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Top Otome Games

Top Otome Games

Banner of Diffraction


Dating SimRomanceText-BasedVisual NovelCasualOtomeRelaxingSingleplayer
Being a photography-based influencer was the goal, but everyone called it a pipe dream - and they were right. A "failed" career, no job, no money, and a mountain of debt, April ends up moving back t.....
Banner of Hearts in Orbit: When Stars Align

Hearts in Orbit: When Stars Align

RomanceVisual NovelCasualOtomeLGBTQ+FantasySingleplayerAnime
In the land of Astron there is a legend, a story that has been passed down for generations. The story tells the tale of two stars who were madly in love with each other. Their love was so powerful in ...
Banner of Magic Construct - 魔力构造

Magic Construct - 魔力构造

Real Time TacticsArcherySurvivalStrategyCraftingCasualOtomeWar
Background of the storyMagic Construction "is a 3d adventure game with an anime fantasy style.Here, various dark monsters gather, greedily absorbing the magic of this world, and the world is going to ...
Banner of Solo Leveling:Arise

Top 6 anticipated RPGs of 2024

Banner of Him, the Smile & bloom

Him, the Smile & bloom

Dating SimRomanceText-BasedVisual NovelCasualOtomeComedySingleplayer
Step into a world of romance and flowers in this refreshingly mature otome that charts the lives of four couples, centered around a local flower shop. ‘Him, the Smile & bloom’ is a unique exploratio.....
Banner of Love is in the Airship

Love is in the Airship

Dating SimRomanceDemonsVisual NovelCasualOtomeLGBTQ+Fantasy
It's your first time holding a real job. Like a real-deal job with a lot of responsibilities. You're an executive assistant aboard the U.S.S. Tibarn, the biggest airship in the world. It's embarking o...
Banner of Find Cats 吃货猫奇遇

Find Cats 吃货猫奇遇

RetroCartoonCreature CollectorPoint & ClickCasualOtomeAdventureFantasy
Find cats🔗linkAbout the Game"This is a cute game for finding foodie kittens!" A few maps and a chance to find the furry creatures that are cleverly hid...
Banner of Akizora Memories - Horizon of Fate -

Akizora Memories - Horizon of Fate -

Dating SimRomanceSci-fiInteractive FictionVisual NovelCasualOtomeAdventure
◤Young Adult SF Visual Novel◢Akizora Memories - Horizon of Fate -A boarding school with no sporting events, where all the clubs are focused on art and culture…At this slightly unconventional school,.....
Banner of Stellifier


Lore-RichDating SimRomanceText-BasedInteractive FictionRPGVisual NovelOtome
Discover the allure of older idols in this drama game about an older group making a comeback from retirement, featuring a GxB/BxB/non-binary romance! ◆ Choose your love interest: VA: Patrick LangnerV....
Banner of 卡丹历险记


CartoonLevel EditorAction RPGAction RoguelikeActionCartoonyMartial ArtsRPG
Banner of AnnaRedux


Pixel GraphicsDating SimStrategyDetectiveRPGHorrorOtomeAdventure
游戏介绍《Anna Redux》是一款女性向恐怖解谜RPG游戏。游戏中你将扮演女主角玛丽安娜在邮轮上探索,寻求获取生机的唯一正解。游戏特色多种剧情解谜:游戏设有多个剧情线索和谜题,要求你在邮轮上的各个角落寻找线索,解开一系列谜团。从简单的寻找物品到复杂的逻辑推理,每一个谜题都紧密连接着邮轮上的秘密。成功解开谜题将揭露隐藏的剧情分支,引领你接近真相。狼人杀投票:随着剧情的发展,你将参与紧张刺激的狼....
Banner of My Daughter In Family Ai

My Daughter In Family Ai

IdlerProcedural GenerationRPGCRPGVisual NovelCasualOtomeSingleplayer
As the one who has been entrusted with their young child by FengHuang, you are going to role-playing as the father/mother of the young daughter in My Daughter in Family Ai and parenting her to the ad....
Banner of BarGirls


SolitaireAction RPGLinearStrategyJRPGRPGVisual NovelCasual
Bar Girls: Daddy's GirlsThis is a girl gameWelcome to the world of Bar Girls, an underground bar full of charm and secrets. Here, meet our charming heroines, and their unique portraits will add in...
Banner of Money And Lady | 财貌双全

Money And Lady | 财貌双全

CartoonyStrategyCatsRoguelikeJRPGRPGTable gameCasual
Welcome everyone to follow our Steam gaming communityWe will provide game related assistance, game patches, and event updates in the Steam gaming communityI konw you~Love you all!4K HD game + 5.6G ext...
Banner of Where Foxes 狐狸在哪里

Where Foxes 狐狸在哪里

CatsCreature CollectorCasualOtomeRelaxingSingleplayerHand-drawn
Search for 100 foxs.A carefully hand drawn scene filled with cute characters.The process is short and won't take up too much player time.You can choose your favorite dyeing for the convenience of c...
Banner of The Garden of the Gods

The Garden of the Gods

RomanceVisual NovelCasualOtomeSingleplayerSimulation
Do you believe in Gods' existence ?This is the story of a young girl led by an unexpected fate."The Garden of the Gods", a love simulation game (otome)The curtain is opening now on a...
Banner of Dates & Wires: Augmented Edition

Dates & Wires: Augmented Edition

Lore-RichDating SimRomanceAlternate HistoryVisual NovelOtomeNonlinearDark Comedy
The year is 1995, and you're newly single, ready to mingle... and fresh off the plane in Stradania, the dysfunctional micronation whose chief exports are pig iron, human misery, and radioactive souven...
Banner of Dream Land

[Be the pioneer] Check out upcoming&beta games this week - Mar. 10

Banner of Find Cats 3 旅行猫咪

Find Cats 3 旅行猫咪

RetroCartoonCatsCreature CollectorPoint & ClickCasualOtomeAdventure
“A cute game for cat lovers of all ages! There are several maps and the opportunity to look for furry ones that are hiding intelligently!” 500 cats [5% are hidden cats] 10 maps [5 are hidden maps]The ...


RomanceText-BasedDarkIdlerVisual NovelCasualOtomeNonlinear
Asra Diwal is a masterful evader who steers clear of all responsibility, but problems always turn out to be much faster than she is. In an effort to secure an easy and carefree life as Inspector Hor's...
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