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Games Similar To The Legend of the Three Kingdoms Give you an epic movie experience with ups and downs for Android

Games Similar To The Legend of the Three Kingdoms Give you an epic movie experience with ups and downs for Android

Banner of Three Kingdoms: Epic War

Three Kingdoms: Epic War

New Battle System. Easy to Dominate----New Combat system----【Confer and Make You Greater】The new version contains new system: Confer system.The conferred Heroes can get attribute enhance, special ...
Banner of Sector-IX


The gods have long fallen, and humans have developed their own civilisation. The divine era has become a long-standing legend. As technology continues to advance, the ignorant humans have begun to cov...
Banner of Three Kingdoms:GOD VS DEVIL

Three Kingdoms:GOD VS DEVIL

The world anticipated SEA-exclusive Strategy Idle Card Game: Three Kingdoms GOD VS DEVIL willl be officially released on January 19th.! Travel back to the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms and fig....
Banner of Flowers in the Mirror

Flowers in the Mirror TW

Turn-Based StrategyRPGStory Rich
Oriental mythology turn-based RPG mobile game attack!A miserable examination of the ancient literature books "The Book of Mountains and Seas" and "Mirror Flower Edge" as the blueprint Outlines the ri....
Banner of ChunChiu M

ChunChiu M

Build & battleStrategyCasual
Qin, Chu, Qi, Yan, Zhao, Wei, and Korea are the seven great powers competing for supremacy in blood, the most spectacular era of change in history and the peak of hegemony of the lords. Here, every st...
Banner of Fantasi Tiga Kerajaan:Perang

Fantasi Tiga Kerajaan:Perang

➤Play to get 1000 free draws➤Day 7 login reward – Warsaint GuanYu➤Pre-register to share 1000k SyceesDive into the legend of the Three Kingdoms. Magic, gods and devils, travel back in time for an e...
Banner of Cross Core

Cross Core TW

"Cross Core" is a mecha science fiction theme of the two-dimensional style of mobile games.In the game, you will be the protagonist of the story, as the "general captain" of the galaxy exploration t.....
Banner of Mythical Odyssey

Mythical Odyssey

🌟 Welcome to Mythical Odyssey! 🌟Step into a world of ancient legends, where Eastern mythology meets strategic card RPG gameplay. Explore the stories of timeless classics such as "Journey to the West"....
Banner of 鋼嵐

鋼嵐 TW

StrategyRPGEditors' Choice
Banner of 戰界: 澤諾尼亞

戰界: 澤諾尼亞

▣ 遊戲介紹 ▣■ 左右戰局全在你手,武器自由切換 ■這裡沒有職業束縛你的能力,隨心所欲地變換手中武器!昨日是弓手、今日是法師、明日玩戰士!打造出專屬遊戲風格,體驗多樣化戰鬥樂趣■ UE引擎打造獨特視覺體驗,超高品質卡通渲染技術 ■看膩了寫實風格MMO嗎?享受UE引擎的卡通渲染帶來的廣闊自然環境和獨特品質的視覺饗宴■ 24小時遊戲GM,遊戲中與您做伴 ■在遊戲世界裡成為你真...
Banner of 鈴蘭之劍:為這和平的世界

鈴蘭之劍:為這和平的世界 TW

【鈴蘭之劍×迷宮飯】聯動開啟! 「舌尖上的伊利亞」正式上線!地下的迷宮,百轉千迴終有盡頭。心中的迷宮,出口又在何方?集結吧,冒險者們!為奪回珍視之物而戰……等等,別忘了先吃飯!《鈴蘭之劍:為這和平的世界》以中世紀架空世界為背景,是一款具備戰棋要素、精緻像素風格和宏觀史詩故事的本格派日系RPG。遊戲將經典的像素風格透過全新的3D技術升級再現,讓您可以享受到全新引擎渲染下的新世...
Banner of 湮滅:邊界線


Banner of Epic of Eventya

Epic of Eventya Test SEA

Epic of Eventya is a fantasy role-playing game. In the game, you will play as a brave adventurer, gradually growing through your relentless efforts. In the process of growth, you will discover the sto...
Banner of 末日戰姬-二次元美少女卡牌遊戲


Turn-Based TacticsCard BattlerTrading Card GameSci-fiTurn-Based StrategyStrategyJRPGRPG
Banner of 浮生憶玲瓏


清涼海島,踏浪狂歡,海島大亂鬥玩法即將上線。枕戈待旦,四面楚歌。《浮生憶玲瓏》主線更新,大胤和漠北危機一觸即發,撲朔迷離間你與真相在遙遙對望。=遊戲特色=◇玲瓏詭局 甜蜜攜手共探案◇這朝朝代代的漩渦中裹挾的是臣民百姓對於安定生活的願景。一片平靜繁華景象下,大胤內外皆是暗流湧動,內有老臣權傾朝野,外有漠北虎視眈眈,盛世之中卻亦是十面埋伏、危機重重,正道是山雨欲來風滿樓……◇江南古韻 同...
Banner of Chinese Paladin: Sword and Fairy JY

Chinese Paladin: Sword and Fairy JY TW

"Chinese Paladin:Sword and Fairy JY" is a TCG-based roleplaying card game developed based on the famous Chinese Paladin series.It carrying the classic of Chinese Paladin, adding new and original wor.....
Banner of 完美世界W - 下載領3888金元寶虛寶

完美世界W - 下載領3888金元寶虛寶

Banner of Brave Nine - Tactical RPG

Brave Nine - Tactical RPG Global

Turn-Based TacticsTacticalCartoonTurn-Based StrategyStrategyRPGDeckbuildingCasual
Experience Thrilling Battle and Strategic Gameplay only in Brave Nine!■ Unique character ‘Illustration’- High-quality illustrations that reinterpret the sensibility of classic RPGs in a modern way...
Banner of Kalpa of Universe

Kalpa of Universe TW

There was a time when Yin Jianping and Feng Han Yue were together in life and death, sealing Chi You; Xiahou Yi was betrayed and eventually separated from Bing Li Ming You; Yin Qian Yang and Oboro Nig...
Banner of 黑色契約MOBILE


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