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Top JRPG Games

Top JRPG Games

Banner of My love with the GirlsGroup

My love with the GirlsGroup

CinematicDating SimRomanceInteractive FictionFirst-PersonJRPGRPGCRPG
Game Features Instructions:1.Rich emotional choices , colorful endings for you to explore: In this game, strong emotional entanglements and the workplace choices intertwined into the chapter of your l...
Banner of 归路:见证


Pixel GraphicsLinearTurn-Based StrategyJRPGRPGAdventureRPGMakerEarly Access
Banner of AbsentedAge2:アブセンテッドエイジ2 ~亡霊少女のローグライクアクションSRPG -依代の章-

AbsentedAge2:アブセンテッドエイジ2 ~亡霊少女のローグライクアクションSRPG -依代の章-

Turn-Based TacticsAction RPGAction RoguelikeActionStrategyRoguelikeJRPGRPG
―― も無き少女はあなたとなり、あなたは名も無き少女となる。アブセンテッドエイジは、非戦闘時はARPG、戦闘中はSRPG仕立てのローグライク戦闘で展開される新感覚のミックスジャンルゲームです。敵に接触したり、攻撃を仕掛ける(仕掛けられる)と、周囲を巻き込んでシームレスにターン戦闘に移行します。数百におよぶ個性豊かなスキル/アイテムの応酬を切り抜け、色んな衣装に着せ替え...
Banner of Plants vs. Zombies™ 2

All About Plant VS Zombie

Banner of Paradise Angel

Paradise Angel

Latest Release🔗link🔗link🔗linkeampower...
Banner of The RailIdle

The RailIdle

IdlerJRPGSingleplayerManagementResource ManagementSimulation
The setting is a railroad shrine.Choose one of the four apostles and off you go!At the base location, you will mainly collect and manufacture materials by leaving the game alone.Once materials ar...
Banner of Hymn to the Earless God

Hymn to the Earless God

Pixel GraphicsDarkAliensJRPGRPGTop-DownSingleplayerDark Fantasy
Support us now on Kickstarter!🔗linkThe world of Gloom balances on the edge of calamity. The creatures devour each other. Cor...
Banner of 永生之庭


Lore-RichDating SimCartoonActionBullet HellJRPGRPGVisual Novel
這裡是「學園」,一所瀰漫著黑色霧氣的怪異校園,而你,失去所有記憶的你,將成為這所校園中唯一的教師,並與四名學生一同生活,並逃離這所由黑霧砌成的牢籠。STG與打磚塊的創新結合戰鬥模式採用了STG與打磚塊(Breakout clone)的玩法,敵方會發射多種風格不同的彈幕,而玩家除了躲避這些子彈外,也必須將「球」彈射並撞擊敵人。此外,按下Q鍵,即可進入「子彈時間」,在子彈時間中,所有敵方單位和彈幕.....
Banner of 瓶中琉璃海~ Love In a Bottle~

瓶中琉璃海~ Love In a Bottle~

Lore-RichDating SimRomanceText-BasedJRPGRPGCRPGVisual Novel
Banner of Sinthetic


Pixel GraphicsSci-fiAction RPGActionJRPGRPGTop-DownOpen World
ABOUT THE GAMEStep into the near-futuristic dystopia that is Vacancy City. In an open-world, action-RPG featuring a combination of elements from Western and Japanese RPGs. Join the ragtag squad of unl...
Banner of Onigo Hunter

Onigo Hunter

Turn-Based TacticsPixel GraphicsRetroTurn-Based StrategyStrategyJRPGRPGCharacter Customization
While investigating ancient ruins, the King has completely disappeared. His daughter, whose position as Princess is under threat, makes a request for help. A fledgling hunter takes on this request and...
Banner of 魔法人形と星呼びし杖


Pixel GraphicsJRPGRPGAdventureSingleplayer
■ゲーム紹介魔道士を目指す魔法学校生のリアンとシーナ。二人は中級クラスへの昇級試験に臨むが…。「天空の王子と光のかけら」から約200年後の世界のお話ですが続編ではありません。ストーリーに分岐は無く、1本道のRPGです。■ゲーム内設定バトル/ターン制セーブ/どこでもセーブ可能最大レベル/99まで■制作ツールRPGツクールMZ■使用素材Virgo Vs The Zod...
Banner of Bainok: City of Fighters

Bainok: City of Fighters

Pixel GraphicsMartial ArtsJRPGRPGCRPGFantasySingleplayerMythology
Put your wits and might to the test against the harsh streets of Cirqalo in this turn-based martial art game.In-dept turn based combat where every attack counts.Train your body and perfect techniqu...
Banner of Girl's Memories

Girl's Memories

Turn-Based TacticsCartoonCard BattlerTurn-Based StrategyCartoonyStrategyJRPGRPG
Contact customer service for more benefits:[email protected]:🔗link"Girl's Memories," an enchanting PC game that invites you into a world of captivating ...
Banner of Goddess Connect

Goddess Connect

Turn-Based TacticsCartoonTurn-Based StrategyJRPGRPGOtomeFantasySingleplayer
Dive into a world of never-ending adventure in this cute anime style IDLE game! Collect Heroes, defeat Devils, and be the Legend! Your actions will influence the world around. Convenient functions suc...
Banner of The Lazy Demon Lord and the Four Stones of Dispel

The Lazy Demon Lord and the Four Stones of Dispel

Dungeon CrawlerAction RPGActionJRPGRPGCasualFantasySingleplayer
Remy, a demon lord who neglected her duties and led a life of laziness, faced betrayal from her subordinates. Unable to tolerate her idle behavior any longer, they cast a "Weakening Curse" on her an.....


Turn-Based TacticsLore-RichDungeon CrawlerTurn-Based StrategyJRPGRPGAdventureFantasy
Recommended🔗link🔗linkAbout the GameGoma Ayakaze is an RPG developed by Studio HOSHIWATARI and published by OTAKU...
Banner of Stranger Things: Puzzle Tales

Top 6 puzzle RPG games

Banner of Prelude Dark Pain

Prelude Dark Pain

Turn-Based TacticsGrand StrategyHistoricalActionTurn-Based StrategyStrategyCreature CollectorJRPG
PRELUDE DARK PAIN is a TACTICAL RPG set in a dark fantasy world where you will become one of a group of heroes, determined to save reality from the evil that has afflicted it for generations. 30 playa...
Banner of Horizon To Crinoa: Have Faith in Radiance -Prototype-

Horizon To Crinoa: Have Faith in Radiance -Prototype-

Action RPGActionSpectacle fighterJRPGRPGAdventureFantasySingleplayer
Horizon To Crinoa: Have Faith in Radiance -Prototype- is a small scale, prototype, anime action RPG showcasing some of the general ideas, aesthetics and gameplay style we’re hoping to achieve with our...
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