
Games worth discovering

Games Similar To Shining Maiden for Android

Games Similar To Shining Maiden for Android

Banner of Star Ward

Star Ward Global

CartoonArena ShooterCard BattlerActionSpectacle fighterRPGOtomeMassively Multiplayer
Star Ward is a 3D competitive game that combines mecha girls with classic GVG fighting gameplay, with 1V1 and 2V2 battles as the core gameplay. In Star Ward, players can control mecha girls with disti...
Banner of Epic Seven

Epic Seven Global

And thus began the 7th World...Diche, the Goddess of Life, summoned all of her waning powerand once again gave shape to the Guardians and the Heir of the Covenant."My children, I entrust this wo...
Banner of シンギュラリティ×ラブストーリー

シンギュラリティ×ラブストーリー JP

Banner of Grimlight - A Tale of Dreams

Grimlight - A Tale of Dreams

Awaken to a new beginning in a world of dreams and fairy tales. [Grimlight]The world of Phantasia is filled with mystery and wonder but has been eroded away by the Dreamless, shadowy entities that s.....
Banner of CounterSide

CounterSide Global

Everything has another sideUrban Graphic Novel RPG "CounterSide"A world where conflict never ends between Counters and Corrupted Objects after the Administration FailureWe invite you to a journey ...
Banner of 뮈렌: 천년의 여정

뮈렌: 천년의 여정 KR

—✦ 진룡호위 '극염' 출시 ✦—뮈렌 최초의 섬광성 성흔 '극염'을 지금 게임에서 만나보세요!초월적 판타지 애니메이션 RPG,이곳은 모든 이가 꿈꾸는 이상향, 분쟁 없는 세계, 『뮈렌』신 ‘제시스’가 강력한 힘을 얻기 위해 창조한 세계.뮈렌은 수많은 종족과 문명이 탄생해가지만,끊임없는 문명의 변화와 함께 대혼란이 찾아온다…12만 ...
Banner of リバースブルー×リバースエンド

リバースブルー×リバースエンド JP

覇権だなんだと世界は今日もやかましいな、我が読者。誰が覇権を取ろうがどうでもいい。ボクらはボクらの好きなことを、好きなようにやり、好きにした。それゆえ、このように自称する。自己を証明し、自己紹介する。これはある種の自傷であり、起きてしまった事象の名前だ。そう、我々は「魔王」だ ――おっと、いきなり語りだして悪かったな。とはいえ、この世界を "終焉" と呼ぶか、それとも "...
Banner of 昊緣


RPGEditors' Choice
源自PC MMORPG《劍靈》3年前的故事,嶄新的RPG《昊緣》圍繞於英雄與怪物之間的緣分,挑戰與策略共存的多層次玩法享受與朋友一同遊戲的樂趣,全新切換式RPG《昊緣》等你來體驗!▶具有獨特戰鬥風格和精采故事的各種英雄們◀不僅有美少年、美少女,還有深受大家喜愛的燐族、獸人以及身經百戰的戰士高達60多種的英雄角色,每一位都擁有各自的故事與鮮明的個性,等待大家來發掘!還可以獨立操作每一位...
Banner of PotK -Alternative Imitation-

PotK -Alternative Imitation-

Push on, support, and transcend. And in that, find greatness.Presenting a new project following nine years of “Phantom of the Kill!””Phantom of the Kill -Alternative Imitation-” is a game in which ...
Banner of Counter:Side

Counter:Side TW

You'll be a private company owner the moment you step into Future Fight!You'll be leading many maidens in a fight against corrupting bodies.As you fight alongside your partners, trust and frie...
Banner of Atelier Resleriana

Atelier Resleriana Global

JRPGRPGCasualAdventureSingleplayerAnimeStory Rich
The global version of Atelier Resleriana will be ceasing operations on Friday, March 28th, 2025, at 11:00 (UTC+8).Atelier Resleriana: Forgotten Alchemy and the Polar Night LiberatorKOEI TECMO GAME...
Banner of Arknights: Endfield

Arknights: Endfield

Welcome to Talos-II, a dangerous planet rife with catastrophes and risks. The first pioneers toiled for years to establish a foothold. Settlements and nomadic cities sheltered by massive walls formed ...
Banner of 鋼嵐

鋼嵐 TW

StrategyRPGEditors' Choice
Banner of Second Wave

Second Wave

Second Wave is an online multiplayer hero-based shooter, that puts players in the role of a legendary exile from the lands of Armantia. Fighting an endless war over The Arcane Stone, these exiled hero...
Banner of Guardians Defense War: Defense

Guardians Defense War: Defense

800 Draw Ticket Attendance Event!Get loads of premium draw tickets just by logging in every day!Open Commemorative Coupon!OPENGD- Rewards -Energy Pack 30 x3Gold x3,000Ad Removal 1-Day Trial ...
Banner of Final Gear

Final Gear US

GAME FEATURES:[Remodel your mechs freely with millions of possible combinations!]Earn hundreds of components by clearing stages or through part development, then use these to create ultra-powerful m.....
Banner of Re:ZERO – Starting Life in Another World Witch’s re:surrection

Re:ZERO – Starting Life in Another World Witch’s re:surrection

Collect, search, and fight ――Enter a new world of life! With your partners!Official game production for the 10th anniversary commemorative new work of the popular novel "Re: Starting a New Life in a.....
Banner of GRAND CROSS : Age of Titans

GRAND CROSS : Age of Titans

The next-generation strategy game - Grand Cross: Age of Titans!Savior! the world of Skyna is waiting for you to save from crisis■ About the Game ■▶ A next-generation strategy game featuring next...
Banner of Princess Tale

Princess Tale

Way too cutesy!!Enjoy beautiful illustrations and cutie characters!▣Event Coupon▣- PTGRANDOPEN- MARKETNO1PT- PTGOOD- ARPGRE- MAR1ST- TALENTUP- 8THUPT- 11THU...
Banner of Orisries


💘 First Ever Adult SLG in the WorldDominate the world in the spiciest war SLG ever!In the world's never-before-seen adult SLG in 2024, play as a nation's Commander, occupy lands, gather resources, b.....
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