
Games worth discovering

Games Similar To Perfect World W The arrival of the new profession Banshee for Android

Games Similar To Perfect World W The arrival of the new profession Banshee for Android

Banner of Cross Core

Cross Core TW

"Cross Core" is a mecha science fiction theme of the two-dimensional style of mobile games.In the game, you will be the protagonist of the story, as the "general captain" of the galaxy exploration t.....


Battle RoyaleActionAdventure
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is a 60-player action Battle Royale offering players insane mobility powered by parkour and grappling hook, a vast arsenal of melee and ranged weapons, and a roster of characters wi...
Banner of Sword of Shadows

Sword of Shadows

Sword of Shadows is the latest epic martial arts MMO title from Snail Games. The ancient realm of Jianghu is once again under siege by dark and powerful forces. Each martial arts school is fierce and ...
Banner of Sword of Justice

Sword of Justice Global

ActionFantasyEditors' ChoiceMMORPG
Sword of Justice is an open-world martial arts MMORPG with a unique art style that combines traditional oriental aesthetics with modern graphics technology. The game's innovative AI system allows for ...
Banner of AU3-Dance Star

AU3-Dance Star

"AU3 Dance Star" is a 3D music and dance social mobile game based on the fantasy world. Starry Town is a place to pursue dreams . You will show your dancing talents here, experience the beauty of musi...
Banner of ArcheAge War

ArcheAge War KR

An epic story unfolding on the continent of Nuia!Seamless open world implemented using Unreal Engine 4!We invite you to the new and vast world of ArcheAge Warman.
Banner of HIT : The World

HIT : The World

仲間と共にある全ての瞬間が、勝利の道を開く鍵となります。あなたの仲間と共にHIT : The Worldへ旅の準備をしましょう!新しい情報は公式Xで!「@HTW_nxj」【あらすじ】災害の始まり、灰色の日から生じた悲劇。女神の祝福を受けた地「エルバーデン」は、今や絶望と悲観で満たされている。完璧な世界を夢見た女神は失望し、その姿を消した。彼女の不在により、世界の崩壊が始まる。...
Banner of Dispute World

Dispute World

Experience a breathtaking odyssey within the captivating realms of 'Dispute World', a groundbreaking 3D massively multiplayer online role-playing game that traverses enigmatic territories brimming wit...
Banner of 鋼嵐

鋼嵐 TW

StrategyRPGEditors' Choice
Banner of 浮生憶玲瓏


清涼海島,踏浪狂歡,海島大亂鬥玩法即將上線。枕戈待旦,四面楚歌。《浮生憶玲瓏》主線更新,大胤和漠北危機一觸即發,撲朔迷離間你與真相在遙遙對望。=遊戲特色=◇玲瓏詭局 甜蜜攜手共探案◇這朝朝代代的漩渦中裹挾的是臣民百姓對於安定生活的願景。一片平靜繁華景象下,大胤內外皆是暗流湧動,內有老臣權傾朝野,外有漠北虎視眈眈,盛世之中卻亦是十面埋伏、危機重重,正道是山雨欲來風滿樓……◇江南古韻 同...
Banner of State of Survival

State of Survival JP

The government and the army have long since disintegrated, and the sporadic artillery fire and the lack of an organized system of defense are unbeatable. The government and the army have long since di...
Banner of ArcheAge WAR

ArcheAge WAR Asia

A new era of power has arrived. Join the unstoppable battlefield beast and the new "Destroyer" class to embrace this age!Growth Server Lucius Season 2 opens for new players, with amazing benefits!Ce.....
Banner of Dynasty Legends 2

Dynasty Legends 2

ActionRPGCasualAction role-playingMultiplayer
DYNASTY LEGENDS 2 is a complete evolution of Hack & Slash ARPG game. Thrilling battle experience allows you wipe out thousands of enemies all by yourself, become the overlord of the Three Kingdoms. St...
Banner of JUMP:群星集結


ActionRPGEditors' Choice
【遊戲簡介】《JUMP:群星集結》是一款集結了由集英社發行的《週刊少年Jump》上連載的多款知名漫畫IP所打造的5V5 MOBA遊戲,由集英社授權並全程監製。遊戲內包含了多款知名漫畫作品,包含大家耳熟能詳的「七龍珠」、「ONE PIECE~航海王~」、「火影忍者」、「BLEACH死神」、「鬼滅之刃」、「咒術迴戰」、「不死不運」、「肌肉魔法使-MASHLE-」、「HUNTER x HUNTER .....
Banner of Moonlight Blade M

Moonlight Blade M SEA

Based on the literature masterpiece of the renowned Eastern novelist, Gu Long—the classic martial arts epic ""Moonlight Blade"" that span half a century is now adapted to MMORPG mobile game ""Moonligh...
Banner of A Dream of Jianghu

A Dream of Jianghu KR

Welcome to play this game!◆ Open worldThe real weather system makes the game experience better for players.◆ Create the WorldThe plot and ending of the story depends on each of your choices....
Banner of 黑色契約MOBILE


Banner of Sword of Mystic Shu

Sword of Mystic Shu

The second OBT will begin on March 27.A lot of new content and a brand new version are waiting for you to experience.The test is free to play, with many benefits, no deletion of files, and no opening ...
Banner of 權力之望


▣遊戲介紹▣■ 緊握世界霸權者以9名擁有大陸霸權的洛德為中心的敘事詩受到奧蘿菲的呼喚來到異世界的你究竟能以第10位洛德的身分重生嗎?■ MMORPG首度客製化成長方式高自由度的武器選擇成長與後續的戰鬥類型變化透過能力與標籤的組合,活用戰略性的追加技能可任意選擇&變更60餘種職業!■ 高品質的影像與強大的兼容性利用動態捕捉、3D掃描呈現精美影像以Unity引擎構建更廣泛的...
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