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Top Lego Games

Top Lego Games

Banner of 世界岛编辑器


LegoSandboxLevel EditorVoxelCartoonyFirst-PersonCraftingOpen World
Banner of Tiny Planet

Tiny Planet

Pixel GraphicsLegoSandboxVoxelCasualRelaxingSingleplayerBuilding
Create your very own tiny planet and place it among the stars in the vast expanse of the universe !Transform it into your desktop wallpaper or leave it on one of your screen like a digital aquarium .....
Banner of 你很聪明吗?


A puzzle leisure game.Command the hero to make strategic moves, find the ultimate treasure, and achieve victory.Are you truly intelligent? Try to clear the levels to prove yourself.The game featur...

Games that make me rage

Banner of 唐朝建筑


LegoRetroHistoricalEducationalFarming SimCraftingCasualBase Building
Game IntroductionGame materials are for reference onlyThis is a game for building ancient Chinese architecture.Players can use the mouse drag and drop, adsorption function, and input...
Banner of The Return of the King

The Return of the King

LegoAction RPGMedical SimRPGCasualSingleplayer
This game tests hands-on ability and brain thinking.It is an elegant and civilized sport that combines entertainment and competitiveness, mental activity and physical exercise, requiring skills, s...
Banner of Active 2048 Body Control

Active 2048 Body Control

LegoScienceSandboxAction RoguelikeSportsFirst-PersonRealisticCasual
How often do you really move during the day?Active 2048 Body Control is a fresh, innovative take on the classic 2048 puzzle, transforming your body into the joystick—no special equipment needed, just ...
Banner of Benchmark


LegoAction RoguelikeRPGCasualSingleplayer
This game is a stress-relief title designed specifically for relaxation. As you start, you gradually enter a deep blue, geometric space filled with shapes like triangles and squares, some floating gen...
Banner of Impossible Stone Game

Impossible Stone Game

Pixel GraphicsLegoRetroStrategyCasualAdventureSingleplayerArcade
Once upon a time... ...STONE.A STONE cannot move by itself.In fact, we cannot tell whether the STONE has the will to go up or not.But we raise the STONE to the sky. That's because it's a game.I...
Banner of Yin Yang Space

Yin Yang Space

LegoSandboxTower DefenseFPSActionFirst-PersonCraftingCasual
I like Counter-Strike and its level editor Hammer very much. Thanks to the Unity engine I think I've achieved a combination of both: the easiest way to build 3D game levels and play fast.In this gam.....
Banner of Rail Maze 2

Rail Maze 2

Turn-Based TacticsLegoHistoricalEducationalMiningCartoonyStrategyCasual
Embark on an exhilarating journey through Rail Maze 2, with a thrilling fusion of levels, vibrant graphic environments, and a myriad of exciting features to amplify your rail-conquering experience....
Banner of Hypotheses on the Symmetry between Vision and Hands

Hypotheses on the Symmetry between Vision and Hands

Experiment Participation Information Thank you for your interest in our hypotheses regarding the symmetry between vision and hands.In this experiment, we will measure the ability to transmit informa.....
Banner of 《方块战记》《Legend Square》

《方块战记》《Legend Square》

Turn-Based TacticsLegoDragonsTurn-Based StrategyBoardStrategyRoguelikeRPG
This is a strategy game that combines Rubik's Cube rotations with tactical battles. Players can rotate the terrain to create optimal attack environments, using their wits to gain the upper hand. Equip...
Banner of Floatineer


In this game, players embark on a maritime journey, sailing across the vast ocean to assist communities living on the water. Using modular blocks, players construct various buildings and homes. Throug...
Banner of Craftimals: Build to the Sun

Craftimals: Build to the Sun

LegoSandboxCartoonSplit ScreenCraftingWholesomeCasualFamily Friendly
The Xbox Live Indie Game classic returns! One part crafting game and one part 2D platformer, Craftimals lets you build your own way to the top! Play single-player or local co-op and help the animals r...
Banner of Urban Genesis VR

Urban Genesis VR

CinematicLegoSandboxCartoonyStrategyRealisticCasualCharacter Customization
Urban Genesis is a Story-driven VR sandbox game, combining elements of the lego/sandbox genres. Build your world, big or small, then fill it with any of over thousands of objects. Add characters whose...
Banner of Manual


LegoAction RPGFarming SimSplit ScreenRPGAction RtsSingleplayer
This game centers around a colorfully randomized ball which players must navigate along a winding path. The visuals are vibrant and lively, with scenery changing as the ball rolls, offering a feast fo...
Banner of The Visitor

jogos que eu não sei como e mais eu quero jogar

Banner of BLOCKS


BLOCKS! is a virtual sandbox that lets you create anything you can imagine - in immersive, user-generated 3D worlds. There aren't any predefined aims or goals.You spawn blocks and weld them togethe...
Banner of No Gasoline

No Gasoline

“Co-Op/Solo Road Journey!”"No Gasoline" is a Solo/Co-Op, Adventure-Simulation-Puzzle game across 3 different biomes. Build and upgrade your vehicle with the unique parts you found along the journey. ....
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