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Top RPG Games

Top RPG Games

Banner of 三国志ブラスト-少年ヒーローズ


◇◇◇ログインするだけで二十連ガチャできる!◇◇◇◇◇◇世界で1億ダウンロード突破!本格三国志スマホゲーム!◇◇◇【誰もがヒーローになれる! 】三国世界に迷い込んだ少年になり、武将たちと出会い、戦い、有名戦役を経験して自分だけのヒーローになろう!【大量ログイ...
Banner of HELIOS Rising Heroes

HELIOS Rising Heroes

storiesIt's a great presence that protects the peace and is loved by all.A high-energy body from space 50 years ago.It crashed in millions.It had a huge impact on the resource-poor planet....
Banner of R5


◈ 12 CLASS X Raid 5 ◈새로운 원정대의 익스트림 레이드!자세한 내용은 아래 공식 카페를 통해 확인 부탁드립니다.▶공식카페 주소 : 🔗link▶게임 소개◀휴먼과 뱀파이어의 세상에 없던 조합!“R5”만의 독창적이고 새로운 세계를 경험하세요!┗ 보스레이드 ┓새로운 스타...
Banner of Sausage Man

7 mobile games you should try with your friends!

Banner of Haunted House

Haunted House

The new game "Haunted House The Locksmith on the First Floor" is here! A Hong Kong-style story game that leads players to explore a mysterious building and experience a thrilling adventure!"Haunted .....
Banner of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition JP

FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES Remastered Edition follows a young group, known as the Crystal Caravans, as they embark on an epic journey to search for myrrh, a precious and rare liquid needed to cl...
Banner of Gate of Chaos

Gate of Chaos

App SubtitleIMAX cinematic graphics. Seamless Open World.App Description‘Gate of Chaos’ is a mobile game created with the Unreal Engine 4, bringing you a vast open world of all-round visuals on p...
Banner of Hotel Hideaway: Avatar & Chat

Hotel Hideaway: Avatar & Chat

Create your 3D avatar and jump into this exciting Metaverse Virtual World! Will you become a charismatic Social Butterfly, a Style Icon, or perhaps the Ultimate Home Decorista? The choice is yours!E.....
Banner of Meow Hunter

Meow Hunter

Meow Hunter is a pixel side-scrolling action RPG featuring adorable cat characters. It combines classic roguelike elements with the exhilarating combat experiences of platformer games.In this meow-v.....
Banner of Pixel Heroes -CBT

Pixel Heroes -CBT Test Global

RPGPixelStory Rich
Entering the realm in an instant, you find yourself in a pixelated world of swords and magic."Pixel Heroes: Tales of Emond" is a classic Japanese-style RPG pixel art casual idle game. The legendary .....
Banner of SelfQuest


Main Features:Guilds: Join a guild and hold yourself and friends accountableEpic Quests: Track your core exercises with engaging main quests. Complete them to earn experience points (XP) and gold....
Banner of ArcheAge WAR

ArcheAge WAR Asia

The White Angel in the eyes of the innocent, a terrifying nightmare in the eyes of evil beingsThe descendant of the Mother Goddess, "Herstan, the Benevolent God of the Underworld," has arrived. Come ....
Banner of A Certain Magical Index: Imaginary Fest

A Certain Magical Index: Imaginary Fest JP

A Certain Magical Index: Imaginary Fest is a "superpower battle RPG" based on TV anime and light novel series A Certain Magical Index.
Banner of 食物語-治愈系羈絆養成RPG

食物語-治愈系羈絆養成RPG TW

一切遇見 皆有溫度「一切始於相遇,因你而溫暖。」頂尖Live 2D技術,使所有角色都不再受限,讓他們都擁有能觸動人心的靈魂。每位角色均具備數十種情緒、千種表情、破萬字人設故事與全語音深度繹配。從相遇開始,傳達最真實、最漫延心間的溫暖。無盡旅途 一路守護「願成為你手中利刃,為你掃清一切障礙!」肉盾、輸出、治療、輔助,多職業卡牌協力作戰!群控、附毒、破防、反傷、封技、爆發,多樣化策略隊伍...
Banner of Disney Sorcerer's Arena

Disney Sorcerer's Arena Global

Disney Sorcerer’s Arena is the ultimate Turn-Based RPG with Real-Time PvP. Enter the bold and competitive world of the Sorcerer where every choice you make determines your legacy. Assemble your roster...
Banner of Miracland Saga

Miracland Saga

Experience an Epic MMORPG Adventure!====================================Download Miracland Saga now to embark on a thrilling action-packed journey! Explore a challenging world of adventure, featurin.....
Banner of Peglin - A Pachinko Roguelike

Peglin - A Pachinko Roguelike

The award-winning roguelike-deckbuilder Peglin is finally available on Android! This version lets you try it before you buy it with unlimited access to the first third of the game and a one-time purch...
Banner of Genshin Impact

Games recommended if you're bored (Anime)

Banner of Monster Never Cry

Monster Never Cry

Join Monster Never Cry for amazing rewards and embark on a revolutionary anti-hero RPG journey!Dear [Demon Lord], the time has come to assemble your [Devil Legion] and rebuild the Exiled City from t.....
Banner of Battle Souls

Battle Souls

A long time ago, a strange moon appeared in the sky, since then the world has begun to collapse slowly, sinking into the sea. When this happened, the gods went north through the mountains, leaving the...
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