全新切換式RPG《昊緣》等你來體驗!▶具有獨特戰鬥風格和精采故事的各種英雄們◀不僅有美少年、美少女,還有深受大家喜愛的燐族、獸人以及身經百戰的戰士高達60多種的英雄角色,每一位都擁有各自的故事與鮮明的個性,等待大家來發掘!還可以獨立操作每一位...
Banner of Afterimage


Lore-RichMetroidvaniaSide ScrollerDifficultAction RPGActionRPGSouls-like
◆Explore mystic EngardinOne of the supreme deities created this vast world called Engardin, upon which natural wonders lie everywhere: gigantic volcanoes, steep canyons, deep seas and a tower that so....
Banner of BrownDust2 - Adventure RPG

BrownDust2 - Adventure RPG

RPGAdventureAnimeEditors' ChoiceStory Rich
▣ Game Introduction ▣■ Story Pack 15 Update [Promise of Vengeance] ■Face the dark curse in a tale unfolding amid conspiracy.Where will the choices of Liberta, Blade, and Lathel lead them?Begin yo...
Banner of 救世者之樹:新世界

救世者之樹:新世界 TW

《救世者之樹:新世界》狂歡版本重磅登場!在全新上線的樹緣系統中,舉行浪漫的樹緣典禮;集結戰友做好準備,迎戰魔神副本新BOSS!新手可領取70抽、金色時裝4件套還有限定自選坐騎!一起跨越時空,來一場愛的冒險!讓我們來看看來自亞洲11地區的勇者們的留言!-「日本韓國泰國的妹妹都搶著跟我結緣…好難選哦!」 --來自世界頻道的建巨集007號樹緣系統重磅上線,在全服玩家的見證和祝福下,完成盛大...
Banner of 史萊姆與地下城


※遊戲簡介※搞怪冒險地下城 輕鬆解壓梗梗梗『史萊姆與地下城』是一款美少女Roguelike搞怪冒險RPG遊戲。迄今為止,還沒有人能說清阿姆斯地下城的真正來歷。據浮空城拉斐爾學者的研究,整個地下城糅合了數個遠古文明的各種特徵。越往深處的界域年代越久遠,所附帶的詛咒之力也越強大。人類探索完畢的界域有五層,『你』-扮演一名騎士團成員,踏上了征服神秘未知的阿姆斯地下城之冒險旅途....※遊戲特色...
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