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Top JRPG Games

Top JRPG Games

Banner of Captain of Space

Captain of Space

ScienceSci-fiAction RPGActionJRPGRPGCharacter CustomizationAdventure
Embark on a Galactic Journey: Become a Legendary CaptainGet ready for thrilling adventures as a space captain! The entire gameplay revolves around your character, their exciting travels, and continuo....


Pixel GraphicsAbstractCartoonInteractive FictionStrategyJRPGRPGCasual
In Copper Odyssey 2, you will be playing as Celeste, the little sister of Herman the Printmaking Angel. She has gotten a job outside of the print studio and into Nickel City. Her first day will be tur...
Banner of RPGirl


Pixel GraphicsRetroCreature CollectorJRPGRPGPvEAdventureFantasy
Explore a cute '90s console RPG from the inside out as marooned cosmic magical girl, Mack. Battle and befriend an adorable menagerie of beasties via turn-based combat and personalized story sequences....
Banner of Roblox

Best sandbox games where there are no limits

Banner of 瓶中琉璃海_沉溺于人鱼之眸~LOVE IN A BOTTLE~

瓶中琉璃海_沉溺于人鱼之眸~LOVE IN A BOTTLE~

Lore-RichDating SimRomanceJRPGRPGCRPGVisual NovelOtome
Banner of Garage Ninja

Garage Ninja

Pixel GraphicsSci-fiSuperheroJRPGRPGHorrorComedySingleplayer
Long ago, Six great clans ruled the world. They each used incredible powers to fight each other in clan wars and it was totally awesome. But all of that changed when the Disney Clan took over. Now, o....
Banner of 水母之夜


Pixel GraphicsJRPGRPGRPGMakerSingleplayer
BUG反馈:[email protected]遇到bug或者卡关需要帮助都可以发送邮件,会在收到1-2天内回复!(发在社区可能我没法及时看到T T...)关于实况录制:非常欢迎大家录制游戏实况!我很想看!但是请不要在视频封面和标题添加涉及后半段剧情的内容,剧透可能会给其他玩家带来不好的体验。感谢大家的谅解!背景介绍:欢迎来到特里托普斯海洋乐园!这里展出一只拥有永恒生命的“红夜水母”,是城市的著名.....
Banner of Closed world

Closed world

Pixel GraphicsRetroMiningCraftingJRPGRPGFantasySingleplayer
〇 Production Tool: "3D RPG developer BAKIN / SmileBoom"〇 HD-2D Dungeon Exploration JRPG〇 Strengthen your weapons and armor with obtained materials〇 Search for and acquire hidden skills across...
Banner of ゴーストパーティー 眠り姫

ゴーストパーティー 眠り姫

Pixel GraphicsVampireJRPGRPGFantasySingleplayerMagicStory Rich
★ストーリー"人間"と"ようかい"が共存する世界に迷いこんでしまったあなた。どうやらこの世界のあなたには記憶がないみたいです。そこで倒れていたところを助けてくれた"魔女マイン"がこの世界で生きていくために"ようかい"に転生してくれることになりました。"ようかい"のなかまたちと共にあなたの記憶を取り戻す旅がはじまります!★プレイ時間・5時間~★転生先のゲーム難易度・魔女 :...
Banner of Super Chroma Bots : SEASON ONE

Super Chroma Bots : SEASON ONE

Pixel GraphicsRobotsCartoonParodySci-fiAction RPGCartoonySuperhero
The game features :-A colorful cast of Chroma Bots to recruit and battle.-Fighting your way through 12 Episodes featuring unique bosses and a story-rich plot.-The original 5 Chroma Bots transfo...
Banner of Welcome to Elderfield

Welcome to Elderfield

Pixel GraphicsSandboxAgricultureSurvivalFarming SimJRPGRPGHorror
SynopsisNothing is usual in the secluded town of Elderfield. The townsfolk are odd, strange beings shift about in the dark and the local news reports seem more mysterious by the day. This is where you...
Banner of Valkyrie Star: A Cacophony Choir

Valkyrie Star: A Cacophony Choir

Valkyrie Star: A Cacophony ChoirStep into the fractured world of Valkyrie Star: A Cacophony Choir, a magical girl JRPG where four former heroes navigate the trials of adulthood while defending their c...
Banner of Alder Forge 2

Alder Forge 2

Enhanced Adaptive Turn-Based Combat system with party boosts, hybrid Anima Stones, follow ups, and better controls.Battle Speed: Control the battle Speed (x1, x2, x3)Battle Heat System: rewarding ...
Banner of 机械纪元-专服版


Real Time TacticsAction RPGCartoonyJRPGRPGAction RtsCRPGCasual
客服联系方式:[email protected]新玩家激活码,助力启航:VIP666;VIP777世界背景自古以来,苍洋这颗蔚蓝的星球上已经诞生了无数的生命。在源的祝福下,在海的包围中,坐落于三大洲最东端的艾泽瑞拉,在经过了时间的沉淀后,逐渐崛起了五大种族。他们缔造了属于自己的文明,创造了属于自己的国度,齐心协力对抗着在大陆上泛滥成灾的源兽。源兽因第九元素“源”而诞生,它们能力强大,轻易便可用利爪...
Banner of 绯红编年史 ~ Chronicle of Scarlet ~

绯红编年史 ~ Chronicle of Scarlet ~

Turn-Based TacticsPixel GraphicsVampireStrategyJRPGRPGTop-DownAdventure
Banner of Veloria: The Knot of Candles

Veloria: The Knot of Candles

Pixel GraphicsCartoonDungeon CrawlerCartoonyStrategyCreature CollectorJRPGRPG
"The Candles of Veleria" is a horror adventure game that combines Japanese horror and puzzle-solving elements. Players take on the role of Veleria, a young girl suffering from severe mental illness, a...
Banner of Planet V

Planet V

Pixel GraphicsPost-apocalypticMetroidvaniaTurn-Based StrategyStrategyCreature CollectorJRPGRPG
Planet V is a monster taming game. What makes this one different?You can catch wild monsters out of and in battle. If you can see it, just throw a Capture Cube at it.Buy and Sell Monsters. Woo ...
Banner of Metal Revolution

📢 New Game Fighting Android 2023

Banner of Tales From Aturian - Battle of Cleaved Fields

Tales From Aturian - Battle of Cleaved Fields

Pixel GraphicsTurn-Based StrategyCartoonyJRPGRPGCRPGAdventureFantasy
Tales From Atruian is a short Turn-based RPG loosely inspired by Dungeons and Dragons mechanics.Control a team of six goofy characters, and fight your way through teams of enemies and save Atruian f.....
Banner of schoolLife 东洋中学之异闻录

schoolLife 东洋中学之异闻录

Pixel GraphicsInteractive FictionJRPGRPGCRPGAdventureSatireSingleplayer
This game recorded my school life, the second time I made the game, it was not very good. Playing this game, you will experience Guo Zhiyuan's helplessness in doing all kinds of bizarre behaviors, the...
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