
Games worth discovering

Games Similar To Seventh Courtyard Dream Reconstruction for Android

Games Similar To Seventh Courtyard Dream Reconstruction for Android

Banner of Punishing: Gray Raven

Punishing: Gray Raven JP

ActionRoguelikeRPGAction role-playingMultiplayerAnime
‘Punishing: Gray Raven’ is a 3D action mobile game with a sci-fi apocalypse theme. You will become the commander and lead the last hope of mankind - the bionic human form 「structure」to fight against t...
Banner of SINoALICE


SINoALICE is a mobile command RPG created by the producer of NieR: Automata - Yoko Taro.Set in a world called Library, a place where fairy tales keep repeating themselves, the protagonists such a...
Banner of Grimlight - A Tale of Dreams

Grimlight - A Tale of Dreams

Awaken to a new beginning in a world of dreams and fairy tales. [Grimlight]The world of Phantasia is filled with mystery and wonder but has been eroded away by the Dreamless, shadowy entities that s.....
Banner of Sector-IX


The gods have long fallen, and humans have developed their own civilisation. The divine era has become a long-standing legend. As technology continues to advance, the ignorant humans have begun to cov...
Banner of Exos Heroes

Exos Heroes Global

VISUALISM PLAY !The grand adventure to search for ‘Exestruk’, the missing sword of the emperor, and the curse of the ancient dragon!Experience the adventure of your lifetime.Experience the uniqu...
Banner of Fate/Grand Order (English)

Fate/Grand Order (English) US

A new mobile "Fate RPG," presented by TYPE-MOON!With an impressive main scenario and multiple character quests,the game features millions of words of original story!Packed with content that both f...
Banner of Black Clover M

Black Clover M Global

ActionRPGAnimeEditors' Choice
A world on the brink of being destroyed by a demon was saved by a mage that would come to be known as the "Wizard King". Years later, this magical world is once again shrouded in the darkness of crisi...
Banner of Girls' Frontline

Girls' Frontline US

The year is 2060.War has plunged the world into chaos and darkness, and the responsibility of restoring order falls onto those of us who have survived.Now is the time to revisit your past. Mak...
Banner of Arknights

Arknights TW

Dear Doctor, our server is now open! Thank you so much for your patient waiting and continuous support. We wish you enjoy the brand new journey in Arknights!Take on the role of a key member of Rho...
Banner of ブルーロック BLAZE BATTLE


Real Time TacticsSportsAnime
TVアニメ『ブルーロック』が完全新作3Dスマホゲームでついに登場!令和で一番熱くなれるサッカーバトルゲーム『ブルーロック BLAZE BATTLE』通称『ブレバト』が好評配信中!◆推し選手を実際にプレイできるフル3Dサッカーエゴイストたちを束ねた自分だけの最強チームを編成して11vs11のサッカーバトル。アニメではみることができなかったドリームチーム同士のサッカー対戦や夢のマッチアップ...
Banner of Iron Saga – Epic Robot Battler

Iron Saga – Epic Robot Battler Global

Participate in Shin Mazinger ZERO VS Great General of Darkness Crossover events, claim free collab mecha Mazinger Zero *1, Great Mazinkaiser *1 and more freebies. Koji Kabuto and Tetsuya Tsurugi both ...
Banner of Fate/Grand Order

Fate/Grand Order JP

A new mobile "Fate RPG," presented by TYPE-MOON!With an impressive main scenario and multiple character quests,the game features millions of words of original story!Packed with content that both...
Banner of Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact Global

ActionRPGAction role-playingAdventureOpen WorldAnime
Step into Teyvat, a vast world teeming with life and flowing with elemental energy.You and your sibling arrived here from another world. Separated by an unknown god, stripped of your powers, and cas.....
Banner of Moonlight Blade

Moonlight Blade Global

Moonlight Blade Mobile is a fascinating open world MMORPG in the traditional Chinese style. The game presents a magnificent world of martial arts, containing a different combination of techniques and ...
Banner of Galaxy Fantasy

Galaxy Fantasy

With the discovery of the Stargate, mankind has embarked on a magnificent journey to the stars. After thousands of years of exploration and colonisation, the seeds of human civilisation have been sown...
Banner of 鈴蘭之劍:為這和平的世界

鈴蘭之劍:為這和平的世界 TW

【鈴蘭之劍×迷宮飯】聯動開啟! 「舌尖上的伊利亞」正式上線!地下的迷宮,百轉千迴終有盡頭。心中的迷宮,出口又在何方?集結吧,冒險者們!為奪回珍視之物而戰……等等,別忘了先吃飯!《鈴蘭之劍:為這和平的世界》以中世紀架空世界為背景,是一款具備戰棋要素、精緻像素風格和宏觀史詩故事的本格派日系RPG。遊戲將經典的像素風格透過全新的3D技術升級再現,讓您可以享受到全新引擎渲染下的新世...
Banner of Zero Fiction

Zero Fiction

The world has been changed, and lots of monsters from different world appeared. Girls from the other world began to investigate the reason of these changes. Control your squad to defeat the enemies, p...


An all-new action RPG for the popular anime series "Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?"!- Experience the world of Danmachi in 3D with fully voiced dialogue!Relive the story of Danma...
Banner of JUMP: Assemble

JUMP: Assemble Global

[Game Introduction]"JUMP: Assemble" is a 5v5 MOBA game that brings together multiple popular manga IPs serialized in Shueisha's "Weekly Shonen Jump." It is authorized and co-produced by Shueisha. The....
Banner of Metal Waltz: Anime tank girls

Metal Waltz: Anime tank girls

Military Strategy + RPG + Collection + Story. This is a story of the war between mankind and the tank monsters. The hope of the human relies on the girls, whose bodies have been rebuilt and combined w...
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